Beautifully blending & balancing the elements of comedy, horror & whodunnit mystery into a howling gem, Werewolves Within is more amusing than scary yet manages to be captivating from start to finish. Packed with a colourful set of characters whose interplay injects a fresh quality to its witty & kinetic story, this indie comedy horror is one of the better delights of the year.
Directed by Josh Ruben, the picture comes sprinkled with lycanthropic flavours but it is at its most interesting when dissecting the small-town community and highlighting their prejudices & tendencies to paint a fascinating milieu of our own society, all without sacrificing the genre thrills, fun vibe or entertainment value. And by not acquainting us too well with its characters, Ruben keeps everyone under suspicion.
The tone is lighthearted but there is a lot brewing under the surface. However, since the story never sidelines its comedic touches, the suspenseful moments don't pack the same punch as the funny ones and it is almost devoid of tension & terror. Performances are excellent from all. Sam Richardson leads from the front & is a likeable protagonist. Milana Vayntrub also stands out with her affable input. And the rest play their roles responsibly.
Overall, Werewolves Within makes for a delicious cinematic offering of its video game source and is a confidently crafted & intelligently narrated effort. The comedy comes from the script while remote setting, wintry surroundings & polished camerawork function in tandem to bring the horror aspects into play. Sharp in humour, scathing in commentary & snappy in execution, Josh Ruben's sophomore feature is a much welcome surprise that's worth your time & money.