J. Pat O'Malley credited as playing...
Colonel • Jasper • Mechanic
- Colonel: [decoding the Twilight Bark] One long howl... two short... one yip and a woof.
- Seargent Tibs: Two yips, sir.
- Captain: What's the word, Colonel?
- Colonel: It's from London.
- Seargent Tibs: Then it must be important!
- Colonel: Yes, yes, well I'll get the rest of it.
- [barks, listens]
- Colonel: Sounds like a number! Three fives are thirteen...
- Seargent Tibs: Uh, that's fifteen, sir.
- Colonel: Fifteen, of course fifteen!
- [listens again]
- Colonel: Yes, dot, spot, spotted puddings... poodles... no, puddles.
- Captain: [confused] Puddles, sir?
- Colonel: Fifteen spotted puddles stolen? Oh, balderdash!
- Pongo: What? 99? Where did they all come from?
- Perdita: What on earth would she want with so many?
- Spotty: She's gonna make coats out of us!
- Perdita: She couldn't!
- Seargent Tibs: That's right. Dog skinned coats.
- Colonel: Oh, dog skinned coats. Oh, come now, Tibs!
- Seargent Tibs: But it's true, sir.
- Patch: Horace and Jasper are going to pop us off and skin us!
- Perdita: She's a devil! A witch! Oh, what'll we do?
- Pongo: We have to get back to London somehow.
- Patch: What about the others? What'll they do?
- Pongo: Perdy, we'll take them home with us. All of them.
- [the puppies start wagging their tails]
- Pongo: Our pets would never turn them out.
- Cruella De Vil: I've got no time to argue. I tell you, it's got to be done tonight!
- [Turns off television set]
- Cruella De Vil: Do you understand? Tonight!
- Horace: But they ain't big enough.
- Jasper: You couldn't get half a dozen coats out of the whole kaboodle.
- Seargent Tibs: [whispering] Coats? Dog skin coats?
- Cruella De Vil: Then we'll settle for half a dozen!
- Jasper: [Jasper coughs]
- Cruella De Vil: We can't wait! The police are everywhere. I want the job done tonight!
- Horace: How're we gonna do it?
- Cruella De Vil: Any way you like. Poison them. Drown them. Bash them in the head. You got any chloroform?
- Jasper: Not a drop.
- Horace: And no ether, either.
- Jasper: [Hits Horace over the head with bottle]
- Jasper: Either!
- Cruella De Vil: I don't care how you kill the little beasts, but do it, and do it now!
- Jasper: Aw, please, miss. Have pity, will you? Can't we see the rest of the show first?
- Horace: We want to see "What's My Crime?"
- [Cruella takes Jasper's bottle causing him to cough and throws it into the fireplace, where it explodes; she slaps both of them in the face]
- Cruella De Vil: Now listen, you idiots! I'll be back first thing in the morning. And the job better be done or I'll I'll I'll call the police! Do you understand?
- Seargent Tibs: [She slams the door behind her; a piece of plaster falls off the ceiling and on Horace's head]
- Horace: I think she means it, Jasper.
- Horace: I don't like it, Jasper. One more pinch, and they'll throw the keys away.
- Jasper: Oh, come off it, Horace. We're getting plenty of bootle.
- Horace: Yes, but I've been thinking.
- Jasper: You've been thinking? Now look here, Horace! I warned you about thinking! I've got the nog for this job, so let's get on with it!
- Cruella De Vil: Well, any sign of them?
- Jasper: Not so much as a blooming footprint. And we've been up and down every blicking road in the county.
- Horace: We're froze stiff. We're giving up.
- Cruella De Vil: Oh, no, you don't! We'll find the little mongrels if it takes till next Christmas. Now get going! And watch your driving, you imbeciles! Do you wanna get nabbed by the police?
- Cruella De Vil: [on the phone with Jasper] Jasper! Jasper, you idiot! How dare you call here!
- Jasper: But, we don't want no more of this here! We want our bootle! We'll settle for half!
- Cruella De Vil: Not one shilling until the job is done! Understand?
- Horace: Jasper! Jasper!
- [shows him the newspaper that it says "15 puppies stolen" in it]
- Jasper: [to Cruella] But it's here in the blinkin' papers! Pictures and all!
- Cruella De Vil: Hang the papers! It'll be forgotten tomorrow!
- Horace: I don't like it, Jasper. I...
- Jasper: [to Horace] Ah, shut up, you idiot!
- Cruella De Vil: [shouts] What?
- Jasper: [to Cruella] Whoa! Oh, no! Not you, Miss! I mean Horace, here!
- Cruella De Vil: Why, you imbecile!
- [slams down the phone]
- Horace: [yanks the steering wheel off in a panic] Jasper!
- Jasper: [the Baduns' van careens out of control] Horace!
- [the Baduns' van collides with Cruella's half-wrecked car with a big crash as they land themselves into a snowy ravine while the moving van drives away]
- Cruella De Vil: You idiots! You... you fools! *sobs* Ah, you imbeciles!
- Jasper: Ah, shaddap.
- [Cruella sobs in defeat]
- [the Colonel and Seargent Tibs are still waiting for Pongo and Perdita]
- Captain: Any news, Colonel?
- Colonel: No. Not a blasted thing. They're lost or captured, or something or other. Who knows what?
- Seargent Tibs: Colonel, here comes a car!
- Colonel: Oh, come now, Tibs! Don't be ridiculous! They wouldn't be driving.
- [the dalmatians are hiding from Jasper and Horace under a bridge across a frozen creek]
- Jasper: Aw, they gotta be around here somewhere.
- Horace: Jasper, I've been thinking.
- Jasper: Now, Horace!
- Horace: But what if they went down the froze-up creek so as not to leave their tracks?
- Jasper: Oh, Horace, you idiot! Dogs ain't that smart.
- Colonel: They say the ol' place is haunted or bewitched or some such fiddle faddle.
- Seargent Tibs: Fiddle faddle and rot, sir.
- Colonel: Just the same, Sergeant, use extreme caution. No telling what sort of hocus pocus you might run into.
- Horace: [Jasper is drinking] Hey, Jasper! Come on now, give us a swig. Just a short one?
- Jasper: Now Horace, this hogwash ain't fit for a fancy gent like yourself. Besides, you'd get crumbs in it, ya cabbage head!
- Horace: [not noticing Rolly stealing the meat out of his sandwich] All right! Guzzle the whole works, and I hope it gives ya collywobbles, that's what!
- [He takes a bite out of the now empty sandwich, looks puzzled and holds it open to Jasper]
- Horace: 'Ere Jasper, did you...?
- [Jasper nonchalantly taps his cigar ash over it]
- Pongo: Thank you, Sergeant, Colonel, Captain.
- Perdita: Bless you all.
- Pongo: How can we ever repay you?
- Colonel: Oh, nothing at all. All in the line of duty.
- Seargent Tibs: That's right, sir. Routine.
- Jasper: The little twerps! Giving us the slip! And after we took so much care of them! That's gratitude for ya!