Mother and daughter characters Lexy Cross and Mayor Michelle Cross are portrayed by Alyvia Alyn Lind and Barbara Alyn Woods. In reality, they are also mother and daughter.
The production office had a "kill wall", where actors would post pictures of characters who had been killed off from the show.
The actress portraying Nica/Chucky (Fiona Dourif) is the real life daughter of Brad Dourif, the actor who voices Chucky in all of the films, as well as this series.
In Episode 2 of season 1 Mayor Woods mentions Dr. Mixter. Dr. Mixter was the doctor in Halloween II (1981).
One of the first negotiations Don Mancini made to Syfy for the show's production was Chucky's sailor mouth. He insisted that it was vital enough to the tone that Syfy actually has it in writing that the cast can drop f-bombs uncensored eight-to-ten times an episode. And of course, most of them are taken up by the pint-sized slasher. It gets better after the first episode, as every "Previously on" is typically the first one of the episode to set the mood.