- [York plans the rescue of children held prisoner by Apaches]
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: Is it dark enough for you to get in there?
- Trooper Travis Tyree: With two men I pick, sir.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: Two men you pick? I know you're a excellent judge of horse flesh, Trooper Tyree. You proved that when you stole my horse. But how are you as a judge of men for a dangerous mission?
- Trooper Travis Tyree: I consider myself a good judge of men I trust, sir.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: But put out of your mind any romantic ideas that it's a way of glory. It's a life of suffering and hardship, an uncompromising devotion to your oath and your duty.
- Mrs. Kathleen York: Yankee justice! Arresting that nice young man and charging him with manslaughter, while they promote arsonists to be Sergeant Majors!
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: You said it, soldier, that's enough for me!
- Mrs. Kathleen York: Ramrod, wreckage and ruin, still the same Kirby York.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: Special privileges to special born, still the same Kathleen.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: [breaking up a solders' fight] Quincannon, what started this?
- Sgt. Maj. Timothy Quincannon: I refuse to answer sir... respectfully.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: Heinze?
- Sgt. Maj. Timothy Quincannon: I refuse to answer, sir.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: Yorke?
- Trooper Jefferson 'Jeff' Yorke: No, sir.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: Soldiers' fight, eh? Carry on.
- [leaves the site]
- Trooper Heinze: Sorry, soldier.
- Trooper Jefferson 'Jeff' Yorke: Thanks, Heinze.
- Sgt. Maj. Timothy Quincannon: [breaking up soldier's fight] Break it up! Who started this?
- Trooper Travis Tyree: [indicating Heinze] This fella talked derogatory about the boy's pappy.
- Trooper Daniel 'Sandy' Boone: Yeah, he called him the teacher's pet of a chowder-headed Mick sergeant. What's that mean, doc?
- Sgt. Maj. Timothy Quincannon: [to Heinze] Oh, you said that, did ya?
- Trooper Heinze: Yes, I did.
- Sgt. Maj. Timothy Quincannon: And did ya mean me?
- Trooper Heinze: Yes I did.
- Sgt. Maj. Timothy Quincannon: [exasperated] A chowder... what was that?
- Trooper Daniel 'Sandy' Boone: Chowder-headed Mick sergeant.
- Sgt. Maj. Timothy Quincannon: And you meant it?
- Trooper Heinze: Yes I did.
- Mrs. Kathleen York: Aren't you gonna kiss me goodbye?
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: I never want to kiss you goodbye, Kathleen.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: But he must learn that a man's word to anything, even his own destruction, is his honor.
- Sgt. Maj. Timothy Quincannon: [to the troop] Is there any man here from Texas?
- Trooper Daniel 'Sandy' Boone: Yes sir; I'm from Texas. Name's Boone... Daniel Boone.
- U.S. Deputy Marshal: Daniel Boone? That sounds familiar, don't it?
- [looks through circulars]
- U.S. Deputy Marshal: Name's Tyree!
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: At Chapultopec, my father, your grandfather, shot for cowardice the son of a United States senator
- [Lt. Col. York lectures new recruits]
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: I don't want you men to be fooled about what's coming up for you. Torture, at least that. The War Department promised me 180 men. They sent me eighteen. You are the eighteen... so each of you will have to do the work of ten men. If you fail, I'll have you spread-eagled on a wagon wheel. If you desert, you'll be found, tracked down and broken into bits. That is all.
- Gen. Philip Sheridan: I'm going to issue you an order and give it to you personally. I want you to cross the Rio Grande, hit the Apache and burn him out. I'm tired of hit-and-run. I'm sick of diplomatic hide-and-seek.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: Any liquor in this village?
- Trooper Travis Tyree: Mucho tequila. They were slugging it down copious like when I left.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: Drums? Singing?
- Trooper Travis Tyree: Yes, sir.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: Vengeance dance. They'll dance until dawn.
- Trooper Travis Tyree: I'm hungry. Beans? Didn't nobody ever tell the army that they grew beef in this part of the country?
- Trooper Jefferson 'Jeff' Yorke: [laughing] Not lately. We'll be on cold rations for three days.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: [Jeff holds his salute] What are you waiting for?
- Trooper Jefferson 'Jeff' Yorke: Trooper Yorke expects his salute to be retuned, sir. Army regulations.
- [Quincannon laughs]
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: Quincannon!
- [Col. Yorke rises, salutes]
- Trooper Daniel 'Sandy' Boone: [when he gets shot at his behind] What the hell's the matter with you, Jeff?
- Trooper Jefferson 'Jeff' Yorke: Sorry, Sandy.
- Trooper Travis Tyree: Seems t' me they make a lotta fuss about jumpin' a horse over some sticks.
- Trooper Jefferson 'Jeff' Yorke: That's a six-foot jump, Travis!
- Trooper Daniel 'Sandy' Boone: [referring to Margaret Mary] I'm startin' to wonder whose side that kid's on - theirs or ours.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: You've overlooked several other important details. Number one, you're a fine figure of a woman. Number two, you probably haven't eaten.
- Sgt. Maj. Timothy Quincannon: [Speaking to Trooper Tyree, referring to the Marshal there to arrest him] Hey son, do you know that man has a warrant charging you with manslaughter?
- Trooper Travis Tyree: A lotta people use that word "manslaughter" pretty freely.
- Dr. Wilkins (regimental surgeon): Boy, why don't you tell us about this? Maybe we can help ya.
- Trooper Travis Tyree: Well, it could be that a
- [pauses, looks from Dr. Wilkins to Sgt. Quincannon]
- Trooper Travis Tyree: fella had a run-in with a Yankee down in Texas. Somethin' about the fella's sister. And, it could be that the Yankee drawed a gun and started shootin'. Got himself killed.
- [Quincannon nods in approvement]
- Dr. Wilkins (regimental surgeon): Mrs. York wants to get ya a lawyer, get ya outta this scrape.
- Trooper Travis Tyree: Thank 'er kindly for me and tell 'er...
- [pauses, resolves himself]
- Trooper Travis Tyree: Look fellas, my sister's gettin' married to a man she grew up with. A Texican. Fine fella. They kinda plan on goin' to California and startin' fresh. And, I don't think it's quite right to start a lotta talk and scandal in open court until their dust is settled behind them.
- Dr. Wilkins (regimental surgeon): [sighs] Well, that makes sense to me.
- Trooper Travis Tyree: Of course, when I hear they're *in* California, I'll be wantin' that lawyer. Wantin' him *bad*. Tell ya the truth, I kinda like this man's army.
- [Quincannon beams with great satisfaction]
- Trooper Travis Tyree: Thank you for your kindness, Doctor.
- [stands]
- Trooper Travis Tyree: Let's git 'er done, Sergeant!
- Dr. Wilkins (regimental surgeon): If that boy was one'a my troopers, I wouldn't be so eager to see him get hung!
- Dr. Wilkins (regimental surgeon): If that boy was one a' my troopers, I wouldn't be so eager to see him get hung
- [hands a bottle of whiskey to Sgt. Quincannon]
- Dr. Wilkins (regimental surgeon): .
- Sgt. Maj. Timothy Quincannon: I'll just take a sup for me cold, and when I'm through, I'll take you to the Colonel
- [pours and takes a drink]
- Sgt. Maj. Timothy Quincannon: . That is, unless you're a blackguard, steal a horse, and hide out for a few days.
- Lt. Col. Kirby York: Tonight the sutler's store will remain open until twelve o'clock. Let 'em have some beer.