Miko Mayama was Burt Reynolds' live-in girlfriend for four years. Until he fell for Dinah Shore. After they split up, he gave Miko an apartment at the beach, a Cadillac convertible and promised to pay her $500 a week for two years. Exactly one day before the two- year deadline was up, Miko married Barbra Streisand's manager.
Filmed in Manila the capital of the Philippines. Burt Reynolds was beaten up when people didn't realize a movie was being filmed.
Reynolds recounts "I told the guy ahead of me to knock down anything and keep going. He ran into a marketplace that wasn't blocked off. They didn't know it was shooting because the camera was far away with a zoom lens. He began knocking down old ladies as he ran, and before I knew it I was surrounded by six big Filipinos will beat the living hell out of me. They left the beating in the final print."
Burt Reynolds "The pay was the pits, but I figured I was discovering a new part of the world- which sometimes hope you discovers new parts of yourself."
Was originally called "Golden Bullet" but was changed to "Impasse" before its release.
Burt said of this film, "The title is my career at the time. It was a rough period."