This story is 99 kinds of awesome. Would our government flood our cities with drugs to raise money to fund an op not approved by Congress.
That's the seeming question at the heart of this story. But that's not really the question that needs to be asked.
The real question is "Whether with or without Congress on board, is there anything our government would not do out of the conviction that we are the good guys, and that the ends justifies any and all kinds of means of getting there?"
That is the question at the very heart of many, many, many episodes in our history: Vietnam, Iran-Contra, the Iraq war, Native American genocide, Treaty-breaking, Slavery, on and on and on. . . We always claim the high ground. Yet history hugs the low ground. So here's the kicker, if you want to understand the character of an individual, you look into his/her history.
If you want to understand the character of a nation, a people, you look at their history, too.
This is the way. . . .