14 BBY.
Five years after Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005), which would place it 9 years before Star Wars: Rebels (2014) and 14 years before Rogue One (2016) and Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977).
Cal Kestis: A former Jedi Padawan that narrowly escaped the Great Jedi Purge/General Order 66, Cal has kept a low profile as a mechanic for a salvage guild that collects and refurbishes leftover technology from the Clone Wars. After years of carefully staying off the grid, a near fatal accident occurs on the job, and he instinctively uses his Force powers to save a friend's life. Drawing the attention of Imperial Assassins, Cal goes on the run, and gets involved in a mystery involving an ancient civilization that may tie into revelations about the Jedi from more recent films.
BD-1: Cal's trusty astromech sidekick, filling a role similar to R2-D2 and BB-8.
Cere Junda: A more experienced Jedi Knight who also managed to elude the Empire's hunt, she becomes something of a mentor to Cal after he is forced on the run.
Greez Dritus: An alien pilot who captains the Stinger Mantis, a freighter that serves as Cal and Cere's ship.
Saw Gerrera: A hero of the Clone Wars who once fought alongside the Jedi, Saw now leads the Partisans, a resistance movement fighting a guerilla campaign against the Empire.
Trilla Suduri: Also known as the Second Sister, Trilla is corrupted Jedi who has joined The Inquisitorius, the Dark Jedi hit squad previously seen in Star Wars: Rebels. Not trained to the level of a Sith and not strong enough to contend with the likes of Obi-Wan Kenobi or Yoda, the Inquisitors are tasked with hunting down "the Children of The Force" (Force Adepts whose abilities are discovered after the destruction of the Jedi Order), and either eliminate or indoctrinate them, depending on their perceived value to the Empire. As lower numbers indicate higher rank and skill level within the organization, the Second Sister is one of their senior members. Like most of the Inquisitors, she wields a red double bladed lightsaber in battle. She also has a detail of Deathtroopers under her command.
Masana Tide: Also known as the Ninth Sister, Masana is a physically imposing alien who serves as a heavy hitter for the Inquisitors. Due to her size, she lacks the agility of her more humanoid counterparts, and has to rely on brute strength. She has been heavily modified with cybernetics; Darth Vader replaced her eyes with prosthetics to teach her a lesson in loss, and she lost a leg battling fugitive Jedi Ferren Barr.
Sheev Palpatine: At the height of his power at this point, as there is not a cohesive Rebel Alliance yet, and most of the galaxy still considers it suicide to openly challenge the Empire. Cal comes across the remains of a dead Clonetrooper, the still functioning communicator displays a holographic recording of Palpatine ordering the troopers to execute General Order 66.
Darth Vader: The founder of the Inquisitorius, the Second and Ninth Sisters report to him.
Sorc Tormo: A crime boss who leads a gang called the Haxion Brood. He owns an arena where he forces prisoners to fight in gladiatorial combat to the death. Greez owes him money due to his gambling debts.
Security droids of the same model as K2-S0 are confirmed to appear, as are Viper Probe Droids.
The game also introduces Purge Troopers, a larger variant of the Deathtrooper with a fighting style similar to the Riot Troopers and Executioners from the Sequel Trilogy.
BD-1: Cal's trusty astromech sidekick, filling a role similar to R2-D2 and BB-8.
Cere Junda: A more experienced Jedi Knight who also managed to elude the Empire's hunt, she becomes something of a mentor to Cal after he is forced on the run.
Greez Dritus: An alien pilot who captains the Stinger Mantis, a freighter that serves as Cal and Cere's ship.
Saw Gerrera: A hero of the Clone Wars who once fought alongside the Jedi, Saw now leads the Partisans, a resistance movement fighting a guerilla campaign against the Empire.
Trilla Suduri: Also known as the Second Sister, Trilla is corrupted Jedi who has joined The Inquisitorius, the Dark Jedi hit squad previously seen in Star Wars: Rebels. Not trained to the level of a Sith and not strong enough to contend with the likes of Obi-Wan Kenobi or Yoda, the Inquisitors are tasked with hunting down "the Children of The Force" (Force Adepts whose abilities are discovered after the destruction of the Jedi Order), and either eliminate or indoctrinate them, depending on their perceived value to the Empire. As lower numbers indicate higher rank and skill level within the organization, the Second Sister is one of their senior members. Like most of the Inquisitors, she wields a red double bladed lightsaber in battle. She also has a detail of Deathtroopers under her command.
Masana Tide: Also known as the Ninth Sister, Masana is a physically imposing alien who serves as a heavy hitter for the Inquisitors. Due to her size, she lacks the agility of her more humanoid counterparts, and has to rely on brute strength. She has been heavily modified with cybernetics; Darth Vader replaced her eyes with prosthetics to teach her a lesson in loss, and she lost a leg battling fugitive Jedi Ferren Barr.
Sheev Palpatine: At the height of his power at this point, as there is not a cohesive Rebel Alliance yet, and most of the galaxy still considers it suicide to openly challenge the Empire. Cal comes across the remains of a dead Clonetrooper, the still functioning communicator displays a holographic recording of Palpatine ordering the troopers to execute General Order 66.
Darth Vader: The founder of the Inquisitorius, the Second and Ninth Sisters report to him.
Sorc Tormo: A crime boss who leads a gang called the Haxion Brood. He owns an arena where he forces prisoners to fight in gladiatorial combat to the death. Greez owes him money due to his gambling debts.
Security droids of the same model as K2-S0 are confirmed to appear, as are Viper Probe Droids.
The game also introduces Purge Troopers, a larger variant of the Deathtrooper with a fighting style similar to the Riot Troopers and Executioners from the Sequel Trilogy.
The game takes place in 5 BBY. Solo starts in 13 BBY and then 3 years later in 10 BBY. So the game takes place 2 years before the start of Solo and then 5 years from the majority of Solo.
Season 1 of Bad Batch starts during order 66. So it begins in 19 BBY. It's unclear when season 2 takes place. But likely within a year or two or season 1. Therefore Jedi: Fallen Order takes place after both seasons.
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