Frank Wilcox credited as playing...
- Knut Osterholm: I'm a farmer. If I lose my farm there must be a reason for it. The sacrifice of one poor village - what will it accomplish?
- Gerd Bjarnesen: What sacrifice? What are you giving up? Your life? Maybe they'll take that from you whether you fight or not? Your farm? It isn't yours anyway until you fight for it. Your peace? What peace is there when a body of troops can come in the middle of the night and arrest you as a hostage. To be shot, for something you never did or never even thought of. To live in constant fear. Have blackings at your windows. Talk in whispers. Have guards at your church doors."
- Jensen - Shoemaker: Do you have any more objections?
- Gerd Bjarnesen: [Discussing the revolt] Then it's settled?
- Knut Osterholm: No, not yet. I don't agree with the pastor, but there are doubts in my mind.
- Mortensen - Tailor: You doubt, but my son in Oslo was arrested for cutting wires.
- Knut Osterholm: To the Devil with your son in Oslo!
- Mortensen - Tailor: You're a traitor!
- Knut Osterholm: I'm a farmer. If I lose my farm, there must be a reason for it. The sacrifice of one poor village... what would it accomplish?
- Gerd Bjarnesen: What sacrifice? What are you giving up? Your life? Maybe they'll take that from you whhether you fight or not. Your farm? It isn't yours anyway until you fight for it. Your peace? What peace is there when a body of troops can come in in the middle of the night and arrest you as a hostage to be shot for something you never did or never even thought of? Like my father! To live in constant fear, to have blackings at your door, to talk in whispers, to have guards at your church doors!
- Jensen - Shoemaker: Do you have any more objections?
- Knut Osterholm: All I did was ask a question. A man has a right to ask a question. I'm satisfied with the answer.