Dr. J. Allen Hynek worked on three different US Air Force projects related to UFOs: Project Sign, Project Grudge, and Project Blue Book. He formulated the classification system for reporting UFO and alien sightings which he dubbed "Close Encounters". The title of Steven Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) comes from Hynek's work, and in addition to serving as a technical adviser on that film, Hynek appears as one of the scientists at the film's climax.
Doctor Hynek after the closure of Project Blue Book, went on to state many of the stories were left out of the project and encouraged further investigation. He was once the biggest pain to the entire project, as he claimed 20% of the stories were "unexplained by conventional explanations", or "Unsolved".
The house at the beginning of the second episode where the Mother & children live who witnessed the alien crash, is the same house that is used for filming The X-Files (Mulder's House).
Dr Hynek was hired to run Project Bluebook because he was skeptical of UFOs being real. By the time the project shut down, he had changed his beliefs.
This series represents the second TV series titled "Project Blue Book" Jack Webb created the original show and his company produced it. Also called "Project U.F.O." the show aired on NBC from 1978-1979.