This game is another honorable mention in my series of run and gun games; it's also no doubt one of the more bizarre run and gun game's I've played. But I like that showing how a genre can sometimes think outside the box to keep things fresh and interesting.
Plotline isn't much though rather strange as your sort of this action toy character that must retrieve father times stolen pendulum before the end of the toy world. Yeah, I know out their kind of plotline, but for the bizarre nature of the game I'll take it for what it is. But it's not all that important as like with all run and gun games were all in it for the action.
The graphical presentation of this game is very good, I really like how well detailed and drawn out the game is. It was no doubt slightly ahead of it's time as some of the graphical presentation predates certain games we have now, as the presentation is a beautiful combo of both two and three dimensional. But I also like how well layered the levels are which is a bit like "Earthworm Jim" it's still the linear point A to B but there are twist and turns along that road, also there are some hidden/extra paths to collect bonus items and points.
Music is good or decent, I would say there are really many memorable tracks that are going to make it on best video game music list (in my book anyway) but they're still a good listen and fit the game. One track that does make it on my personal fave list is the one for the train level of the game which is cool as it's my favorite level of the game and I just really like the music track that just sings out fast action. Though the reason it's my favorite is because it was a track from one of my favorite movies of all time "To Live and Die in L. A." if you can believe that.
Really love the designs of the levels each of them is different and it's hard for words to do them justice as their just something you have to see to believe, as these levels that look like something you'd see from one of those bizarre animated shorts you'd see on "MTV Liquid Television" , you can say this game could be the closest we'd have to a video game adaptation of that anthology series.
Really like the character designs from your character who is obvious a "Terminator" knock off but makes sense since this game came out in the 90's and "Terminator 2" was a big hit so of course they'd homage it and actually fits the character you play. But also, some of the enemies that are all well designed and are basically a trail mix of bizarre. You have these floating and jumping wheels that all have these ugly and creepy faces on them. Other are dinosaurs, devils, gargoyles, giant rooks, floating robot horse and knights, weird cowboy flunkies, demons that look like knock offs of DC character Entrigon each armed with maces and have mohawks, and a lot of other strange characters you just have to see to believe.
The boss fights are good though a little on the easy side at least in my book. They're also colorfully bizarre characters like a giant weird computer virus, another some giant fat bloated king in a floating killer throne, and others again you have to see to believe.
The control is solid, it's the typical kind from any run and gun where you move, jump, shoot, or even hold yourself in place to shoot when you hold down the trigger. Nothing special only that it works which is all you really need anyway. Your armed with this cool double-barreled machine handgun, the sound of it is just music to my ears. It's true there aren't that many weapons to collect in this game, but you don't really need them that much. Though you must watch your ammo as you see you don't have unlimited ammo, the good news is that there are ammo boxes everywhere to replenish you gun. But still be careful as those boxes they get a little further the further you go in the game, so you must still pick your shots carefully. There is a power up that can increase the stopping power of your machine gun temporarily and another that just nukes everything on screen but use these wisely as they only show up a few times.
I even like the difficulty as it's on a medium level, well ok kind of as you get further things start to get more hectic making things tricky, but it's manageable it doesn't feel totally cheap you actually can blow right though them, well at least I can that could just be me and my experience with run and gun games.
Overall if you're a fan of the run and gun genre this is worth checking out. This is a hidden toy worth your playtime.
Rating: 3 and a half stars.