407 reviews
1st off, I'm a MAGA, right wing, Ditto head, retired peace officer. I'm enjoying this show. Yes, there are many left leaning scenes in the show, but the over all stories are good, for what it is. It's a cop show made by Hollywood. The "Deputy " is like a lot of upper brass I have worked with and trained over my 25 years in law enforcement. I watched officers do the job right beside me, then they promote and they sell their souls. They hang up their sam Browne, their baton, boots and flashlight, most with human tissue still in the cracks. Then as Lieutenants, Captains and higher they will burn you for the things they did when they were beat cops. That said. This show got many things right. Upper brass trying to burn the little guy, building their upper echelon as they want it. Trying to remove anyone they don't want in their command. Dead on. Liberals exist, this is a fact. They are among us. In my circle of friends and family. Luckily we all get along. The fact that the Sheriff goes out on busts, and gets into shootouts, Hollywood bs. But the show is gritty and shows some of the ugly sides of law enforcement .is it real?, no. Can a Conservative enjoy it?, this one does.
Sadly, I don't think it will last between suspect script and ratings/reviews. The action and acting is decent and Bex Taylor's character starting to show promise. I will keep watching and hoping it'll last the complete season.
Recommend patience if you start watching as it does have some resemblance to Justified and Longmire regardless of the naysayers, lol.
Recommend patience if you start watching as it does have some resemblance to Justified and Longmire regardless of the naysayers, lol.
These bad reviews are hilarious. So much hurt feewings! This show has promise, it's still too early to tell, but I'm curious to see where it goes. Dorff has always had a precense about him, and it's on full display here.
- LudicrousSpeedo
- Jan 11, 2020
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I was prepared not to like it. No it isn't Longmire. But it's showing promise. Make up your own mind.
- jaolsen-02010
- Jan 16, 2020
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I live in Australia, so all the US Laws I cannot/do not follow. I am oblivious about your Police Procedure, so loved this first episode. Stephen Dorff was brilliant and funny & his Personal Assistant is funny as all get out. Loved the action and the horse riding. The fact that I am crazy about this genre of TV/Movies helps the rating I gave it, considerably. Been waiting for something decent to watch along this line, since Yellowstone finished it's second season.
Stephen Dorgan is enjoyable to watch as the gruff red tape hating deputy that is promoted to the the post of Las Angles County Sheriff by way of an outdated, obscure law.
This show quickly dives deep in the illegal emigration debate. Then just as quickly shows what links the new Sheriff will go to to rescue a kidnapped girl.
My only real criticism is with the cinematography.
The over saturated shots. The lens flares. The shaky handheld camera work are all distracting and pull me out of the story. That's not enough to make me stop watching... yet.
This show quickly dives deep in the illegal emigration debate. Then just as quickly shows what links the new Sheriff will go to to rescue a kidnapped girl.
My only real criticism is with the cinematography.
The over saturated shots. The lens flares. The shaky handheld camera work are all distracting and pull me out of the story. That's not enough to make me stop watching... yet.
- zkissick-593-575379
- Jan 25, 2020
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I love Stephen Dorff and was really looking forward to this project. However as all things go in Hollywood, the writers had to spin a political viewpoint within the first minute. I'm just not going to sit through another liberal dominated opinion piece. Time to go read a good book.
I've read the first line of the previous reviews. I don't feel that Deputy does have a political tone but in "real life" those usually the Sheriff who is an elected official will have to deal with so many political issues. Those political issues that the writers bring forth are making those show more believable. He goes out into the "trenches" and fights crime, has a family who loves and needs him, and his position is being compromised by a co-worker is was to be Sheriff. Too many people see everything as "political" instead of seeing the "big picture".
- eilenesfryer
- Feb 15, 2020
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- conandra-1
- Mar 26, 2020
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Hollywood PC from the first sentence. I'd rather watch paint dry. Entertain me. Don't lecture me.
I find this show pretty even keeled so I don't get the comments on it being liberal. Guess I don't know what that means anymore since some people seem to like throwing that word as an insult. This has the beginnings of a great show that shows compassion for immigrants as well as toughness on gangs. Believe me this is no where in the category of PC new shows like 911- lone star. What, the powers that be cannot stand any opinion that does not totally agree with their own?
Reading the comments wow... It's like listening to a bunch of cry babies who's tv channel got changed in the middle Telly Tubbies or Spongebob then wah wah wah....gmafb!
Dirty Harry getting rid of the dirt
Iam surprised at the really bad reviews , its no Blue bloods but i do find it entertaining ..
I am very excited to finally see another show that pushes back at the corruption that everyday people have learned to live with. This show is a good example that one person with the support of good people, can make a difference, even when pressured by political & social influences. I hope the negative review by people with only one point of view in life, does not lessen the FACT that this is a good show for today's times. I will continue to watch & enjoy the show. I hope you all do the same.
- colebrannigan
- Feb 24, 2020
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Let's get this out of the way; the 1's are from people who looked at the premisse or the first minute and don't like that 'protect and serve' means every civilian. Or that a lesbian could be a fierce agent. Or that a cop show doesn't follow procedures to a T.
Forget those whiners, watch it yourself. It's entertaining, has a nice pace for the first episode and lays out the lines nice for the rest of the show.
The 8 is based on the first episode, and can change with the following episodes. Normally I don't give a review right away, but the cry babies need a bit of a counter balance.
Forget those whiners, watch it yourself. It's entertaining, has a nice pace for the first episode and lays out the lines nice for the rest of the show.
The 8 is based on the first episode, and can change with the following episodes. Normally I don't give a review right away, but the cry babies need a bit of a counter balance.
So far so good. Decent cast, good themes. I hope all the 1 stars don't dissuade people from giving it an honest try. One of my old fav's is The Riffleman. This show isn't the same but does have similar themes.
I was very excited when I saw the advertisement for this new TV show. I absolutely loved Longmire and I love all of the Goodnight series of movies on TV. I thought that it might be something like that, I was ready for a good cop show with a western type of theme. After the first 15 minutes I was totally turned off by the political BS with the whole immigration talk. I continued to watch it hoping that it was just going to be that little bit in the beginning, but the longer I watched it the more I just couldn't take it anymore. I really don't understand why they would want to alienate half of their audience from the get go. I guess you have to be a liberal to enjoy this series. I couldn't even get through the first episode before I pressed the delete button.
I love this show... I love the work Stephen Dorff is doing... and The Supporting Cast is terrific... I feel it's one of the best shows of the season!
- musicman-24084
- Jan 13, 2020
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From the very first scene, you know what you're getting yourself into. Political rhetoric is glaring, the acting is stiff and uninspired and the writing is just lazy and overflowing with clichés. Really wanted to like this show, but episode one made it nearly impossible.
"Lighten up Francis" Name one Hollywood product that doesn't have an agenda. This is a good police action drama.
I wouldn't say this series is particularly groundbreaking but it is decent and defo not as bad as some people are making it out to be. Some people are so used to picking holes in everything and analysing it to the nth degree that they forget that it's here to be enjoyed and we are there to be entertained. Political this, lazy story that, just get out of the critics chair and just sit back and try and watch it without wondering why this happens and why that didn't.
As a fan of Stephen Dorff, This is a disappointing waste of talent. "The Deputy" is bulletproof, has a trans-gendered chauffeurette, just happens to have 3 horses when he needs them and yanks informants out of thin air. Just not worth the time.
Give this one the benefit of the doubt beyond the first episode. The suits don't know what it's like out there
- stacythompson-28518
- Feb 26, 2020
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This show is all about a man full of love. He loves his wife. (She is a surgeon. She saves his life when he is shot, and when he is stabbed.) He loves his daughter. He loves his Godson. He loves his father ( who has dementia and does not always know who he is.) He loves his fellow deputies. He loves the people of Los Angeles county. He loves his horse. The only thing he does not love, is the politics of being the Sheriff of Los Angeles county. The stories each week are a little weak.
- davidc-36426
- Feb 15, 2020
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