533 reviews
I don't understand why there are so many individuals stating the show exaggerates or skews autism symptoms. My son is on the spectrum, and in the autism works when you know one person with autism, you know one person with autism. That is why they call it a spectrum disorder. I feel this show did a great job of depicting Asperger's syndrome or high functioning autism. The actor is on point...lack of eye contact, sensory processing issues, blurting out inappropriate things, not being able to read others feelings, social struggles, his obsession with one subject, his outbursts...all the way to his food preferences. They also did a great job with how the sister is pushed aside and the marital struggles due to the stress of the autism. The fears the mother has reminds me of myself. I highly suggest this show; especially for families who have been blessed with an family member who is autistic. I hope it will be back for a second season.
- amandakuech
- Aug 23, 2017
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- gavin-ferreiro
- Aug 17, 2017
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- MrMcMurphy
- Aug 11, 2017
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How can you make a show this amazing and only give us 10 30 minute episode's and leave us were you did. I NEED season 3 now. This is honestly one of the best shows I have seen in a long time. Thanks Netflix!
It's nice that there is finally a well written series starring a kid with autism... great cast of actors . Great story lines.... Well thought out... well done folks! Great work by all involved, and Michael Rappaport's the Dad! Jennifer Jason Leigh did a great job of producing this series... character development is really well done. What can I say more? Watch the series
- roddywelles
- Aug 11, 2017
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I relate to so much of the quirky things throughout and enjoy so many scenes! Keir Gilchrist is so great as Sam, crazy how he hasn't been nominated. I rarely use Netflix cause I watch so much other stuff but this is always worth it; I have adapted over the years to love my autism traits even though it's very difficult too! I am so glad ASD has become more known at least to some extent some people don't know what it is and that's always awkward. Regardless of anything Atypical is phenomenal and I always appreciate every episode.
- UniqueParticle
- Nov 19, 2019
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I'm hoping that in Season 3 her character is less annoying, if not I will have to stop watching.
- stephen-790
- Oct 29, 2018
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- robert-b-norby
- Aug 11, 2017
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One of my personal favorites.
This series is one of the top 10 series I have ever seen. It is unnaturally refreshing, and it always makes me feel happy or even sad.
The first season is perfect and the second season is better than the first and the third has episodes that I consider the best in the series, so I will say it with confidence. I hope that the fourth and final season maintains its current level and its current rating is 8.3 and deserves to enter the top 250 list in the best list because it is the best.
The gorgeous characters Sam, Casey, Zahid, Evan, Elissa and Doug are all superb.
Even if the fourth season is not good, I hope the series maintains its rating and I hope a comfortable ending
- ahmedgorshy
- Oct 22, 2020
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Sam from Atypical is so much like my son, and yet so different. Sam's roller coaster life has given my son hope for his future. He was feeling as if he could not graduate high school and have a life. My son is 15 and a sophomore. Sam's character is mesmerizing, funny, sad, interesting, and plain amazing! Watching Sam has been such a great way for my son to recognize that life for him is going to be tough but, we can laugh and cry and freak out. It's alright. It will all work out some how.
My son watching Sam and Paige has also given him hope in having a girlfriend that likes him for who he is.
Atypical is the absolute best show to watch for families with a child on the spectrum - despite all the horrible reviews. I'm sure those reviews are from people that do not see Sam in children on the spectrum. Which is kind of the point - no child on the spectrum is the same and the reviews that say we need to keep trying to find the perfect way to represent kids with autism do NOT understand autism's unique characteristics.
I think those people should make their own show about their views of autism and leave Atypical alone. It's amazing and wonderful. Sweet and inspirational. Sam is a super amazknf kid - and so similar to my son and my students - yep! I'm also a teacher that works in a school for children with autism. I love every single one of my students, and all their unique abilities.
Sam Gardner - keep on keeping on. Don't let horrible people keep you down - they just don't get you! And that's alright. You are a bright shining star! And so is your real person, Keir, because without your incredible skills - Sam would not have been in my living while my son watched with a laundry basket over his head because he doesn't like big spaces either.
- countedto3
- Sep 28, 2018
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As much as I loved the idea of watching acomedy show on Autism and I believe that Sam and Doug characters were played very well... But when it comes to the mother's scenes I just can't stand it. She doesn't know how to act, she tries excessively to be cute and likable but she is anything but that. The face and act both look awkward.
- myriamsaeidi
- Dec 11, 2019
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I love this show and feel like I can watch it no matter what mood I'm in. I can understand why some are disappointed in season 4, but that's pretty common when a show tries to continue to be interesting. Also the music/soundtrack is amazing, especially in season 4. I read a few reviews and didn't see many giving kudos to Paige's character so I want to do that as well. She might be sort of on the sidelines but she was a main character to me!!
- banananatime
- Aug 19, 2022
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As others have noted, seasons 1-3 were enjoyable, though I did feel myself losing some interest in season 3. Now, after watching 4 episodes of season 4, I'm not sure I'll finish it, and definitely not looking forward to a season 5 should there be one. Not only is the show focusing more on gender identity and sexual orientation, but Sam's story is becoming secondary. There are plenty of shows about the former that one can tune into if interested - this was supposed to be a show about adjusting to life as an autistic individual. In addition, what there is of Sam's story is becoming nonsensical, and I really can't take much more of Ms. Leigh's character's manner of speaking. Went from a 7 or 8 to a 5, and I suspect it will go even lower if I watch more of it.
- jordan2240
- Jul 16, 2021
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I love this show. I've watched season 2 in two days and now have to wait with everything crossed that there is a season 3.
I love the character growth, love seeing these relationships blossom and grow (and sometimes crash and burn).
The whole cast are excellent, but Kier Gilchrist plays Sam so wonderfully well. He makes Sam so desperately likeable, you're just rooting for him to succeed at everything he does. And that heartwarming feeling when he does is fabulous.
It's a superbly acted, fantastically scripted, addictive and heartwarming show.
Give it a try.
It's a superbly acted, fantastically scripted, addictive and heartwarming show.
Give it a try.
- nickytotty
- Sep 23, 2018
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I absolutely loved it and watched everything in 1 go. Even my girlfriend who can barely finish an episode of anything without stopping in the middle and continuing at some other time, has watched both seasons in one evening.
Which leads to my only disappointment from this show so far, and that's the fact that the seasons are quite short.
The show is basically a comedy with some drama elements about an autistic high-school teenager. Unlike most of the other high-school shows out there, I actually liked this one because of the the amazing script. The time at school isn't the focus of this show. It's about everyone surrounding the autistic kid such as family, friends, therapists etc. You get to touch and feel all of their lives and the writers really did a great work to make you feel as if you're part of that family. The dialogues are not banal, the jokes are good and some of the characters are sweet as a candy and you'll just love them.
There are some exaggerated parts, but It really isn't that bad and I guess it's part of what makes the show feel a bit more light and fun rather than being too serious.
So far it's one of my most favorite TV shows that I'd recommend anyone to watch, and it's suitable for the entire family.
The show is basically a comedy with some drama elements about an autistic high-school teenager. Unlike most of the other high-school shows out there, I actually liked this one because of the the amazing script. The time at school isn't the focus of this show. It's about everyone surrounding the autistic kid such as family, friends, therapists etc. You get to touch and feel all of their lives and the writers really did a great work to make you feel as if you're part of that family. The dialogues are not banal, the jokes are good and some of the characters are sweet as a candy and you'll just love them.
There are some exaggerated parts, but It really isn't that bad and I guess it's part of what makes the show feel a bit more light and fun rather than being too serious.
So far it's one of my most favorite TV shows that I'd recommend anyone to watch, and it's suitable for the entire family.
- smcneely121
- Nov 6, 2019
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- abhinav_duggal
- Nov 3, 2019
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I'm watching "Atypical". (thank you Lauren). I'm so glad I stumbled (with a little shove by my sister "L") on this Netflix original series. Here's my "Atypical" reasons why. I'm a Mom with similar feelings and fears as the Mom in the series, so I can relate. My "atypical" son *loves* the main actor Keir Gilchrist, therefore I do, and more specifically, one of the only movies my son can actually sit through the whole thing is a Keir Gilchrist movie called "It's Kind of a Funny Story".
The main character, "Sam", hyper focuses on the Arctic and penguins relating everything, pretty much, in life, to that focus, like my son relates everything to Minecraft. He gets stuck on words, takes things literally, smiles awkwardly when expected on cue, and is effing hilarious...All atypical qualities that makes the movie and my son, exceptional.
I give this series 10 stars but more importantly, I give this series the full one hour sit through per episode with Minecraft and "I like pie" word rant breaks in between.
The main character, "Sam", hyper focuses on the Arctic and penguins relating everything, pretty much, in life, to that focus, like my son relates everything to Minecraft. He gets stuck on words, takes things literally, smiles awkwardly when expected on cue, and is effing hilarious...All atypical qualities that makes the movie and my son, exceptional.
I give this series 10 stars but more importantly, I give this series the full one hour sit through per episode with Minecraft and "I like pie" word rant breaks in between.
- vgoodness-59302
- Aug 19, 2017
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The first chapter got me. The others made me fell in love with the whole characters. Is about this complete family life with a kid whom has autism and how the experience of him in puberty, but the impact it creates on the whole family too.
Is really charming, lovable, sweet, intense and, most of all, deep and inner.
Keir Gilchrist (Sam), has the ability to perform exquisite his character, he is really promising. Plus the writers made an excellent development on the character. He is Autistic but not too much; not social, but neither too much; smart but neither too much. He keeps on the creepy exact balance that make his character unique.
The supportive sister portrait by Brigette Lundy-Paine, whom I haven't seen before on performance, is also great; she is this defensive strong girl whom has the soft spot: Her brother.
The whole family casting is awesome too, long time no see Michael Rappaport on such a good show. He does quite a good performance as a supporting father, he has the soft spot on the family, but also the leading male. Really good.
Is a must watch for every teen who has a friend with spectral autism, or a family or just knows someone in their school. Fully recommend it.
Is really charming, lovable, sweet, intense and, most of all, deep and inner.
Keir Gilchrist (Sam), has the ability to perform exquisite his character, he is really promising. Plus the writers made an excellent development on the character. He is Autistic but not too much; not social, but neither too much; smart but neither too much. He keeps on the creepy exact balance that make his character unique.
The supportive sister portrait by Brigette Lundy-Paine, whom I haven't seen before on performance, is also great; she is this defensive strong girl whom has the soft spot: Her brother.
The whole family casting is awesome too, long time no see Michael Rappaport on such a good show. He does quite a good performance as a supporting father, he has the soft spot on the family, but also the leading male. Really good.
Is a must watch for every teen who has a friend with spectral autism, or a family or just knows someone in their school. Fully recommend it.
- EuricSanti
- Aug 11, 2017
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First 3 seasons were absolute must. S4 plot is so weak. Despite the fact, all of actors are doing great and Casey(sister) played genially, her character is driving the series to the wrong direction with its meaningless drama twist without actual drama.
- Almost_Soldout
- Jul 13, 2021
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This show was awesome! Can't wait until the next season (there better be one!!!!!!!!) Glad to see autism in the spotlight! Witty dialogue, amazing actors & actresses. Autism ranges from severe to mild... every case is different! This was a great series that starts a conversation (that has never been talked about). Instead of being critical (other reviewers) why don't we applaud the talent and "pioneer-ism" that went into this series to pave the way!!! Highly recommend, Netflix is really making great TV!
Season 1-3 watchable. But god damn season 4 so boring why Casey getting so much Story she is not interesting at all. All that school stuff so damn annoying. SHOW US MORE OF SAMS LIFE!
- kraftpunk21
- Jul 13, 2021
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Centred around a teenage boy on the spectrum, Atypical explores a range of characters each with their own idiosyncrasies and circumstance. With an Autistic sibling if my own, I can certainly relate to the situations within the series, or at least, understand how they got there. Atypical is a wonderful exploration of autism itself and how it can affect the people around those on the spectrum.
- j-snodgrass89
- Nov 2, 2019
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