Rickie Sorensen credited as playing...
- Pongo: What? 99? Where did they all come from?
- Perdita: What on earth would she want with so many?
- Spotty: She's gonna make coats out of us!
- Perdita: She couldn't!
- Seargent Tibs: That's right. Dog skinned coats.
- Colonel: Oh, dog skinned coats. Oh, come now, Tibs!
- Seargent Tibs: But it's true, sir.
- Patch: Horace and Jasper are going to pop us off and skin us!
- Perdita: She's a devil! A witch! Oh, what'll we do?
- Pongo: We have to get back to London somehow.
- Patch: What about the others? What'll they do?
- Pongo: Perdy, we'll take them home with us. All of them.
- [the puppies start wagging their tails]
- Pongo: Our pets would never turn them out.