- Chump: [about the chef] He's like a predator, but instead of eating you, he serves you to a bunch of lazier predators.
- Mack: Pam, enough. This isn't you. You're the adventurous one, the-the-the brave one. You never give up on anything. YOU-YOU HAVEN'T EVEN GIVEN UP ON ME.
- Pam: Every time you tell a story, Gwen wets her twig bed.
- Mack: Does she? That's great. See? That means she's learning, Pam.
- Pam: Oh, learning what? That she should never leave the pond?
- Mack: Exactly. Trust me, I'm teaching her very valuable fears. I should know. I've lived with them my entire life.
- Pam: So have we all.
- Dax: Gwen! You scared me.
- Gwen: YOu look mad. You need a hug!
- Dax: No, Gwen, I dont' need a hug.
- Dax: Whoa! I said no hug.
- Gwen: Dont' fight it! It'll make you feel better!
- Dax: Can you let go now?
- Gwen: You feel better?
- Dax: No
- Gwen: Then it hasn't kicked in yet.
- Gwen: What about now?
- Dax: No.
- Gwen: Now?
- Dax, Gwen: Mm-mm
- Gwen: Now?
- Dax: Nothing.
- Gwen: a little?
- Dax: Nope
- Gwen: I felt something.
- Dax: Mm-mm