The night after the eating-dog-feces scene was filmed, Divine called a hospital emergency hotline pretending to be a mother whose son ate dog feces; she was told that the worst thing that could happen was that he might get white worms.
During filming, Divine was arrested for stealing; in his defense he said he was a method actor playing a criminal.
According to production designer Vincent Peranio, the art department's budget was about $200. Half went to purchasing the trailer, half to decorating it. "And then after that (running out of money), we would just steal things."
At his request, the Singing Asshole was not credited, and John Waters maintained that he "certainly will remain nameless. It's his choice". This individual did, however, apparently still disclose his involvement in the film to friends. Following the man's death in 2020, Waters revealed that his name was David Gluck. Gluck's widow had given her blessing for his identity to be made public.
The dog feces in the infamous final scene are real. According to director John Waters, the dog was fed steak for three days beforehand. Divine's reaction to eating it was real.
John Waters: [manson] In one of the scenes of Divine sashaying through Baltimore, she walks past graffiti that says "Free Tex Watson". There is also a framed picture of Susan Atkins in Connie and Raymond's apartment.