504 reviews
Seal Team is a military themed show about family, drama, loyalty and war. It's has every realistic plots that really draw you in and make you care about the characters in this show. You can tell they use real military guys as consultants. David Boreanaz carries the show on probably his best acting performance to date. That's saying something to becomes been on a lot of good shows. A. J Buckley and Max Thieriot also both give breakout performance here. It's one of the best military shows I've seen and shows just a glimpse of what these heroes have to go through in real life. Definitely a show that's worth watching.
Seal Team is one of the better shows about Navy Seals that I have ever seen! Once I started watching this I literally couldn't stop. I thought it would be like any other CBS procedural show (some are pretty good) but it's not, it's so much better. It's about the lives of Navy Seals both during action and at home. They show how they train, plan and execute dangerous missions for the United States and the consequences that come with it. Every episode is worth watching and action packed! Even though it got moved to Paramount Plus after season 4 I'm still glad it got renewed for more seasons because it absolutely deserves it!
- Supermanfan-13
- Sep 20, 2022
- Permalink
A term used in the series that could apply to a lot of the previously uneducated reviews found for this title already.
Let's get one thing straight - this show is intended for the military-inclined audience and/or military enthusiasts. I was never a SEAL, but rather a Pararescueman for the USAF who served two tours overseas; many of the "cheesy" interactions and "campy" dialogue alleged by non-military serving reviewers are very realistic. This is how we talk. We crack poor, inappropriate jokes at the worst times because laughter - regardless of the timing - is our only weapon against the crippling anxiety that comes with combat deployments, regardless of who you are. Most of us shield ourselves from our own thoughts, especially when it's quiet, and even our loved ones (including those we served with) through humor. That is how we act and this series portrays that sense of fear amicably from the perspective of a real soldier. We speak quickly, we use jargon, we live and breathe what we do at that level because of the years of dedication to the cause that it takes just to get to that point.
Second, this inane need to downvote the series based on a "female operator" is not only ridiculous - but inaccurate. She is not an operator like the rest of the men, clearly acknowledged in Episode 2 when she tells Clay (the strap) to sit in the back with "her" and the "rest of the support team". She works in a TOC, a 'Tactical Operation Command'; the TOC is our lifeline when we're out in the field. Often times, your commanding officer, a procurement officer (supply), relief team and general support staff (including special JTF attachments like OSI, ATF, JAG, etc.) are on standby and are communicating with other assets in the general vicinity to coordinate the mission as it progresses.
Third, the technical adviser for this show is far more capable of portraying our armed forces in a respectable fashion than the vast majority of other shows on television. I saw a lot of complaints about Episode 1's "boat scene" shootout; clearly you've never fired a weapon on a moving skiff in the dark to understand that you're firing for effect - to suppress. Sure, you hope to land the shot, but a bouncing, lightweight skiff on top of firing at a moving object from another moving object makes even the best shooters in the world miss shots; that's just practical application to a common sense scenario. The show handles some complex issues, and my only complaint thus far has been the HALO/HAHO jump (would have to re-watch to see which it was) without the proper altitude gear - a minor flaw, certainly not enough reason to "stop watching" in disgust. I've also seen a few comments about how "predictable" and "archetyped" the characters are - well, no shit. That's precisely the reason they've made it to such top-tier outfits; no loose cannon or quirky halfwit makes it to teams like these because there's no spot for someone who's unpredictable. I feel like all of the "unrealistic" comments come from those who have nerved served and don't understand the military as a whole besides some bullshit "news" report they see on television masquerading as fact.
To close out, learn to enjoy quality shows for what they are and stop believing you're forced to pick extreme scores to show how outraged you are by a show; if this is honestly so poor that it deserves a '1' and is the worst television show you've ever seen - I'd love to see what television you feel deserves a 7+.Don't be so over-dramatic, and moreover, stop judging what you don't understand.
Let's get one thing straight - this show is intended for the military-inclined audience and/or military enthusiasts. I was never a SEAL, but rather a Pararescueman for the USAF who served two tours overseas; many of the "cheesy" interactions and "campy" dialogue alleged by non-military serving reviewers are very realistic. This is how we talk. We crack poor, inappropriate jokes at the worst times because laughter - regardless of the timing - is our only weapon against the crippling anxiety that comes with combat deployments, regardless of who you are. Most of us shield ourselves from our own thoughts, especially when it's quiet, and even our loved ones (including those we served with) through humor. That is how we act and this series portrays that sense of fear amicably from the perspective of a real soldier. We speak quickly, we use jargon, we live and breathe what we do at that level because of the years of dedication to the cause that it takes just to get to that point.
Second, this inane need to downvote the series based on a "female operator" is not only ridiculous - but inaccurate. She is not an operator like the rest of the men, clearly acknowledged in Episode 2 when she tells Clay (the strap) to sit in the back with "her" and the "rest of the support team". She works in a TOC, a 'Tactical Operation Command'; the TOC is our lifeline when we're out in the field. Often times, your commanding officer, a procurement officer (supply), relief team and general support staff (including special JTF attachments like OSI, ATF, JAG, etc.) are on standby and are communicating with other assets in the general vicinity to coordinate the mission as it progresses.
Third, the technical adviser for this show is far more capable of portraying our armed forces in a respectable fashion than the vast majority of other shows on television. I saw a lot of complaints about Episode 1's "boat scene" shootout; clearly you've never fired a weapon on a moving skiff in the dark to understand that you're firing for effect - to suppress. Sure, you hope to land the shot, but a bouncing, lightweight skiff on top of firing at a moving object from another moving object makes even the best shooters in the world miss shots; that's just practical application to a common sense scenario. The show handles some complex issues, and my only complaint thus far has been the HALO/HAHO jump (would have to re-watch to see which it was) without the proper altitude gear - a minor flaw, certainly not enough reason to "stop watching" in disgust. I've also seen a few comments about how "predictable" and "archetyped" the characters are - well, no shit. That's precisely the reason they've made it to such top-tier outfits; no loose cannon or quirky halfwit makes it to teams like these because there's no spot for someone who's unpredictable. I feel like all of the "unrealistic" comments come from those who have nerved served and don't understand the military as a whole besides some bullshit "news" report they see on television masquerading as fact.
To close out, learn to enjoy quality shows for what they are and stop believing you're forced to pick extreme scores to show how outraged you are by a show; if this is honestly so poor that it deserves a '1' and is the worst television show you've ever seen - I'd love to see what television you feel deserves a 7+.Don't be so over-dramatic, and moreover, stop judging what you don't understand.
- brentonh-31513
- Jan 12, 2018
- Permalink
I am a former Special Forces detachment CDR, and I am just thrilled to see this show.
In fact, I don't even like watching TV because it is so superficial sometimes. But this is a must see for everyone at all ages.
The details remind me of so many things, down to the cages that look a bit bigger than ours for storing gear and stuff, and the absolutely normal looking CIA gal which is so true to reality. And so much smarter than everyone else !
Even the fast chats of some of the lines that a few reviewers found too fast to understand, is actually true to life. A lot of military people are fast talkers. They think they sound smart if they can say things real fast. That is the culture.
But as true as the writing is and as close as the settings and actions are to reality, the feel of the show is the real gem.
As an audience we feel what they feel, especially losing people from our lives who gave up on us. This includes the almost automatic drive to jump up and get to duty that is so common in those who act from dedication to this country and saving lives.
One of the reviewers said it is good mindless fun. Its okay to not see further than that. It is just fun for some. Not everyone comes to dinner for the same thing.
Not everyone wants to take the oath and do the dance, and run the North Island obstacle course over and over until it works.
Not everyone wants to feel what it means to really care about putting away bad people to protect good people.
But for those who want to know more, this shows what it is like to be a quiet patriot.
It shows love of country and family and brotherhood without forcing watchers to put sand in their mouths and wave American flags.
And it really does touch on things going on today in each of those countries.
It is not all Hollywood. I did the jumps from the C17s. It is cold up there. But some people do jump a little exposed at times. Not everyone covers everything exposed perfectly on every jump.
I thank you for reminding me who I am. What a gift you give to anyone who will just watch !
I think when this show stops its run which I hope is a long time from now, each of you involved will remember this as one of the most important projects of your lives. And each of the actors is so good that none of it looks like acting.
I salute you all for an incredible job well done.
I don't think any other military show can ever come close to this one.
- melsmelanosite
- Apr 16, 2019
- Permalink
I spent 26 yrs as a wife of a military man. God bless him. He's been gone almost 4 yrs now. This show brings him back to me on so many levels. Thank you for bring this series to us. Even though I cry a lot watching it, I will not miss a single episode. Every character is someone I have known.
- lizwjesus7
- Oct 31, 2018
- Permalink
Give Brock and Trent some more screen time and importance. I know they're not main actors but they've been on this show from the start and they're good characters and actors on this show. I'd like to see them be given more role.
- kapurkimaya
- Nov 12, 2021
- Permalink
Give it more than 1-2 episodes because it takes time to get into it. It isn't only mindless action, characters have depth and the plot is interesting, some episodes feel like a whole movie which is really nice.
Are you kidding me? The dialogue is so much better since the change to an M rating. People complaining about it not being family friendly because of a few f-bombs? So seeing people blown up and shot is family friendly, give me a break. Does anyone think there's no swearing in combat?
- petemac-25238
- Dec 8, 2021
- Permalink
It's actually directed by real veterans and alot of the actors have served, some are even real Navy seals like the character ''Full metal''. They try more than any other military show I've seen to make it as realistic as possible, showing the viewers how it is to be a Navy seal and how their lifes are outside of the military.
I actually like every single character pretty much which is really rare for me.
I actually like every single character pretty much which is really rare for me.
I have no military background so as a civvy I found this series to actually concentrate on the problems the individuals involved to be a bit of a revelation. No glorifying of war but just a straightforward synopsis of what I can only imagine an elite fighting unit would undergo. They're human. Not robots.
- toby-315-706951
- Apr 23, 2019
- Permalink
Look...no network TV show is going to be totally accurate. This isn't a documentary. I was a JAG and that TV show wasn't even close to being accurate. But it WAS entertaining. And, like this show, it captures the spirit and fellowship of a tight military team. Whoever these folks are dissing the show I have news for you...women play vital roles in our armed services. The contribution here is fairly accurate from what I understand. This is entertaining, it's patriotic and it honors the men and women in the front lines of the war on terror. I also appreciate that it attempts to highlight the sacrifices of the family members supporting our servicemen and servicewomen. As a veteran and the father of two servicemen, I thank CBS for a pretty solid and interesting show. Thanks for honoring the best America has to offer.
- timmurphy-2
- Dec 6, 2017
- Permalink
I'm in season 5 now.. Show started well snd first two seasons were so awesome that I binge watched in a week or so.. I haven't been into military or stuff but the doing anything for your team or teammate concept thingy is shown very well.. My favourite is Blackburn as a manager & jason as a team leader..
That's when it started going downhill.. Season 4 by far the very average.. More of melodrama and less of SEAL stuff.. Guys like Full Metal, Brock not utilised at all.. They're like ueue in Queue..
These guys just go on and on and on.. You're full in or out and trash talking goes just too much & too long.. Can't understand why can't these folks stick to a decision once they take it .. So much dilly dally makes it very hard to empathize with anyone ..
That's when it started going downhill.. Season 4 by far the very average.. More of melodrama and less of SEAL stuff.. Guys like Full Metal, Brock not utilised at all.. They're like ueue in Queue..
These guys just go on and on and on.. You're full in or out and trash talking goes just too much & too long.. Can't understand why can't these folks stick to a decision once they take it .. So much dilly dally makes it very hard to empathize with anyone ..
- abhiram-ca
- Apr 11, 2023
- Permalink
The first couple of seasons were fantastic, with great action and just enough of the personal life to humanise the characters.
Sadly, season 4 seems to contain more kissing than action, which isn't what I want in an action series. From the makers point of view, the kissing is great because it fills time, costs nothing, needs no locations or special effects and doesn't even need to be part of the story.
So now, every time we see a door kicker with his other half, it's say a sentence then kiss, say another sentence and kiss again, say goodbye and kiss again.
Such a shame, as it was once the best series on TV.
Sadly, season 4 seems to contain more kissing than action, which isn't what I want in an action series. From the makers point of view, the kissing is great because it fills time, costs nothing, needs no locations or special effects and doesn't even need to be part of the story.
So now, every time we see a door kicker with his other half, it's say a sentence then kiss, say another sentence and kiss again, say goodbye and kiss again.
Such a shame, as it was once the best series on TV.
- dereksims-88557
- Mar 7, 2022
- Permalink
The show is given legitimacy by the ex SF consultants that provide expert guidance on everything from jargon, to equipment carriage and weaponry. No other military based series has such accuracy.
- Chris_Mac_25
- Aug 19, 2021
- Permalink
This show is SO well done! The cast is amazing and they clearly get real advice from actual military experts. Keep it coming guys! Sonny.... You are my man! Haha.
- msmoothe74
- Jun 21, 2022
- Permalink
For the life me, I can't understand how anyone can compare this show to "Six" or "the Brave". Absolutely no comparison. This is the most realistic show about a SF unit that I have seen. Though not without it's technical imperfections, the interaction , dedication, and brotherhood between these men is the most realistic I've seen depicted in a television series. The casual wise cracks, character interaction, and frequent jokes made to diffuse the stress of the mission, deployments and balancing family/personal life, is greatly portrayed. Bravo from a 26-year vet.
I just wrapped up watching season 6 episode 8 and I was floored. I knew it was coming, I wished it was going to end on a happy solution, it was predictable and utterly awesome! To elicit an emotional response through script and acting is the goal of film. I have to say all of the characters combine to make the team. When one is taken out of the script, it leaves a lasting impact on the way I see the show. I have to applaud the writers and the director, you never know who is going to leave the show. If you are looking for a model for a TV series, this is definitely the one. I am not sure there will be a season 7, if so I will be willing to watch, and if not I will watch the series over again.
- blynn-76504
- Nov 7, 2022
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- noahsarahdad
- Apr 27, 2024
- Permalink
Started out really good, now it's 80% soap opera and 20% SEAL. Disappointing.
Ok, first up, there are a lot of people dissing this show for accuracy reasons who, I will bet, have never served a day in their entire lives. I wasn't a SEAL, or even Navy, but I did serve in Armor back in the 80s, before later becoming a cop (lieutenant, detective) in civilian life.
The camaraderie and dialogue is pretty accurate, actually. These guys are your brothers. Family. Units become incredibly close-knit and you would die to save them, simple as that. Yes, we cracked stupid jokes, that's a coping mechanism.
Sure, it's not 100% accurate, It can't be. It's TV. Entertainment. But it doers a damn good job of portraying the life.
And as for the dumb comments about it being government propaganda, politically correct, whatever, you guys are talking nonsense. In fact, I don;t understand why you're watching it if that's what you think. Go and watch Dancing With The Stars or something.
This is a very entertaining show.
The camaraderie and dialogue is pretty accurate, actually. These guys are your brothers. Family. Units become incredibly close-knit and you would die to save them, simple as that. Yes, we cracked stupid jokes, that's a coping mechanism.
Sure, it's not 100% accurate, It can't be. It's TV. Entertainment. But it doers a damn good job of portraying the life.
And as for the dumb comments about it being government propaganda, politically correct, whatever, you guys are talking nonsense. In fact, I don;t understand why you're watching it if that's what you think. Go and watch Dancing With The Stars or something.
This is a very entertaining show.
Season 5 is a big improvement on (soap-opera like) Season 4 in terms of action. On the other hand the introduction of very wrong swearing has added nothing to the enjoyment of the show. But it has ruined the show for a lot of viewers.
- sandeeee55
- May 10, 2022
- Permalink
I love the cast, but the lack of personal growth and constant bickering and personal nonsensical drama that each and every team member drudges up is so over the top and obscures the potential this show has. I really thought going into season 5 they had turned a corner and started to hit a stride of growth one focus on mission but no. I understand they throw in hurdles to challenge the characters and keep some interest, but it's how they respond to these crisis that's the let down. If real teams, whether it's military law enforcement, an office, a social group etc. Acted this way, there is no possibility of them being successful. Personally I find this portrayal of our elite military members offensive. As if they have no moral compass or loyalty to either this country, their teammates, or their families. Not to mention a lack of self integrity. There is no redeeming qualities to any of these characters. They are all self absorbed childish, arrogant and self involved. How do they accomplish any mission?
This seems to be the current style on almost all current CBS crime/action dramas now by the way. The show focus is on personal drama and the lack of good character rather than good stories that the show is supposed to be based on.
This seems to be the current style on almost all current CBS crime/action dramas now by the way. The show focus is on personal drama and the lack of good character rather than good stories that the show is supposed to be based on.
- Wheelhorse01
- Oct 22, 2023
- Permalink
I have never written a review of everything, but I love this show. It has heart, feeling and tells a very compelling story.
Apparently some of the other reviewers didn't even watch the show. None of the women are Seals. One is a Naval Intelligence Officer, and the other is CIA. Though paired down, it's exactly the type of comand direct interdiction that seal teams actually work in. It's surprisingly good if you know anything about the subject. (And I get it, I don't care for the leftist media agenda either, but the ladies in this show aren't an example of media bias.) The plot moves fairly well, and the show is quite good about dealing with very generalized details of planning covert ops. I would described it as mindless, action oriented fun, but they keep it relavent by basing most the plot points on current foreign affairs. During a resent episode they even dealt with the US helping Saudi Arabia, causing more enemies for us in Yeman. But don't let facts get in the way of your hate. I would also venture to guess that the family back stories don't exist just to draw in the female crowd (as another reviewer suggested) but rather to illustrate that these operators are people too, so the audience actually has a vested interest in weather they live or die. If you pay attention to even the slightest details, like who the female characters are, you'll get a lot more out of it.
- sreynolds-09067
- Jan 21, 2018
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