- Lenny Cantrow: This is honest food. There is no lying in that beef. There's no insincerity in those potatoes. There's no deceit in the cauliflower. This is a totally honest meal.
- Mr. Corcoran: During dinner tonight, I was listening. I find I can tell more about a man by listening to his dinner table conversation than by reading all the books in the world. I heard everything you said, about honest food. I have never heard such a crock of horse-s**t in my life. "There's no deceit in the cauliflower"?
- Lila Kolodny: Are you glad we waited?
- Lenny Cantrow: I'm glad we waited.
- Lila Kolodny: Well, we have the rest of our lives, 40, 50, 60, 100 years.
- Lenny Cantrow: Honey, don't put a Milky Way in somebody's mouth when they don't want it.
- Lila Kolodny: Okay... you'll want it later and it will be in my tummy.
- Mr. Corcoran: Not if they tied me to a horse and pulled me forty miles by my tongue.
- Lenny Cantrow: I respect your frankness.
- Lenny Cantrow: They should have said that to us at the door... they should have warned us that there was a danger of running out of pecan pie.