Simon Callow has played Charles Dickens and given recitals of his stories. You actually get a glimpse of his Dickens giving a performance of A Christmas Carol in an episode of Doctor Who.
Simon Callow and director Tom Cairns have adapted a solo narration of this festive tale. Callow is in modern dress, wandering around a disused warehouse which stands in for Scrooge's home. Clever use of lighting, sound and smoke is made to give the production atmosphere. At one point Callow lights a small fire to give the room a glow or warms his hand on a lit candle.
Callow tells the audience of how Scrooge meets the spectre of his former business partner, Jacob Marley. How three ghostly guides try to get Scrooge to make mankind his business in time or Christmas.
Callow uses his skill and experience to draw the audience in. Cairns does not keep the action static, moving the camera around, at one point dropping snow as Scrooge is taken by a spirit but he is still in the warehouse.
Of course the production demands your concentration which to me was not always maintained. I think one thing that surprised me was the Callow gives a low key narration when I expected something more fruity.