Ben Wright credited as playing...
Roger Radcliffe • Man
- Roger: Look, Anita! Puppies everywhere!
- Anita: There must be a hundred of them!
- Nanny: One, two, three and four. Seven, eight, nine.
- Roger: Two more. Nine plus two is eleven.
- Nanny: Thirty Six over here!
- Roger: Thirty Six and eleven? That's forty seven.
- Anita: Fourteen. Eighteen, Rog.
- Roger: Uh, eh sixty five!
- Nanny: Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen!
- Anita: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Six more.
- Roger: Well, let's see, now. That's eighty four and fifteen plus two. A hundred and one!
- Anita: A hundred and one? My, where did they all come from?
- Roger: Oh ho, Pongo, you old rascal!
- Cruella: When can the puppies leave their mother? Two weeks? Three weeks?
- Roger: Never.
- Cruella: What?
- Roger: W-w-we're n-not s-selling t-the puppies. N-n-not a sing - a single one. Do you understand?
- Cruella: Anita, is he serious? I really don't know Roger.
- Anita: Well Cruella, he seems...
- Cruella: Surely he must be joking!
- Roger: No, no, no. I-I-I mean it. You're-you're not getting one. N-n-not one. And that's - that's final!
- Cruella: Why, you horrid man! You - you - All right, keep the little beasts for all I care!
- [she rips up the cheque]
- Cruella: Do as you like with them! Drown them!
- [she walks up to Anita]
- Cruella: But I warn you, Anita, we're through. I'm through with all of you! I'll get even. Just wait. You'll be sorry! You fools! You - you idiots!
- Nanny: The puppies are here! Oh, the puppies are here!
- [laughs]
- Roger: How many?
- Nanny: Eight.
- Roger: Eight?
- [Pongo barks]
- Roger: By George, Pongo! Eight puppies!
- Nanny: Ten.
- Anita: Eleven!
- Nanny: Eleven!
- Roger: Eleven? Eleven puppies! Pongo boy!
- Nanny: Wait a minute now. Wait a minute... Thirteen! No, no, no, fourteen. Oh, fifteen!
- Roger: Fifteen?
- Nanny: [chuckles to Pongo] And the mother is doing fine, love.
- [Pongo walks around like he's drunk]
- Roger: Fifteen puppies? Why, Pongo boy, that's marvelous! It's fabulous! Why, you old rascal!
- Nanny: [enters with a puppy under a blanket] Fourteen. Just fourteen. We lost one.
- [hands it to Roger]
- Nanny: Oh, the poor little thing.
- [the room goes silent]
- Roger: Oh, Pongo boy... it's just one of those things. And yet... and yet I wonder...
- [Roger starts rubbing the puppy for a little while, until suddenly, it starts to move]
- Roger: Look, Pongo!
- [the puppy is alive]
- Roger: Anita! Nanny! Fifteen! We still have fifteen!
- Anita: Oh, Roger, he's all right! Thank heaven.
- Roger: See? He's just as good as new!
- Anita: Can you imagine, Rog? Fifteen puppies!
- Roger: Oh, must be Cruella, your dearly devoted old schoolmate. Cruella De Vil. That's it!
- [sings]
- Roger: Cruella De Vil / Cruella De Vil / If she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will.
- Anita: Oh, Roger!
- Roger: To see her is to take a sudden chill / Cruella, Cruella / She's like a spider waiting for the kill.
- Anita: Roger, she'll hear you.
- Roger: Look out for Cruella De Vil.
- Roger: At first you think Cruella is a devil / But after time has worn away the shock / You come to realize / You've seen her kind of eyes / Watching you from underneath a rock.
- Anita: You're no help.
- Roger: This vampire bat, this inhuman beast / She ought to be locked up and never released / The world was such a wholesome place until / Cruella, Cruella De Vil.
- Anita: [as the soot covered Dalmatians barge into the Radcliffe house] Roger, what on earth?
- Roger: Why, they're labradors!
- Nanny: No, no! They're all covered in soot. Look, here's Lucky!
- Roger: [wipes off Pongo's face] Why, Pongo Boy, is that you? Oh-ho! Pongo! Pongo! It's Pongo!
- Anita: [wipes off Perdita's face] And Perdy! Oh, my darling!
- Nanny: [dusts off the puppies one by one] And Patch, And Rolly, and Penny, and Freckles!
- [laughs]
- Nanny: They're all here, the little deadrs!
- Roger: It's a miracle!
- Anita: Oh Rog, what a wonderful Christmas present!