Warren Stevens credited as playing...
Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow
- Commander Adams: [Showing a plaster cast of a monster footprint] Doc, I just don't understand. This thing could be a problem for a man with a club, but with our weapons, the chief could've...
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: No, no, no, Skipper, this thing runs counter to every known law of evolution. Now take this structure here: characteristic of a four-footed animal, yet our friend here last night left the tracks of a biped! Primarily a ground animal too; yet this claw could only belong to an arboreal creature like some kind of impossible tree sloth! Anywhere in the galaxy this thing is a nightmare!
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: So you took the brain boost, huh?
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: You oughta see my new mind. It's up there in lights. Bigger than his now.
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: [about Robby] But in the wrong hands, mightn't he be made into a weapon?
- Dr. Morbius: No doctor, not even though I were the mad scientist of the tape thriller.
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: The total potential here must be nothing less than astronomical.
- Dr. Morbius: Nothing less. The number 10 raised almost literally to the power of infinity.
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: Morbius was too close to the problem. The Krell had completed their project. Big machine. No instrumentalities. True creation.
- Commander Adams: Come on, Doc, let's have it.
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: But the Krell forgot one thing.
- Commander Adams: Yes, what?
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: Monsters, John. Monsters from the id.
- Commander Adams: The Id? What's that? Talk, Doc!
- [Doc slumps and dies]
- Commander Adams: Doc?
- Commander Adams: [sadly] Oh, Doc. Doc.
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: That's true enough, but any organism dense enough to survive three billion electron volts would have to be made of solid nuclear material. It would sink of its own weight to the center of the planet.
- Commander Adams: Well you saw it yourself standing right there in those neutron beams.
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: Well there's your answer. It must have been renewing its molecular structure from one microsecond to the next.
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: [about the Id Monster footprint] Anywhere in the galaxy, this thing is a nightmare.
- Robby the Robot: Passengers will please fasten their seatbelts.
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: Looks after us like a mother.
- Robby the Robot: [blocking the doorway] I am monitored to admit no one at this hour.
- Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow: That sounded final.
- Commander Adams: Maybe if we reason with him.
- [they draw their weapons]
- Robby the Robot: My beams are focused on your blasters, gentlemen.
- [they attempt to fire but Robby disables the blasters]
- Commander Adams: Doesn't he have a built-in rule against wringing our little necks for us?
- Robby the Robot: That is true, sir. Yet, I am monitored to admit no one.
- [Altaira appears behind him]
- Altaira Morbius: Robby! Robby, let them in.
- Commander Adams: Altaira, this is your father's order, now, get out of the way!
- Altaira Morbius: Be quiet. Robby, emergency cancellation Archimedes.
- [Robby moves off; Cmdr Adams and Altaira embrace]
- Altaira Morbius: Why are you here?
- Commander Adams: We were attacked. Three more men dead, including Jerry Farmen.