How many more of these jack of all trades master of none movies must we be subjected to?
Why is it that people think that they can write, direct and act in the same film?
And how is it that they get these projects funded?
If you act, please act and do not direct nor write.
If you write, please write and do not act nor direct.
If you direct, please direct and do not act nor write.
Attempts at doing all three are nothing more than a sad attempt at stroking your ego and getting more titles in the credits.
The script was poor at best, not in the least bit original nor creative. It lacked flair and was simply not well done.
The acting, was over the top, uninteresting and self glorifying. Same guy wrote roles that he then acted and self directed.
Bad idea.
Sets and sounds were ok.
Editing was clumsy.
Over all a 2 score at best and not a cult classic worthy of a 9 score. Maybe 12 Angry Men can be considered a cult classic. But to score this a 9 is simply wrong.
Please stop producing movies like this. It is the reason why Hollywood is dying and films like this are just another nail in its coffin.
Three months ago, one of the most accomplished directors of our time, Francis Coppola with a string of very successful films, decided that he was a writer all of a sudden. The result, a 125 Million Dollar flop called Megapolis. And why it failed, because no one told Francis that the script was really bad and that someone else should have directed it.
This film is no different. One person thought they could do all three roles and the end result was painful to watch at best.
Over the top acting, no emotional investment in any one character and directing that lacked any originality.
Pick one career and stick to it.