44 reviews
This movie is a tool to convert Youtube Fans into Turkish Liras. Thats the point.
While reviewing this movie the first thing to consider is "Should this movie be considered as a long enough youtube video while reviewing it or should i review it as it is a movie?". If it is first option, it is a profitable and enjoyable youtube content. But since this is a review on IMDb we shall consider it as a movie so it sucks. First thing to mention is cast which is full of famous or almost-famous 'youtubers'. Those guys or girls are not actresses or actors they should just continue to produce entertaining and enjoyable content for youtube. This situation that they have put themselves into is something like "I can ride a bike well , so why not i ride a motorbike ?". This is a logic that nobody should believe or follow. I won't even mention the actings of those i have been talking about. Maybe story can be somehow inspiring, but it can only inspire under 10 years old kids who can be inspired by almost anything at that age.
- kubilayorcun-01476
- Jan 30, 2018
- Permalink
Second-hand embarrassment at its finest. Even a person who never tried to write a script or tried to hold a camera in their life could maintain a quality like this. Just so you know, you could at least put some effort in it. I don't know, make it somehow interesting or put some experienced actors, this movie is something a high-schooler would make. I'm not sure if this movie really took time, with this poor quality. Oh and, the creator himself is actually trying to make this movie look good by calling out his fans. Smh.
- ozge-figen
- Jan 27, 2018
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To be honest, it doesn't deserve either 1 or 10. He is the most popular youtuber in Turkey and he has lots of fan in Turkey. I rated "1" because 6 is too much for this movie and i think all of his fans rated 10 so this movie's average puan is so high for that movie. In addition, this movie's scene transition is so bad.. it is like a YouTube video or smth.. not professional and i think we can not categorize that like it is real movie. It has a lot of imperfect scene, casts (except 2-3 of them) was not acting very well. I don't suggest that movie unless you want to lose your times.
- elmasbasakgoren
- Jun 8, 2018
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It is obvious that this movie is targeting young audiance which mainly consist of 5-10 years of childeren who spend their day watching Youtubers via smartphones and tablets supplied from their parents at a very young age... The movie was uninspiring, scenerio was unoriginal and acting was bad.
- alperdoganozturk
- Jan 24, 2018
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-waste of time
-loss of money
- disgusting script
- acting disgrace
- pandeamonnn
- Jul 19, 2018
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- lilmetheus
- Jan 24, 2018
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If this was a Youtube video, then it could be watched. But it's a movie! Script, content,acting and quality are very low. I'm not worried to say that this movie is one of the worst films I've ever seen in my life ...
- kemalcanocak
- Jan 25, 2018
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I'm going to say that I didn't understand whether the film was really a dream or a real one, but it's definitely a dream. Real people can only describe a human life in such a cliché fiction using characters. Actors were awful in the movie, so I didn't expect acting. I watched the film without prejudice, but I became a cringe.
The film didn't have much comedy. It has been edited with fiction that has similar films everywhere and it has been really distant.
It would be better for everyone to tell the truth. The film has nowhere to be commended. Failed and cliché.
- DansLeNoir
- Jun 19, 2019
- Permalink
Even when you take a look at the absurd content of the movie, it seems quite obvious that Enes Batur himself has successfully managed to contaminate the mindset of Turkish youth with non-sense and aimless conversations and deeds throughout the movie. He proved himself to be an unneeded youtuber once more with this waste-of-time movie. This kind of counterproductive work should have been prevented right at the very beginning before it misled the young individuals.
- kaanavcu61
- Jan 24, 2018
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I dont get the desire of this movie.It's basically made for milking Youtube fan base that he has.(Guessing mostly kid based)Acting is bad.Casual cliche(s) making the movies plot.And more!I dont have any time left to review this stink recording.I need time to rewatch my favorites and realise the flow of perfection.But this is basically in the Imdb's worst 100...
- saygnkarabulut
- Jan 23, 2018
- Permalink
This movie sucks. Do not loose your time by watching it! it was not fun at all.
Halil's movie was better at least there was a scenario...
- canermemis
- Jan 25, 2018
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I have no idea how this movie is rated 6 out of 10. If I could I would give it 0 stars but sadly it's not possible. This movie is only made to earn more money and attract little kids. You can donate a few liras to charity instead of giving Enes more money.
- WizardDerv
- Oct 25, 2018
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Here some guy earns so much money from youtube, he decides to make a film of his own. The plot is garbage in every angle. Noone can find a good part of this movie. It is targeting children that love Enes Batur, young children who watch all of his videos everyday no matter how ridiculous. I can say that this is the worst movie ever, just throwing your money away. Wakaliwood Productions made much better movie with just 200 dollars.
- egeturkuler
- Feb 11, 2018
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This is the worst movie I've ever seen in my life, boring jokes and a lousy script
This movie only serves to take money from the fans of Youtuber.
This movie only serves to take money from the fans of Youtuber.
- gabrieltmmbady
- Oct 12, 2018
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Do not let your kids watch this movie and any enes batur videos if you love your kids be aware
- miamirains
- Jul 31, 2018
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Another bottom rated movie from Turkey, yay! Nowadays in Turkey if you have money, congratulations you can make your own movie. I think it shouldn't be that easy to produce a movie. I dont even want to talk about the movie,because it was so bad, so many advertisements were placed in movie that attracts films audience,childs...
This movie is about a famous youtuber Enes Batur! I dont love his videos but he haves 7.000.000 subscribes! And half of them are only 5 or 6 years old! Now he gets a movie. I only watched this movie because i had a cinema ticket for only 2D movies and this movie was only good 2D movie that plays in theaters that day! And this movie was so bad. Actors are the worst part of the movie! They are so bad! And they are not even actors they are just youtubers! And this movie made a good box office so that means we are going to see more youtuber videos! Turkish cinema is death because if anything gets popular they make movies about that! This movie is a low budget movie! And when i went to theathers there were only kids like age 5 with parents and only kids were laughing to the movie! I only smiled like 2 times so this is a waste of time dont watch this movie!
- atabayraktar-97086
- May 28, 2018
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To be honest, it's absurd to criticize a YouTube-made film as Umberto D. Enes Batur has a unique follower mass, he has good communication with them and deals with an important crowd that no one else could strive to make a film, as most people cannot. I think critics like 'not hold a camera before' or 'not wrote a script' is absurd. When someone starts this job at the age of 19, when can they try? I think it's a good viewing rate for the first movie and the things he does in YouTube are very successful. It is wrong to approach a film in this way. Anyone with logic can see from the votes that everyone voted this film in the manner of having preconceived opinions and voted without a watch.
Title telling all my views about film and if u wanna watch this film , go and think where your life going
- frescolevo
- Jun 11, 2018
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This movie is just to get some money from some 5-6 yo kids. Just a waste. Cinema providers shouldn't have been approved this movie. W A S T E
- yagizhanburak
- Aug 24, 2018
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This films watchers are kids(4-10).Enes Batur Çatir Çutur may a good youtuber but not filmmaker.
- omerkartak
- Feb 1, 2018
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Writer failed too. Many scenes are very cliche. Very poor acting performances.
⭐ 100/18
⭐ 100/18
- tolunayd22
- Oct 7, 2019
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