Peter: Hang on a second.
Leighton: Yeah?
Peter: What PR firm did you say you worked at again?
Leighton: Oh we work at... . Goldman Personal Research.
Peter: That is not what PR stands for that's not even close. Oh my god how old are you?
Leighton: Twenty three.
Peter: How old are you really?
Leighton: Okay fine I'm nineteen.. I'm seventeen
Peter: Oh my god Noah they're in high school.
Leighton: Oh fuck my dad's home!
Jase: Oh shit her dad sucks!
Peter: Noah for god's sake. I knew this house was too nice. Noah these are children!
Leighton: Oh my god!
Peter: Noah we gotta go!
Noah: Pete you took your shirt off!
Peter: Yeah I took my shirt off they're seventeen
Noah: Seventeen what?
Peter: Years old man we gotta go!
Taylor: Sorry......
Peter: Get your shit go let's move!
Noah: Oh god.
Peter: Uhhh hello?
Leighton's Dad: Again!
Leighton: Don't be mad daddy.
Leighton's Dad: How old are you!
Peter: I'm seventeen years old.
Leighton's Dad: You're seventeen years old?
Peter: Sir if I could explain... .
Leighton's Dad: No you do not get to call me sir we're peers what the fuck are you doing with a bunch of teenage girls!
Peter: Well okay first of all...... .
Noah: We didn't how old they were.
Peter: We did not.
Peter: Here;'s the thing I want what you have in life. I want your house... .
Leighton's Dad: You want my house?
Peter: I want a daughter you know. Not your daughter I don't want any daughter. You know like a little girl.
Leighton's Dad: I'm sorry what?
Peter: You know even a little boy would be fun to play with.
Leighton's Dad: What the fuck does that mean?