126 reviews
This is a wonderful show that balances action with humanity in a great way. The action is always interesting and well executed, and the human side of things is well done with great acting performances. The story lines are tight and well performed, and I can say I truly enjoy watching this show.
The Brave is awesome.
It's like "The Unit" without the wodden side story of the wifes.
It has the tactical strength of Strike Back with recognizable tactics and weapons.
Anne Heche is horribly miscasted, and unfortunately every scene she's in is bad. The rest of the cast is excellent though, and to address the elephant in the review: Yes, this is better than Seal Team.
It's like "The Unit" without the wodden side story of the wifes.
It has the tactical strength of Strike Back with recognizable tactics and weapons.
Anne Heche is horribly miscasted, and unfortunately every scene she's in is bad. The rest of the cast is excellent though, and to address the elephant in the review: Yes, this is better than Seal Team.
It took me a couple to three episodes to get into this show and now I enjoying watching it. Yes, there's a lot of errors with technical jargon, etc but hey this is TV and most of the things they do on TV is NOT real. Remember Quick Sand in all those old tv westerns? Yeah, not so real. So you take it with a grain of salt and enjoy this show for what it is. A pretty decent way to spend an hour watching a pretty good action show. I certainly hope they renew The Brave because I have come to really enjoy watching it.
We love it!! So much better than that other similar show on CBS. Well scripted and the actors are amazing! The show is action packed and does not get hung up with a bunch of boring drama crap that tries to delve into their personal lives. NBC has a great show that needs to come back for another season.
- david-237-62567
- Nov 24, 2017
- Permalink
I watch this show because I love the camaraderie between the main characters. They really care about each other and I don't care what the plot is I'm going to watch it just for that reason!
Anne Heche the main star does a tremendous job. She is a great actress and does not deserve any negatives. What else do I like about her character? Her clothes are loose fitting, she's got short hair, and she doesn't wear 6-inch heels (at least all the time)! When I watch other police or crime dramas, they always have the female characters in 6-inch heels with clothes so tight they wrinklle, low-cut tops tops, (and boring long straight hair). So unlike the real workplace and normal women. Producers (like Harvey Weinstein) in charge of these shows, should be made to answer by the "me-too" movement because they are so sexist the way they dress these women characters.
- lindajean4044
- Jan 15, 2018
- Permalink
I think this is a great show. Its no more far fetched or inaccurate as SVU or Chicago PD. In fact its much. More accurate than any of the CSI or NCIS shows. I do agree Anne Heche is the weak link. But I think its a great show and its too bad its being cancelled. I guess someone wants to make room for another ridiculous fake unreal reality show.
- nunya-45951
- Jan 6, 2018
- Permalink
I like this show and recommend it. Better than any of its competition.
Good cast. Intelligent storylines. Well paced. I remain interested and sometimes a bit involved. I hope it is renewed.
Good cast. Intelligent storylines. Well paced. I remain interested and sometimes a bit involved. I hope it is renewed.
- charliehalboth
- Dec 19, 2017
- Permalink
I was looking for an alternative to 'Strike back' and found this. I like this show. Keeps my heart beat up. Bit similar to 'Seal Team'. One of the best military theme dramas in 2017. Anne, Mike, Tate, Natacha, Noah all cast is doing a great job. Military theme dramas should have interesting material. It is unfortunate this type of dramas don't last long.
- lindajean4044
- Nov 19, 2017
- Permalink
To be honest, I only watched the first two episodes. After I watched the pilot, I have no interest whatsoever and completely bored. Then forcing myself to watch another one, I'm just utterly shocked that there are people would willingly produce this stuff. If you are a true, die-hard patriot of the United States, that's cool and I'm not against you by any means. But the dialogues, characters' names (antagonists particularly), settings, and story plots are nothing but cliché. Outcomes are extremely predictable, antagonists are like retards, and everything in this show lack originality.
If you have somewhat of a standard for motion pictures, you'll see the things I mentioned in a heartbeat. Modern propaganda isn't slogan on posters anymore, I've been to certain countries that still run propaganda, they are all on these TV shows about the military or a strike team, this is just like that. Like I said before, my intention isn't to offend any patriots out there, just a comparison.
If you have somewhat of a standard for motion pictures, you'll see the things I mentioned in a heartbeat. Modern propaganda isn't slogan on posters anymore, I've been to certain countries that still run propaganda, they are all on these TV shows about the military or a strike team, this is just like that. Like I said before, my intention isn't to offend any patriots out there, just a comparison.
- weipengrui
- Nov 6, 2017
- Permalink
Watched all of the currently available episodes and I like this show. The actors play very well off of each other, it feels as if they've been in this team for yonks. Not like in some shows where you see and feel the actors aren't used to each other yet, The Brave doesn't have that at all. It works. I like the stories, the variety of characters (Caucasian, Arabic etc) and it's simply great to see Anne Heche, I like her in this role.
Someone said Sverdlovsk is not in the Ukraine (episode 2): Maybe Google before you complain --> There is indeed a Sverdlovsk in Russia as well, but that's more of a region. The city of Sverdlovsk however IS in the Ukraine: "Sverdlovsk is a city in Luhansk Oblast of south-eastern Ukraine on the border with the Russian Federation. Wikipedia"
Someone said Sverdlovsk is not in the Ukraine (episode 2): Maybe Google before you complain --> There is indeed a Sverdlovsk in Russia as well, but that's more of a region. The city of Sverdlovsk however IS in the Ukraine: "Sverdlovsk is a city in Luhansk Oblast of south-eastern Ukraine on the border with the Russian Federation. Wikipedia"
- kristal-42201
- Oct 9, 2017
- Permalink
Great show! the best show on tv this year..............
- imilo-85843
- Jan 20, 2018
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THE BRAVE (NBC), SEAL TEAM (CBS): I group these together because it's the same show - different casts but the same predictable plot lines, same characters - each with some kind of specialty, same trite dialogue ('You can run, but you can't hide.' They actually paid someone to write that?), same mediocre acting, same over-edited action sequences, and same female commander just like every other procedural show on TV with the possible exception of NCIS. (Before you get all bent out of shape over this, I get it. I understand the necessity for equality, but com' on! Really? I think we've reached the saturation point.) Their job is to stand in front of a slew of monitors, supposedly watching events in real time so they can spot problems and advise their teams on counter measures, all the while emoting expressions of concern during and relief after the operation is completed so they can deliver the 'Well done team. Return to base.' line, while the other members of the team in the situation room clap and congratulate each other on another successful mission. The pity is, there are some good people wasted in these: Anne Heche and Mike Vogel in The Brave, and David Boreanaz stars in Seal Team. The deserve better material than this and so do we. Neither is worth your time. Score: The Brave: 6, Seal Team: 5. I'd be very surprised it either lasts a full season.
- stankactorman
- Sep 29, 2017
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- Moviemaniac-55146
- Dec 10, 2017
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excellent character driven special forces ensemble piece. well written, acted and produced. believable scenarios that at times feel as if pulled from current headlines/conflicts. given that the brave airs on NBC it is missing the raunchier aspects of cinemax's strike back, but shares that program's attention to detail and development of character, building of relationships/friendships. well balanced between action in the field and planning in operations. watch it now...
I'm not a huge watcher of television shows... unless it's something like The Voice or Dancing with the Stars. I just happened to catch this show after an episode of The Voice and OMG, I loved it!
I think that episode was #6 for the season, so I went back and binge watched episodes 1-5.
I think the casting is great. I see that some feel Anne Heche is not convincing, but I disagree. I find her perfect for the role; cool, calm, yet emotionally passionate. I think that if this series is allowed to continue and the characters can develop, this will be a truly great show.
I think that episode was #6 for the season, so I went back and binge watched episodes 1-5.
I think the casting is great. I see that some feel Anne Heche is not convincing, but I disagree. I find her perfect for the role; cool, calm, yet emotionally passionate. I think that if this series is allowed to continue and the characters can develop, this will be a truly great show.
- cathyrfarkos
- Nov 7, 2017
- Permalink
The variety of story lines, cinematography, acting, and pace in this TV series is really good. Each episode begins with a "tag you're it" and ends with all the heroes coming home, but it is entertaining and flows very well. Years ago we liked 24 and more recently Narcos. The Brave is an excellent production and we hope to see more of it after this season!
- jimthorstad
- Nov 8, 2017
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This show is awesome. Dont know why it wasn't renewed for a 2nd season. So many more stories that could have carried this series for years
- slammysammy
- Nov 8, 2019
- Permalink
I enjoy this show a lot and make sure I don't miss an episode. Great cast, with forays to various locations, and plot twists that make the action unpredictable. Perhaps there are a few flaws technically, but not serious enough to bother the average civilian viewer. These shows make me appreciate what goes on behind the scenes to keep us and our freedoms safe.
- matthijsalexander
- Oct 5, 2017
- Permalink
I find the show compelling, entertaining and something to look forward to week to week. The actors are a great fit and kudos to Mike Vogel and Anne Heche for their performances so far. The story telling keeps me guessing and engaged. Isn't that what a TV series is made for? I hope to see it develop into a great character driven show and it is on it's way there. Give it a chance. Watch it ... you won't be disappointed.
- vella_josette
- Nov 19, 2017
- Permalink
I like Mike Vogel. He's well cast here as the steady Eddie lead of the tactical team. I like Anne Heche, she can do most anything. I'm not too hard to entertain and liked the premise of this show and it's entertaining enough with all the usual conflicts characters have in tv shows. It's good. Mike is handsome. What's the problem. It's TV.
- Dragonborn64
- May 16, 2022
- Permalink
Entertaining show, loved it.
People hate these days, just because they feel it's cool to do so...
People hate these days, just because they feel it's cool to do so...
- mischif-13896
- Aug 23, 2018
- Permalink
The action is well choreographed...very impressive...
this show is one in the many shows of this genre...does it do much to try and differentiate itself? Not really...
but they do get the action right...i guess sometimes you just want to sit back and watch a well presented mindless action...well executed and well choreographed...
on top of that...there's not much really...it's a pity...if anyone asks me...I'd say it ended right when it should have...i bet a second season would have completely ruined this...one season is enough...
the acting wasn't perfect...not too glaring to be bad though...some clichés here and there but nothing that can't be ignored really...
this show is one in the many shows of this genre...does it do much to try and differentiate itself? Not really...
but they do get the action right...i guess sometimes you just want to sit back and watch a well presented mindless action...well executed and well choreographed...
on top of that...there's not much really...it's a pity...if anyone asks me...I'd say it ended right when it should have...i bet a second season would have completely ruined this...one season is enough...
the acting wasn't perfect...not too glaring to be bad though...some clichés here and there but nothing that can't be ignored really...
- Nostradamus_esquire
- Aug 27, 2022
- Permalink
As I watched few episodes, I was quite astonished by episode two. It was about one of the main protagonists hiding in Ukraine. The problem was with the atmosphere and caricaturе Rambo-style portrayal of rebels and Russians. To begin with, people don't look there as they are from 1950s. The area doesn't look like poor version of Ukranian portion of Brighton Beach. They don't say "Russians take things without paying" because most of them are Russians in that region. The whole set up is completely unrealistic. Russian say what no Russian would ever say, they act totally fake. Good screenplays should be close to reality, but this one creates its own. It's OK when it does not correspond with real geographic location. But if it does and it's not true, then it's propaganda or dissemation of ignorance.