When the author of the original novel, Vercors, objected to Melville adapting his book without obtaining the rights, the filmmaker made him a deal. The filmmaker would go ahead and make the film without permission, and when it was complete, Vercors would arrange a screening of it for 24 former Resistance members. If even one of the 24 objected to the film, he, Melville, would personally burn the negative in front of Vercors' own eyes. When Vercors arranged the screening, he assumed that only 26 people would be present: himself, Melville and the 24-member "jury." However, much to Vercors' chagrin, Melville "stacked the deck" by instructing his publicist to invite many prominent critics and literary figures, including
André Malraux and
Jean Cocteau (whose novel Melville would later adapt into the film
Les Enfants Terribles (1950)), although Melville feigned innocence in the matter. Of the 24 "jury" members, one dropped out just before the screening, and the editor of the French newspaper Le Figaro was recruited as a replacement. When the film was over, 23 voted in favor of the film and only one against: the Le Figaro editor. However, when Vercors discovered that the man had voted against the film not because of the work itself, but because his vanity was offended at being a last-minute substitute, Vercors discounted his vote, and the film was saved.