The umbrella shop still exists at 13 Rue De Port, Cherbourg, and is marked with a plaque that commemorates the film.
Knowing that the Eastmancolor process fades over time, in order to preserve the film's saturated colors and unable to afford the true three-strip Technicolor process that had fallen out of favor by the 1960s, director Jacques Demy subsequently printed three 35-millimeter separation masters from the original negative on black-and-white film stock that was dyed yellow, cyan, and magenta. These masters formed the basis of the film's 2013 restoration.
In the beginning, a black car rolls into the garage where Guy works, and Guy is asked to assist with the car's problems. This car is actually Roland Cassard's, and it can be seen two more times: when Roland visits the umbrella shop to give Ms. Emery the money for her pearl necklace and, again, as the wedding car. The license plate is the same and can be seen in this latter scene and in the very first. The same car is driven by Genevieve to Guy's service station in the climactic final scene.
Catherine Deneuve was only 19 when this movie was made. She turned 20 a couple of days after filming ended.
Roland tells Genevieve's mother he once loved a woman named "Lola." Lola (1961) is a Jacques Demy film from 1961, in which Marc Michel plays the same character of Roland.