Dylan Playfair, who plays the Ducks coach is actually the son of former Calgary Flames head coach Jim Playfair.
The name of the Ducks' home rink is called the "Hendrix Hockey Pavilion." Hendrix is also the name of the company who sponsored Team U.S.A. in D2: The Mighty Ducks (1994).
In The Mighty Ducks movies the term "Cake eater" is said to a person as an insult. Throughout the first episode of the series Gordon Bombay is constantly eating leftover cake.
Lauren Graham's character in Gilmore Girls mentioned that she used to have a crush on Emilio Estevez, who she stars with in this series.
When Alex is researching Gordon Bombay, the search result says everything changed for him when he became coach of the Ducks in 1998, not 1992 when the original Mighty Ducks film was released. 1998 was also 2 years after D3: The Mighty Ducks was released, when Bombay had already stopped being the Ducks head coach.