206 reviews
It took two episodes for me to get over how much like the mentalist this shows plot seemed to be. Once I started picking up the "now you see me" vibe I was hooked. The music between that movie and this show is very similar.
One of my favorite movies mixed with my favorite show.... yea I'll take it.
- jennkilpatrick
- Apr 20, 2018
- Permalink
It never fails that shows that I'm attracted to end up being canceled and this show is not the exception.I loved the actors and they had good chemistry and the theme was a little redundant with that being a police consultant, but this was unique compared to the others and gave some "magic".Oh well.
- MiketheWhistle
- May 12, 2018
- Permalink
Geez, reading through some of these reviews and they are harsh.
If you are looking for a decent police procedural show (which l usually am) this isn't bad. The cast is good looking and can act, the quality of production is good and the story lines are interesting.
Now if only l could get a new crime show with a dead body at the beginning and a mystery to solve at the end, l'd be happy.
If you are looking for a decent police procedural show (which l usually am) this isn't bad. The cast is good looking and can act, the quality of production is good and the story lines are interesting.
Now if only l could get a new crime show with a dead body at the beginning and a mystery to solve at the end, l'd be happy.
I love this show! It is such fun, so exciting. My family looks forward to it every week. I just read that this was canceled 2 days ago and I feel sick. I haven't felt such a sense of excitement to watch an hour long show since Forever, which was also canceled after one season. I love the characters and the chemistry between the supporting characters. I love the actors playing the characters. They inhabit their characters, make them believable. I love the head game aspect of the plots. Why do networks give some shows with such great characters, concepts, acting, and scripts such a very short time to grow an audience? It makes very sad and wanting to forget network tv.
I think they were very stupid to cancel the show. I never watched a crime tv show with law enforcement and magician(s) work together.
- QueenLucy9824
- May 13, 2018
- Permalink
I don't see the complaints about "The Mentalist." The concept of; plucky, male amateur working with solid no-nonsense female professional has been around since "Remington Steele!" It's a format that's open for interpretation and THIS show is working with illusionists. I enjoyed the cat and mouse game and I'll be watching this show on a regular basis.
If you like White Collar you will LOVE this one. It's such a fun show and clean enough to watch with children, which is hard to do these days. I hope there are many seasons!
- jessielynn2391
- Apr 24, 2018
- Permalink
1. The premise of the show is fascinating.
2. Most of the episodes have interesting plots.
3. The acting is very good.
4. Special effects ARE effective.
4. Whoever handles the background music ought to be fired! It seems like every other sentence or action is punctuated/accompanied by a blast of VERY loud music, often making it almost impossible to understand the dialogue. This factor alone is just about persuading me to stop watching the show.
4. Whoever handles the background music ought to be fired! It seems like every other sentence or action is punctuated/accompanied by a blast of VERY loud music, often making it almost impossible to understand the dialogue. This factor alone is just about persuading me to stop watching the show.
- britcomstan
- Apr 22, 2018
- Permalink
It's right up my alley. I love crime and I love magic. So far the tricks are pretty much realistic which is hard to find in his sort of thing and it's a lot of fun. Hope it lasts a long time
The premise was interesting and decently executed. The two leads (FBI agent Kay Daniels and Magician Cameron Black) seemed too young for their roles of being a senior agent and world class magician respectively but I suppose that is part of the illusion. It is nice that they explain some of the tricks at the denoument. I have not seen "the Mentalist" so I cannot complain that it is like that but I do see the criticism that it follows other shows' formulae.
As for the high ratings if one takes away the 200 tens you get a normal poisson distribution suggesting some plants in the rating scheme - perhaps from cast and crew wanting to give it a good send off. However I find crew and cast tend to be the most critical of a production so it may be another cohurt used to bump the ratings. This is further supported by the age distribution of voters being closely divided among the three main age groups whereas most productions receive ratings in the 19 to 30 grouping.
Just the same the first episode merits watching the second to see if some of the acting levels out and that it doesn't get too far fetched
As for the high ratings if one takes away the 200 tens you get a normal poisson distribution suggesting some plants in the rating scheme - perhaps from cast and crew wanting to give it a good send off. However I find crew and cast tend to be the most critical of a production so it may be another cohurt used to bump the ratings. This is further supported by the age distribution of voters being closely divided among the three main age groups whereas most productions receive ratings in the 19 to 30 grouping.
Just the same the first episode merits watching the second to see if some of the acting levels out and that it doesn't get too far fetched
- futuretype
- Mar 17, 2018
- Permalink
Deception is a great family show. Very sorry you people can not keep it on to give it a chance.
Sure, what panopticonartist said is all true. Someone with a special power is recruited or whatever by the authorities to help solve crime. It's still a fun premise, especially for those who enjoy superpowers. At least they don't have to fight aliens from another dimension. I mean, why is Superman a cool idea? So that he can fight all the super-weird guys from other dimensions, or planets, or timelines, or who have been bitten by a different radioactive bug?
No! Superman is fun because he embodies what we would do for good with that power. All of these super-villians are a boring distraction. But these superheros, Castle, The Mentalist, Bones are using their powers for what any of us would do with such.
And so, even though it hasn't found the right tone yet, I hope it does. It's a fun idea. What scripts would you write.
You know what I'd write? Since his brother and him are identical in looks, its horrible that his brother take all the bad. Write an episode where they changes places. They can do it. He could escape if he wanted, especially since they look a lot a like. Then the other guy could be on the outside for a while. I wonder if that episode is coming up?
- billtomlinson
- Apr 2, 2018
- Permalink
Let me try to remember: we had
And this is just from the top of my head in 30 seconds. And if a bit more thought than "cops + this/that (either cop or this/that often is female) went into a show, I might be able to really enjoy them a bit more than I do now.
Deception is not that bad, characters are fun and interesting, the magician approach is good for 3-4 episodes, but then it falls flat. I have seen too many of these cop shows to really be happy about the 50th one. If you are into cop shows or you are 15 and just start to watch series and stumbled upon this as your first cop show, you might be happy with this one, production values are good as well.
If you have seen as much as I did in your life, better watch "Rookie" with Nathan Fillion, since the concept feels much more fresh.
- cops + Zombies
- cops + actors
- cops + writers
- cops + aliens
- cops + the devil
- cops + robots
- cops + doctors
- cops + forensic anthropologist
And this is just from the top of my head in 30 seconds. And if a bit more thought than "cops + this/that (either cop or this/that often is female) went into a show, I might be able to really enjoy them a bit more than I do now.
Deception is not that bad, characters are fun and interesting, the magician approach is good for 3-4 episodes, but then it falls flat. I have seen too many of these cop shows to really be happy about the 50th one. If you are into cop shows or you are 15 and just start to watch series and stumbled upon this as your first cop show, you might be happy with this one, production values are good as well.
If you have seen as much as I did in your life, better watch "Rookie" with Nathan Fillion, since the concept feels much more fresh.
- DunkelheitVZ
- Jul 14, 2020
- Permalink
Did we really need another one of these? I see people drawing comparisons between this and Castle and a few other shows, but the reality is there are probably a dozen or more shows exactly like this: character with gimmick teams up with law enforcement agency to solve crimes. A "psychic" teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (Psych, The Mentalist), a novelist teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (Castle), a man who can use 100% of his brain through the use of some drug teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (Limitless), the devil teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (Lucifer), a guy who remembers everything but who he is teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (John Doe), a tattooed woman who can't remember who she is (who's named Jane Doe) teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (Blindspot), a medical examiner teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (Rizzoli & Isles), a medical examiner who's also a zombie teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (iZombie), a medical examiner who's also 200 years old and immortal teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (Forever), a retired cop who's brought back to life through bioengineering teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (Second Chance), a white collar criminal teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (White Collar), an anthropologist teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (Bones), a neuropsychiatrist teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (Perception), a woman with the ability to "stitch" into the minds of the deceased teams up with law enforcement to solve crimes (Stitchers), and these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure there are many, many others, which begs the question, again: did we really need yet another one of these shows?
- panopticonartist
- Mar 11, 2018
- Permalink
I was surprised at how well it all came together. I love crime shows, but this almost seems a little far-fetched. Then I watched one episode and I was hooked. Every little aspect about it is intriguing, and even when it gets to those high points that can either make or break a show, It still has the ability to suck you in and make you love it even more. I've already seen every single episode out at least five times.
- mmallard-460-381103
- May 2, 2018
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It figures, when a show is good ABC yanks it off without giving it a chance. I'm tired of getting hooked on a show and then it's good bye. Think i'll Stick to cable . The show was good but network stinks.
Based on pilot: Unfortunately the Leads that have been casted are not good actors. The female lead is especially bad.
- ZigZagHelios
- Mar 11, 2018
- Permalink
I like the concept/story. Acting, will delivered. Love to watch this. Lots are comparing this to previous shows that might have similarities but HEy! this is a new show not the old story coming from previous years. Its time to move on, Don't compare, old is different from "New".
- pelarcakarlovern-92122
- Apr 4, 2018
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- PowergirlsMom
- May 8, 2018
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Just watched episode 3 - check out minute 29 - it goes from mid afternoon to late at night in a couple of minutes
- geoff_thomas_1949
- Mar 26, 2018
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I love it! Very creative....who does not love magic? I have never written a review before.... so trust me! I even got my husband to watch it and he TRULY will only watch news and sports! Please keep it going!
- karenpetroff-24282
- Apr 27, 2018
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Famed magician Cameron Black (Jack Cutmore-Scott) is on top of his game until his secret twin brother Jonathan is caught up in a car crash that killed a woman. The secret twin is a lifelong illusion derived by their father. Jonathan is convicted of manslaughter and his imprisonment sends Cameron into a tail spin. A year later, he catches an elaborate crime that suggests the same criminal who targeted them in the manufactured crash. He assists FBI agent Kay Daniels (Ilfenesh Hadera) hoping to uncover the person behind his brother's imprisonment. Deakins (Laila Robins) is her superior and Mike Alvarez (Amaury Nolasco) is a fellow FBI agent. Dina Clark (Lenora Crichlow), Jordan Kwon (Justin Chon), and Gunter Gastafsen (Vinnie Jones) work as the brothers' faithful assistants.
This premise sounded laughable right from the trailer. It is the stuff of jokes at the expense of the old networks. It's a desperation pitch for the failing old TV. Something funny happens along the way. The show kinda works. The story is good enough with a good mix of silly unrealism and almost real magician work. The running premise is surprisingly compelling with some good episodic work. The cast is good with a boyish charm lead playing solid duo roles. This is not great but it surprised me with its solid goodness.
This premise sounded laughable right from the trailer. It is the stuff of jokes at the expense of the old networks. It's a desperation pitch for the failing old TV. Something funny happens along the way. The show kinda works. The story is good enough with a good mix of silly unrealism and almost real magician work. The running premise is surprisingly compelling with some good episodic work. The cast is good with a boyish charm lead playing solid duo roles. This is not great but it surprised me with its solid goodness.
- SnoopyStyle
- Jun 2, 2018
- Permalink
Let's be honest ~ "Deception" is very similar to show's that have come before it ("Castle")? But it's really not THAT horrible. It's actually fun to see the gimmicks they design to 'solve' crimes.
This show won't win any awards, and probably won't be around for more than just one season. So take it for what's its worth...a mindless hour of passable entertainment.
This show won't win any awards, and probably won't be around for more than just one season. So take it for what's its worth...a mindless hour of passable entertainment.
- LiquidPoetry1921
- Apr 6, 2018
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