Art director John St John Earl's final film and the only time he is credited for special effects.
The monocellular creatures are reminiscent of those in Caltiki, the Immortal Monster (1959), which also features a scene in which one of the characters loses a hand.
Ireland, where the movie is set, does not have "police". Instead there are gardaí (prounced gar-dee, plural of garda). Also, the equivalent rank of a police constable is a garda seargant. Only someone in Ireland would know this, so the detail has been mostly overlooked until now. The movie was actually shot in Buckinghamshire, UK.
The car in which Cushing, Judd and their passengers tour the island is a 1948 Austin Sixteen.
In the French version (post-synchronized) Edward Judd is dubbed by Jean-Claude Michel / Visa d'exploitation en France : #38125