96 reviews
Old Yeller is one of Disney's Best. Superb performances all around, a very touching (especially for dog lovers, it might even be to painful for some i.e. my wife) with a very heart-wrenching ending. They don't make them like this any more. If you enjoyed Old Yeller, may I recommend you give The Yearling a try. Which is even better (if possible) than Old Yeller.
The quintessential boy/dog movie. It does have obvious correlations with Marjorie Rawling's "The Yearling". I first saw this film on TV when I was six years old or so. Interestingly, at that time, I remember the Chuck Connors character as menacing and almost evil. On viewing as an adult, that character was a perfect gentleman, giving up the dog to the boy when he was under absolutely no obligation to do so. Also interesting to see the casual, and basically unnoticed cruelty of the Travis character toward the little girl. I don't remember even noticing that as a child. Disney knew how to make real family entertainment in those days. Now, it seems that material suitable for children is targeted directly at them, and is generally a chore for adults to sit through. OY found a way to split the difference. Truly a classic.
- Smells_Like_Cheese
- Nov 10, 2006
- Permalink
This film has a lot of heart, and there's not a phony performance in the entire movie. Fess Parker and Dorothy McGuire are perfect as the down to earth parents, and Tommy Kirk shines as the oldest son trying to become a man. Jeff York, who played Mike Fink in "Davy Crockett and the River Pirates", is funny as a lazy settler who doesn't do a thing. Even Chuck Connors has a fine cameo as the real owner of Old Yeller who gives the dog up to please a child.
Old Yeller still has the power to make me cry, and I've seen it at least 50 times. It's sentimental and pushes all the right buttons, but I still love it.
Old Yeller still has the power to make me cry, and I've seen it at least 50 times. It's sentimental and pushes all the right buttons, but I still love it.
Of all the movies I saw as a young in the theaters in the 1950s, the only one that haunted me or brought tears to my eyes was this one. It made a lasting impression on everyone in our family. Not long afterward, we bought a Golden Retriever puppy and it was a fabulous dog.
After a long, long absence, I saw it for the third time in the late1990s on VHS. Since I never forgot the sad ending, I was prepared for that. My attitude was great going in, especially since I had become a fan of Dorothy McGuire since her magnificent performance in "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn."
Anyway - hey, I have to be honest - this time around I was disappointed. I think I expected too much since the film had such strong nostalgia value. Yes, it was still a nice old-fashioned story but the impact was so-so and McGuire looked like she had aged 20 years since "Brooklyn." She didn't look like the same person from the famous 1945 drama.
Tommy Kirk went on to be a star on television and in the movies for Walt Disney while I don't believe Kevin Corcoran, who was just as good as Kirk, did a whole lot after this....some westerns into the '60s. Good 'ole "Davy Crockett," Fess Parker, also is in this movie but has a minor role, being seen only in the beginning and at the end. Chuck Connors also had a small role.
A nice story, no doubt. Perhaps another viewing with lower expectations would make me rate this highly again. Just the name "Old Yeller" is still special to me, however.
After a long, long absence, I saw it for the third time in the late1990s on VHS. Since I never forgot the sad ending, I was prepared for that. My attitude was great going in, especially since I had become a fan of Dorothy McGuire since her magnificent performance in "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn."
Anyway - hey, I have to be honest - this time around I was disappointed. I think I expected too much since the film had such strong nostalgia value. Yes, it was still a nice old-fashioned story but the impact was so-so and McGuire looked like she had aged 20 years since "Brooklyn." She didn't look like the same person from the famous 1945 drama.
Tommy Kirk went on to be a star on television and in the movies for Walt Disney while I don't believe Kevin Corcoran, who was just as good as Kirk, did a whole lot after this....some westerns into the '60s. Good 'ole "Davy Crockett," Fess Parker, also is in this movie but has a minor role, being seen only in the beginning and at the end. Chuck Connors also had a small role.
A nice story, no doubt. Perhaps another viewing with lower expectations would make me rate this highly again. Just the name "Old Yeller" is still special to me, however.
- ccthemovieman-1
- Jun 27, 2006
- Permalink
While there are many really good dog films out there, in my honest opinion, they all submit to the leader of the pack, and that leader's name is Old Yeller. I first saw this film when I was 10 years old, and have been a huge fan ever since. While the acting is superb, and the story is top notch, the real star of this film is the 170 pound Labrador/Mastiff mix named Spike who played the part of Yeller with heart and soul. If you are one of the few in the world who does not know the story of "Old Yeller", be warned that you may shed tears after seeing what many consider to be one of the most heartbreaking scenes in movie history. But that scene only makes you love this movie even more as through tragedy comes hope and learning experiences. Don't miss one of the greatest classics of all time.
So lets just jump right into this review. Story: The Story in the Old Yeller film is surprisingly Entertaining I expected this film to be boring but it is also Charming and Just one note if you can't handle watching animals die this film is not for you. Characters: So lets start off at the main character witch is travis he's a good main character and has a lot of character Development. then there's Old Yeller who is a pretty good character also. the only character that may be considered annoying is Arliss he's just annoying when he lies and whines and throws rocks at travis his Brother. Conclusion: so in conclusion this is a sad and entertaining film if you enjoy another film called the Shaggy Dog you will enjoy this. Personal Score 7/10
Critic Score: Story: 7/10 Characters 7/10 Overall Critic Score 7/10
Critic Score: Story: 7/10 Characters 7/10 Overall Critic Score 7/10
- SSReviews-U
- May 13, 2017
- Permalink
After watching this movie with my son I checked this site expecting a rating closer to 9 or 10 and was a bit disappointed some folks did not enjoy it as much as we did. It's a wonderful movie with a touching and believable story line. Travis and his younger brother Arliss perform flawlessly, though their mother may seem too passive for a frontier woman. The sudden appearance of Chuck Connors (Burn Sanderson) enlightens the story line with a light romantic undertone.
The movie teaches young kids the values of hard work, family love, neighborly support, hospitality and pretty much everything that today's movies seem to overlook as too mundane and banal. I strongly recommend this movie to young and old and give it a rating of 10. In my view the movie should be judged in its genre which is family/kids and not be compared with better adult performances in more serious movies. Surely, Tommy Kirk is not Gregory Peck in "To Kill a Mocking Bird" but his performance is just the same for a kid of his age in a family movie.
The movie teaches young kids the values of hard work, family love, neighborly support, hospitality and pretty much everything that today's movies seem to overlook as too mundane and banal. I strongly recommend this movie to young and old and give it a rating of 10. In my view the movie should be judged in its genre which is family/kids and not be compared with better adult performances in more serious movies. Surely, Tommy Kirk is not Gregory Peck in "To Kill a Mocking Bird" but his performance is just the same for a kid of his age in a family movie.
I must have seen this when I was a kid (on TV), but I'd forgotten just how good a movie this is. The technical aspects are great (that color!), the acting believable and naturalistic, and the story moves along at a really nice pace. There's nothing condescending or "cutesy" here, and the plot point of the kid trying to play grown up (ie, Tommy Kirk as man of the house while his father's away) is played out without the traps that so many coming-of-age films fall into: In this boy's world, being an adult is about working and taking responsibility, not sneaking drinks and experimenting with sex. Also, the "messages" were woven nicely into the script, not tacked on and rammed over your head. It also helped that they had actors, rather than "stars". This is really what family filmmaking (a term I generally hate) should be: Something that kids and adults can appreciate.
A cute film regarding 'Old Yeller' the dog.
With that said, I can't say the film does anything to endear the kids to me, they come across as extremely unlikable - mainly due to the dialogue. Given Travis becomes the 'man of the house', they attempt to make him an adult whilst still being a child. In some parts it works, it others it truly doesn't. Arliss, the youngest, isn't portrayed that greatly either.
The actor who plays Travis, however, is actually fairly impressive. When the filmmakers do their job properly, I do almost connect with the oldest son; I just lose that when the other side of things kicks in. The adults are far better in this film, with Jeff York producing the goods as Bud Searcy. Fess Parker (Jim), even in his minor role, and Dorothy McGuire (Katie) are decent too.
The stuff with the dog is largely positive and heartwarming, but this production is let down by odd dialogue and questionable character behaviour from the children. Even so, it still makes for solid enough viewing all in all.
With that said, I can't say the film does anything to endear the kids to me, they come across as extremely unlikable - mainly due to the dialogue. Given Travis becomes the 'man of the house', they attempt to make him an adult whilst still being a child. In some parts it works, it others it truly doesn't. Arliss, the youngest, isn't portrayed that greatly either.
The actor who plays Travis, however, is actually fairly impressive. When the filmmakers do their job properly, I do almost connect with the oldest son; I just lose that when the other side of things kicks in. The adults are far better in this film, with Jeff York producing the goods as Bud Searcy. Fess Parker (Jim), even in his minor role, and Dorothy McGuire (Katie) are decent too.
The stuff with the dog is largely positive and heartwarming, but this production is let down by odd dialogue and questionable character behaviour from the children. Even so, it still makes for solid enough viewing all in all.
- bellhollow
- Jun 27, 2004
- Permalink
I saw Old Yeller 50+ years ago, when I was young. Before that, my parents read the book to me. Meanwhile I barely thought about it, until the National Film Registry chose it for preservation among its "culturally or aesthetically significant" honorees. Then I thought I had better watch it again (via YouTube) because for all that it had left very little impression on me since and even in childhood. I see here that many people of my generation recall the film as a wonderful formative experience - a boy and his dog - a milestone in their coming-of-age. My problem may have been that, growing up in NYC, I didn't own a dog, and moreover I was afraid of dogs. The only dog with which I had contact then was a little mutt that an uncle brought with him when he visited. It insisted on jumping up at me, harmlessly but scarifyingly, whenever it could. Since then I have had dogs, and I like them. One was even a charming Heinz 57 whose main ingredient was, like Old Yeller, golden retriever. She was adorable (RIP Freddie.) So, I saw this movie when I didn't like dogs, and it made little impression. Now I have seen it while I do like dogs. I still can't cry when Tommy Kirk shoots his canine companion.
All the way through I kept thinking, it's a handsome film but it really has only one outstanding feature, namely the presence of Dorothy McGuire. Any movie with Dorothy McGuire is worth seeing, even if you have to watch Tommy Kirk and a golden retriever. (Why, by the way, does Yeller's offspring, he having mated with what seems to be a little spotted terrier, emerge pure golden retriever? I may not recall all my Mendelian genetics, but I don't think that is likely.) All the way through I kept comparing it in my mind to The Yearling. There I did and do cry when Jane Wyman shoots the little deer. I like dogs now, so it's not a question of which species gets the ax. The Yearling is simply a much better movie, much sadder and better acted. Claude Jarman acts rings around Tommy Kirk. Who would you rather see play the father, Fess Parker or Greg Peck? The story is deeper (though really they should just have penned up the deer at night so he wouldn't eat the corn). The little boy, Bide-a-Wee doesn't play like an imbecile with baby animals, including bear cubs, he caresses them and reveres them as creatures of God. Much better. Then he dies, leaving a bereft family, Chill Wills, Clem Bevans and Margaret Wycherly (if I recall correctly). Much more human than two kids and a dog.
A word to finish up on Dorothy McGuire. She had a difficult part, to keep the mother figure from descending into sappy triviality. She pulls it off. Her first major role in film was as the title character in Claudia, a young woman who must learn the reality of love and death. Then she did Katie Nolan, a woman who must harden herself and do hard things to help her child endure the harshness of life and death - in fact that is the same character as the mother in The Yearling. Here she is a sort of Claudia grown up who has learned the lesson of Katie Nolan. Altogether, the yellow dog is OK. But I'll watch the movie for Dorothy McGuire.
All the way through I kept thinking, it's a handsome film but it really has only one outstanding feature, namely the presence of Dorothy McGuire. Any movie with Dorothy McGuire is worth seeing, even if you have to watch Tommy Kirk and a golden retriever. (Why, by the way, does Yeller's offspring, he having mated with what seems to be a little spotted terrier, emerge pure golden retriever? I may not recall all my Mendelian genetics, but I don't think that is likely.) All the way through I kept comparing it in my mind to The Yearling. There I did and do cry when Jane Wyman shoots the little deer. I like dogs now, so it's not a question of which species gets the ax. The Yearling is simply a much better movie, much sadder and better acted. Claude Jarman acts rings around Tommy Kirk. Who would you rather see play the father, Fess Parker or Greg Peck? The story is deeper (though really they should just have penned up the deer at night so he wouldn't eat the corn). The little boy, Bide-a-Wee doesn't play like an imbecile with baby animals, including bear cubs, he caresses them and reveres them as creatures of God. Much better. Then he dies, leaving a bereft family, Chill Wills, Clem Bevans and Margaret Wycherly (if I recall correctly). Much more human than two kids and a dog.
A word to finish up on Dorothy McGuire. She had a difficult part, to keep the mother figure from descending into sappy triviality. She pulls it off. Her first major role in film was as the title character in Claudia, a young woman who must learn the reality of love and death. Then she did Katie Nolan, a woman who must harden herself and do hard things to help her child endure the harshness of life and death - in fact that is the same character as the mother in The Yearling. Here she is a sort of Claudia grown up who has learned the lesson of Katie Nolan. Altogether, the yellow dog is OK. But I'll watch the movie for Dorothy McGuire.
- friedlandea
- Feb 4, 2020
- Permalink
Based upon the novel of the same name by Fred Gipson, Old Yeller tells the story of a stray yellow dog who comes across the Coates Texas farm where he soon finds himself loved. Spike, the dog actor that played Old Yeller, performed in many movies. This shouldn't be a surprise after watching the movie because his performance is a class act. The yellow Mastador, crossbreed of Mastiff and Labrador Retriever, captures what his beloved character is feeling every time. From playfulness to barking, Spike is undoubtedly the star of the film.
The movie has a slow and irregular pacing that makes it feel longer than it actually is. There are many scenes with secondary and uninteresting characters that not only deprive the story of its natural flow, but also, to aggravate the situation, offer little of interest when what is important is the protagonist dog and Travis. Tommy Kirk, who plays Travis, channels the teenage angst, even from another era, and therefore lacking some freshness, in finding in an intrusion something that has to be confronted. His refusal towards the yellow dog is not ungrounded. He also conveys his conversion from hatred to love. Old Yeller would become the rescued stray dog of the Coates family, but also, and above all, his newfound four-legged best friend. It is beautiful how the film depicts friendship and the lengths one can go to help their friend in need.
Some aspects of the movie definitely seem outdated and didn't age well. For instance, the father's reinforcement of masculinity towards his son can be received with questionable eyes. Regarding the question if it is truly that sad, it is definitely sad since there are many heartbreaking moments throughout the film, but they don't come close to that of movies like Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009) or The Art of Racing in the Rain (2019). Ultimately, Robert Stevenson's Old Yeller is a nice and, for the most part, entertaining movie, but not necessarily above average.
The movie has a slow and irregular pacing that makes it feel longer than it actually is. There are many scenes with secondary and uninteresting characters that not only deprive the story of its natural flow, but also, to aggravate the situation, offer little of interest when what is important is the protagonist dog and Travis. Tommy Kirk, who plays Travis, channels the teenage angst, even from another era, and therefore lacking some freshness, in finding in an intrusion something that has to be confronted. His refusal towards the yellow dog is not ungrounded. He also conveys his conversion from hatred to love. Old Yeller would become the rescued stray dog of the Coates family, but also, and above all, his newfound four-legged best friend. It is beautiful how the film depicts friendship and the lengths one can go to help their friend in need.
Some aspects of the movie definitely seem outdated and didn't age well. For instance, the father's reinforcement of masculinity towards his son can be received with questionable eyes. Regarding the question if it is truly that sad, it is definitely sad since there are many heartbreaking moments throughout the film, but they don't come close to that of movies like Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009) or The Art of Racing in the Rain (2019). Ultimately, Robert Stevenson's Old Yeller is a nice and, for the most part, entertaining movie, but not necessarily above average.
- meinwonderland
- Sep 6, 2024
- Permalink
Old Yeller, a decent family movie that teaches enough traditional values to make sure you remember them, but a noticeably dark and quite serious Disney movie to contrast it's otherwise lighthearted dialog.
I don't feel too much coming out of this. Just that for a Disney movie it goes pretty far into some, to this day, harsh scenes, especially knowing the target audience. And I'm not even talking about the one scene this movie is famous for. But any scenes with animals. I'm not the typical kind of treehugging guy but this movie does feel cruel at times and you start to imagine how the animals have been treated. It took some of the joyfulness out of it for sure. Same with something like Song of the South, both these movies are very ''old school'' in their portrayals and actions. But the bear scene here honestly disturbed me a little. Not fun to watch nor funny (as was intended back in the day).
Also if you hate the sound of dogs barking, skip this right now. It becomes annoying and the sound effects are really overplayed, repetitive and harsh. It's almost strange, the characters and their acting feel like they are in a different movie compared to the rest. Also the teenage kid says some out-there stuff, guess it fit the times?...
Did this age well? Not at all. Is it worth a watch, not really. It's an odd one. Especially from Disney.
Acting etc, just okay, very typical straight delivery with very little subtlety. Music is nothing to remember.
I don't feel too much coming out of this. Just that for a Disney movie it goes pretty far into some, to this day, harsh scenes, especially knowing the target audience. And I'm not even talking about the one scene this movie is famous for. But any scenes with animals. I'm not the typical kind of treehugging guy but this movie does feel cruel at times and you start to imagine how the animals have been treated. It took some of the joyfulness out of it for sure. Same with something like Song of the South, both these movies are very ''old school'' in their portrayals and actions. But the bear scene here honestly disturbed me a little. Not fun to watch nor funny (as was intended back in the day).
Also if you hate the sound of dogs barking, skip this right now. It becomes annoying and the sound effects are really overplayed, repetitive and harsh. It's almost strange, the characters and their acting feel like they are in a different movie compared to the rest. Also the teenage kid says some out-there stuff, guess it fit the times?...
Did this age well? Not at all. Is it worth a watch, not really. It's an odd one. Especially from Disney.
Acting etc, just okay, very typical straight delivery with very little subtlety. Music is nothing to remember.
One of Walt Disney's most enduring films in popularity will continue to be Old Yeller. There's something in the saga of the Coates family and that yellow mutt that touches the kid in all of us.
Fess Parker, wife Dorothy McGuire, and sons Tommy Kirk and Kevin Corcoran are the Coates family scratching out a living on a small ranch on the Texas frontier. Dad has to drive their herd to market in Kansas and he leaves the other three behind. Parker though he's second billed in the cast has barely fifteen minutes of screen time in the film. He leaves before the main action starts and returns really as anti-climax. Nevertheless he was a big name back in 1957, coming fresh off his triumph as Disney's Davy Crockett. Didn't hurt him at all to come from Texas for this part.
So McGuire is left to cope with the kids, the farm, and a newly found stray yellow dog that both the boys take to. His coloring makes his name a natural and he proves quite a useful dog, earning more than his keep on the ranch.
Sad to say though that Old Yeller provides the saddest moment in any Disney film since Bambi's mother was shot by the hunters. I really can't say too much more, but the Coates boys prove to be made of stern stuff and Dad provides some sound country wisdom as he gets back from his cattle drive.
Because the setting is out in the wilds there are few human speaking parts. All the players here are well cast, but the one who's the best by far is Jeff York as the Coates neighbor Mr. Searcy. York appeared in a whole bunch Disney features and usually stole scenes in every one of them. York's a guy who's full of wisdom in his own right, he'll dispense with advice at the drop of a hat, but when there's work to be done is usually elsewhere. McGuire does remark it's no accident he's not on the cattle drive. When she needs help on the ranch, York delegates his daughter Beverly Washburn to stay behind. She's a sweet kid and a good worker and Tommy Kirk doesn't mind having her around at all.
Chuck Connors is also in this as a visiting trail boss and I wouldn't be surprised if his appearance here in this family feature led to his family television series, The Rifleman.
Fifty years after it was released Old Yeller is still good entertainment and will be making young folks dream about that idyllic boyhood the Coates kids have on those Texas plains.
Fess Parker, wife Dorothy McGuire, and sons Tommy Kirk and Kevin Corcoran are the Coates family scratching out a living on a small ranch on the Texas frontier. Dad has to drive their herd to market in Kansas and he leaves the other three behind. Parker though he's second billed in the cast has barely fifteen minutes of screen time in the film. He leaves before the main action starts and returns really as anti-climax. Nevertheless he was a big name back in 1957, coming fresh off his triumph as Disney's Davy Crockett. Didn't hurt him at all to come from Texas for this part.
So McGuire is left to cope with the kids, the farm, and a newly found stray yellow dog that both the boys take to. His coloring makes his name a natural and he proves quite a useful dog, earning more than his keep on the ranch.
Sad to say though that Old Yeller provides the saddest moment in any Disney film since Bambi's mother was shot by the hunters. I really can't say too much more, but the Coates boys prove to be made of stern stuff and Dad provides some sound country wisdom as he gets back from his cattle drive.
Because the setting is out in the wilds there are few human speaking parts. All the players here are well cast, but the one who's the best by far is Jeff York as the Coates neighbor Mr. Searcy. York appeared in a whole bunch Disney features and usually stole scenes in every one of them. York's a guy who's full of wisdom in his own right, he'll dispense with advice at the drop of a hat, but when there's work to be done is usually elsewhere. McGuire does remark it's no accident he's not on the cattle drive. When she needs help on the ranch, York delegates his daughter Beverly Washburn to stay behind. She's a sweet kid and a good worker and Tommy Kirk doesn't mind having her around at all.
Chuck Connors is also in this as a visiting trail boss and I wouldn't be surprised if his appearance here in this family feature led to his family television series, The Rifleman.
Fifty years after it was released Old Yeller is still good entertainment and will be making young folks dream about that idyllic boyhood the Coates kids have on those Texas plains.
- bkoganbing
- Jan 7, 2007
- Permalink
I loved Old Yeller as a kid. I didn't care about the plot, the dialogue, the acting, nothing--I just loved the yellow dog.
Watching it again I still love the dog. I don't know how I feel about the boy Travis (Tommy Kirk) and I sure wasn't a big fan of his little brother Arliss (Kevin Corcoran) but the dog was unassailable. He was unruly at times but proved to be an invaluable asset and friend. Between Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows I choose Old Yeller.
Watching it again I still love the dog. I don't know how I feel about the boy Travis (Tommy Kirk) and I sure wasn't a big fan of his little brother Arliss (Kevin Corcoran) but the dog was unassailable. He was unruly at times but proved to be an invaluable asset and friend. Between Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows I choose Old Yeller.
- view_and_review
- Dec 15, 2018
- Permalink
- kellyleighcrutcher
- Aug 25, 2006
- Permalink
Old Yeller is an old time movie done by the Disney Company back when Walt was still alive.
Takes place in the 1860s(I think it gave a hint that the Civil War was already over).
This movie is mainly about a boy and a dog. Old Yeller got his name from the color of his fur. A playful and trouble making dog. The type of dog you'd want to have as a kid.
Old Yeller isn't too depressing to watch. well you might have a different option on this movie.
Due to the fact that this movie is an Innocent family movie. Not too much violence, and little amount of blood. As well as a good use of trained animals for this movie.
I suggest renting it or borrowing it first before thinking of buying it.
Takes place in the 1860s(I think it gave a hint that the Civil War was already over).
This movie is mainly about a boy and a dog. Old Yeller got his name from the color of his fur. A playful and trouble making dog. The type of dog you'd want to have as a kid.
Old Yeller isn't too depressing to watch. well you might have a different option on this movie.
Due to the fact that this movie is an Innocent family movie. Not too much violence, and little amount of blood. As well as a good use of trained animals for this movie.
I suggest renting it or borrowing it first before thinking of buying it.
- emasterslake
- Jun 10, 2006
- Permalink
It is a heart-warming tale of a boy's friendship with a dog. In late 19th century Texas, a homesteader leaves his wife (Dorothy McGuire) and his two sons for a few months to make some fortune in the city. He leaves his elder son Travis (Fess Parker) in charge of the family. The very next day, the family comes across a stray dog. They name him Yeller and very soon he becomes a well-beloved family pet. Yeller is a smart dog and acts as a guardian for the family.
Yeller is in fact the protagonist of the story. His personality is well developed and he steals our hearts with no effort. The dog playing Yeller was one expressive canine. You can very clearly see the emotions on his face.
It is romanticized depiction of the old west but who cares. The location is picturesque. There are plenty of animals; lizards, snakes, toads, hogs, horses, cows, bears, wolves and of course dogs. They seem to be well-trained; most of their scenes look extremely natural. Add to that, the characters are all charming as simple, hard-working and good-natured folk. And, you have an enjoyable little movie for both kids and adults.
Yeller is in fact the protagonist of the story. His personality is well developed and he steals our hearts with no effort. The dog playing Yeller was one expressive canine. You can very clearly see the emotions on his face.
It is romanticized depiction of the old west but who cares. The location is picturesque. There are plenty of animals; lizards, snakes, toads, hogs, horses, cows, bears, wolves and of course dogs. They seem to be well-trained; most of their scenes look extremely natural. Add to that, the characters are all charming as simple, hard-working and good-natured folk. And, you have an enjoyable little movie for both kids and adults.
- v_haritha_in
- Aug 12, 2014
- Permalink
Left in charge of the family farm while his father is away, a teenager gradually bonds with the stray dog ruining the family's crops in this Old West live action drama from Disney Studios. The ending of the film might be well-known, but much like 'White Heat' and 'Thelma & Louise' - which fall into the same boat - the film benefits by knowing what is coming and seeing everything progress with full knowledge of where it will lead. Tommy Kirk is also very good as the young protagonist placed into an awkward position as the man of the house with his father away. The less said about the rest of the cast the better. Both Dorothy McGuire and Fess Parker make little impression as his parents while Kevin Corcoran is grating as Kirk's constantly whining little brother. Corcoran's character is important in the narrative as his instant affection for the dog is half of what convinces Kirk to try accepting the rascal, however, it is hard not to wonder whether the film may have been better without Corcoran. Certainly, the best moments are the ones that Kirk shares alone with the dog. By the end of the film, one truly gets a sense of both the boy and the dog gradually come to like one another, something which renders the much talked about dénouement so dynamic. As per Disney norm, this is a bit of a sentimental movie, but the graphic conclusion is refreshingly hard-hitting.
Amazing movie on every level. It's fun, adventurous, awful sad, and the dog is incredible. If you buy the latest version you get some great extras. Everybody who was in this movie said it affected them on a very personal level. How could it not? It's Old Yeller and it contains some of the best dog scenes ever. He's a big, amazing and lovable dog. His real name is Spike, and he was rescued from a dog shelter. He was chosen because of the way he responded to humans talking to him. He turned his head sideways like he was trying to understand, which charmed the movie makers. He also was a big strong mastiff/lab mix, so he was powerful yet very smart and train-able. I honestly don't understand how anybody can rate this as mediocre or poor, but there are those who lack heart and base their reviews on all sorts of technical nonsense. I feel sorry for them. This movie has tons of heart, so much that many people simple can't watch it again or they break down sobbing.
- jeffbass-163-626228
- May 25, 2016
- Permalink
In 1860s Texas, a youngster must act as man of the house when his rancher-father joins a three-month-long cattle drive; he and his ever-patient, ever-smiling mother take in a lovable stray dog who saves his little brother from a bear, and all grow attached to the mongrel even as a strain of hydrophobia spreads throughout the wildlife. Simple, episodic frontier tale given the Walt Disney touch: lots of cute, heart-tugging sentiment, plus a prescient 'circle of life' message at the end. Tommy Kirk gives arguably his best juvenile performance here, and mom Dorothy McGuire beams commendably without lapsing into syrupy goodness. The gorgeous color photography, the warm family narrative, and a jaunty title song all conspired to make the picture a box-office winner, but the main reason it's called a Disney Classic today is because of that dog. Disney did many things right, one of which was picking the very best animal actors for his live-action comedies and adventures. This lop-eared hound is a beauty to behold, and should enchant even non-dog lovers! **1/2 from ****
- moonspinner55
- Dec 25, 2010
- Permalink