Although this is the second film in the Fear Street trilogy, it was actually filmed last, after Part One: 1994 and Part Three: 1666.
"Camp Nightwing" is a reference to the setting of the Fear Street book "Lights Out", although the plots are different.
Camp Rutledge stands in for "Camp Nightwing" and was the major filming location used for Little Darlings (1980). Both Fear Street: 1978 and Little Darlings have a scene which was filmed at Camp Daniel Morgan, where Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986) was filmed.
The film borrows heavily from the original Friday the 13th series, especially by having the killer wearing a burlap sack mask, as Jason did in Friday the 13th: Part 2 (1981).
Like Alice, Tommy is the name for a survivor character from the Friday the 13th (1980) series. This film also copies many locations from this series.