David Frankham credited as playing...
Sgt. Tibbs
- Colonel: [decoding the Twilight Bark] One long howl... two short... one yip and a woof.
- Seargent Tibs: Two yips, sir.
- Captain: What's the word, Colonel?
- Colonel: It's from London.
- Seargent Tibs: Then it must be important!
- Colonel: Yes, yes, well I'll get the rest of it.
- [barks, listens]
- Colonel: Sounds like a number! Three fives are thirteen...
- Seargent Tibs: Uh, that's fifteen, sir.
- Colonel: Fifteen, of course fifteen!
- [listens again]
- Colonel: Yes, dot, spot, spotted puddings... poodles... no, puddles.
- Captain: [confused] Puddles, sir?
- Colonel: Fifteen spotted puddles stolen? Oh, balderdash!
- Pongo: What? 99? Where did they all come from?
- Perdita: What on earth would she want with so many?
- Spotty: She's gonna make coats out of us!
- Perdita: She couldn't!
- Seargent Tibs: That's right. Dog skinned coats.
- Colonel: Oh, dog skinned coats. Oh, come now, Tibs!
- Seargent Tibs: But it's true, sir.
- Patch: Horace and Jasper are going to pop us off and skin us!
- Perdita: She's a devil! A witch! Oh, what'll we do?
- Pongo: We have to get back to London somehow.
- Patch: What about the others? What'll they do?
- Pongo: Perdy, we'll take them home with us. All of them.
- [the puppies start wagging their tails]
- Pongo: Our pets would never turn them out.
- Cruella De Vil: I've got no time to argue. I tell you, it's got to be done tonight!
- [Turns off television set]
- Cruella De Vil: Do you understand? Tonight!
- Horace: But they ain't big enough.
- Jasper: You couldn't get half a dozen coats out of the whole kaboodle.
- Seargent Tibs: [whispering] Coats? Dog skin coats?
- Cruella De Vil: Then we'll settle for half a dozen!
- Jasper: [Jasper coughs]
- Cruella De Vil: We can't wait! The police are everywhere. I want the job done tonight!
- Horace: How're we gonna do it?
- Cruella De Vil: Any way you like. Poison them. Drown them. Bash them in the head. You got any chloroform?
- Jasper: Not a drop.
- Horace: And no ether, either.
- Jasper: [Hits Horace over the head with bottle]
- Jasper: Either!
- Cruella De Vil: I don't care how you kill the little beasts, but do it, and do it now!
- Jasper: Aw, please, miss. Have pity, will you? Can't we see the rest of the show first?
- Horace: We want to see "What's My Crime?"
- [Cruella takes Jasper's bottle causing him to cough and throws it into the fireplace, where it explodes; she slaps both of them in the face]
- Cruella De Vil: Now listen, you idiots! I'll be back first thing in the morning. And the job better be done or I'll I'll I'll call the police! Do you understand?
- Seargent Tibs: [She slams the door behind her; a piece of plaster falls off the ceiling and on Horace's head]
- Horace: I think she means it, Jasper.
- [the Colonel and Seargent Tibs are still waiting for Pongo and Perdita]
- Captain: Any news, Colonel?
- Colonel: No. Not a blasted thing. They're lost or captured, or something or other. Who knows what?
- Seargent Tibs: Colonel, here comes a car!
- Colonel: Oh, come now, Tibs! Don't be ridiculous! They wouldn't be driving.
- Colonel: They say the ol' place is haunted or bewitched or some such fiddle faddle.
- Seargent Tibs: Fiddle faddle and rot, sir.
- Colonel: Just the same, Sergeant, use extreme caution. No telling what sort of hocus pocus you might run into.
- Pongo: Thank you, Sergeant, Colonel, Captain.
- Perdita: Bless you all.
- Pongo: How can we ever repay you?
- Colonel: Oh, nothing at all. All in the line of duty.
- Seargent Tibs: That's right, sir. Routine.
- [as Tibs and the puppies are chased by the Baduns]
- Colonel: Sergeant? I say, sergeant!
- Seargent Tibs: [stops and salutes] Sorry sir, no time to explain, busy sir!
- [resumes running]
- Captain: [neighing lowly] Hmm-hmm-hmm. Hmm... sounds like old Towser. It's an alert. Sergeant!
- [He speaks louder to wake up Sergeant Tibbs, a tabby cat sleeping on his back]
- Captain: Sergeant Tibbs! I SAY, SERGEANT!
- [He neighs loudly to wake up Tibbs]
- Seargent Tibs: [screeches, then promptly salutes] Who? What? Oh, yes, Captain!
- Captain: Barking signal. It's an alert. Report to the Colonel at once.
- Seargent Tibs: [respectfully] Yes, sir. Righto, sir. Right away, sir!
- [Tibbs hops off Captain's back and scurries along the barn rafters to find Colonel. He reaches an empty barn stall with plenty of hay scattered on the floor and looks for Colonel]
- Seargent Tibs: Colonel? I say, Colonel! Colonel, sir? Colonel?
- [Tibbs yelps as he is lifted on his superior's head buried inside the hay]
- Seargent Tibs: Colonel?
- Colonel: [waking up] What? What? Who goes there?
- Seargent Tibs: Sergeant Tibbs reporting, sir.
- Colonel: Tibbs? Tibbs? Oh, yes, Sergeant Tibbs!
- Seargent Tibs: Colonel, sir...
- Colonel: Now, look here, Tibbs. What's the idea of barging in at this hour of the night?
- Seargent Tibs: But, Colonel...
- Colonel: Hold on, Sergeant. You hear that? Sounds like an alert.
- Seargent Tibs: [sighs] Yes, Colonel.
- Colonel: Well, we'd better look into it. Come along, on the double!
- Seargent Tibs: Yes, sir. Righto, sir.
- [Tibbs follows Colonel to the stall next to Captain's stall, just as Captain himself hears the last of the message]
- Captain: It's old Towser down at Withermarsh, sir.
- Colonel: By Jove, yes! So it is. Well, I'll see what he wants. Ahem!
- [barking]
- Colonel: Woof, woof, woof! Woof, woof, woof!
- [Back on the hill a good distance away from the farm, Towser receives the response from Colonel with Lucy holding up his left ear]
- Towser: It'd be the Colonel. The old boy himself!
- [chuckles]
- Towser: He wants the message.
- Lucy: You'd better make it loud and clear or he'll never get it.
- [Towser then barks the message about the fifteen stolen puppies]