110 reviews
My God, a new series not based on serial homicide or sci-fi? What a great surprise this is. I've learned to stop reading reviews before watching something - and this is the reason why!
Take a chance and watch it. In it's original Spanish language format. The voices need to be heard in their natural tone and cadence.
Bravo, Netflix!!
Take a chance and watch it. In it's original Spanish language format. The voices need to be heard in their natural tone and cadence.
Bravo, Netflix!!
- danielrobbinsny
- Aug 20, 2018
- Permalink
Veronica Castro was the biggest Mexican telenovela star from the late 70's to the 80's. I was so thrilled to see her on a Netflix show, so I have to watch it. I grew up watching her telenovelas, and she's still an amazing actress. This series is the typical telenovela, with family secrets, the ultra rich, the poor, lies, etc, but with more 2018's themes.
- sriservato
- Aug 19, 2018
- Permalink
Binged the third season in one sitting. Couldn't be happier that the final season fixes everything that was wrong with the second season. The flashback scenes made it feel like a completely different show but it didn't overstay its welcome. Everything ties up nicely in the end (and a surprise cameo at the very end). One weakness is that it's predictable (as most dramedies in this genre). You know how things are going to turn out but it's a small price to pay if you've seen how horrible the second season was. Long live the de la Mora family. I wish the show would last as long as Desperate Housewives but oh well, 3 seasons on Netflix ain't bad.
- kigaiyuuto
- Oct 27, 2019
- Permalink
Here I am surfing Netflix for my next binge when I stumble upon this gem. I never expected to get so involved in a series in a language I couldn't understand. I highly recommend watching the series in its original language with English subtitles. I tried both ways and I just couldn't deal with the English dub. I couldn't recommend this series more. It was phenomenal.
- leniwalden
- Aug 22, 2018
- Permalink
The vibrantly art-directed scenes, spicy plot lines, catchy tunes and deliciously colorful characters make this show a feast for the senses. Manolo Caro IS the Mexican Almodovar- irreverent and campy, his stories are graced with juicy, flawed, strong-willed women. Veronica Castro as the matriarch is at once perfectly put together and a perfect mess. You are rooting for her from the moment you meet her. But Cecilia Suarez as the quirky Paulina de la Mora steals the show hands down. She's the glue that keeps the family together, and she does so with elegance, humor, compassion and a whole lotta mischief. Her iconic drawl is both endearing and addictive- watch it in Spanish if you can! I haven't felt this excited about a character since Mary Louise Parker as Nancy Botwin on Weeds.
THANK YOU NETFLIX! Please bring us season 2!
I started watching this serie without much expectation. I thought it was going to be another predictable and dramatic mexican telenovela, but I was very wrong.
This serie is quite original and funny. The cast is quite good and every episode is very different to the other, which keeps things interesting.
I can't stop watching it. I am really looking forward to another season!
Give it a try!
This serie is quite original and funny. The cast is quite good and every episode is very different to the other, which keeps things interesting.
I can't stop watching it. I am really looking forward to another season!
Give it a try!
I love this show! I want more seasons!! Netflix please renew this show.
Originally titled as 'La Casa de las Flores' in Spanish, the series is about a dysfunctional family with a prestigious flower business front but a problematic and full of secrets reality.
The first season is exclusively filmed in Mexico, while the second one's filming shifts between Mexico and Spain and the Special Episode is filmed on the Texas-Mexico border.
The series has a modern and liberal approach on LGBT lifestyle and consists of enough scenes constituting the LGBT characters.
It's a non-serious, funny and full of drama series.
The first season is exclusively filmed in Mexico, while the second one's filming shifts between Mexico and Spain and the Special Episode is filmed on the Texas-Mexico border.
The series has a modern and liberal approach on LGBT lifestyle and consists of enough scenes constituting the LGBT characters.
It's a non-serious, funny and full of drama series.
- pritypoddar
- Apr 9, 2020
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- antrus-43615
- Oct 7, 2018
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What can only be described as a short format telenovela, this series does the word campy proud.
I stopped watching telenovelos for their ridiculousness and character white washing. This is another novela where all Mexicans are portrayed as white or blonde, no matter their social spectrum.
The one character I wanted to see Dominique wasn't to be. It's nice to see Veronica Castro acting again. She is a consummate professional but what's the deal with the ridiculous accent of the oldest daughter. Enjoyable to a fault I guess. Not my cup of tea but i finished it so i guess it's worth watching. But really, don't expect anything extraordinary out of this series
What an Amazing series, the actors were amazing they played Great rolls.La Casa de Las Flores Night club was also great. The drag queens the strippers wow everything was fantastic. the plot is incredible the ending took and odd twists I hope Netflix makes a part 2 Please please ! Netflix.
A great show, its appealing background mystery entice the viewers to keep watching, the dark comedy infused with family drama with elements of matriairchial family and respect-recognition to gender spectrum.
it's good to see how each family member-freinds is there to support each other in end and stands for one another.
Role of Virginia_(around her the most story revolves) shows how her life gains transition from being radical-outward to mothery-affection.
Role of Virginia_(around her the most story revolves) shows how her life gains transition from being radical-outward to mothery-affection.
- harshulsingh-60962
- Apr 24, 2020
- Permalink
Season 2 sucks! The good stuff ended with reason 1. Season 2 lacks originality, good material, funny moments and has a lot of non sense scenes and stories. Was hard to watch!
I love this serie, always make me laugh, but I'm sorry Paulina's "accent" looks like she had a stroke.
- crunchycloset
- Oct 27, 2019
- Permalink
Season 1 is great - humor, plot, characters, Mexican peculiarities, but the second one is here just for your money. Don't waste your time and ignore it. 8 for the first one, 5 for the second
- zane-karpenko
- Oct 27, 2019
- Permalink
Season 2 was a letdown, even though it was still quite funny, but season 3 more than makes up for it. Season 3 is laugh out loud funny, emotional and ties all loose ends together. I will be watching the entire show multiple times, and not just for Poncho's rock-hard abs 😜
I think that some of the bad reviews here (mostly in Spanish) are because people are taking this series seriously when it should be taken as absolutely "tongue-in-cheek". This show is hilarious, colourful, over-dramatic & scandalous and I was hooked from the very start!
- grubenstier
- Aug 12, 2018
- Permalink
The show has funny scenes, but it's miles away from being a black comedy, it's full of politically correct content and jokes (like all NETFLIX series at the time). The show stands on a single character, the only one that looks well developed so far and the responsible of almost any funny scene on the show because of her weird accent.
However, the show is not that bad (if you are not looking for actual black comedy), it's easy to watch and to get hooked on it. The plot is not really deep so it's hard to get bored or get lost watching it. If you just want to relax and get some easy laughs every now and then, this show makes a great work.
However, the show is not that bad (if you are not looking for actual black comedy), it's easy to watch and to get hooked on it. The plot is not really deep so it's hard to get bored or get lost watching it. If you just want to relax and get some easy laughs every now and then, this show makes a great work.
- cesxr_0134
- Aug 14, 2018
- Permalink
Unexpectedly entertaining!!!! Veronica Castro is excellent as the matriarch of this compkex family. Loved it! Bring it back, Netflix!
This is my third in a row foreign series (Bonus Family, Rita, The House of Flowers) and I have to say they beat the pants off of American network tv series. The actors are better, there is no canned laughing and the dialog is much more normal. NetFlix and Amazon have added a new dimension to my television watching habits and I'm really enjoying it. I don't think I've watched a network series for a couple of years. The cable channels and NetFlix/Amazon are my go to channels for tv.
House of Flowers has excellent actors who I bonded to, within the first five minutes of the first episode and its an entertaining story. What more could I ask for? I wonder where network tv series lost their way?
House of Flowers has excellent actors who I bonded to, within the first five minutes of the first episode and its an entertaining story. What more could I ask for? I wonder where network tv series lost their way?
It's not funny at all, if that's what you expect. While some subjects are important, especially in the context of Mexican reality, I'm not sure what's the real point of this show. I can't really compare it to anything so I won't put a star rating - I'm at the 4th episode and I'm yet to make any sense of it. I don't understand why Cecilia Suárez talks in this creepy, slow way, either - has she had a stroke or something? Overall, it's watchable, but if there's any story, it's well hidden behind bad acting of a half of the cast. There are way better Mexican shows on Netflix.
- patrycja-miljevic
- Aug 13, 2018
- Permalink
Just to say... We didn't need a second or third season... It ruined everything...
Loved the first season, but the second was a let down, veronica castro was missing and the plot had no head or toe, some scenes felt forced and the acting... oh god, well, i just found cecilia suarez (again) like the only one who knew what was doing with her character. I just found out that a 3rd season approved and im ask myself Netflix, what are you doing?