Lance Percival credited as playing...
Old Fred
- Old Fred: [after they have all been turned into much younger versions of themselves] Now I don't mean to alarm you, mates, but the years are going backwards.
- George: What does that mean, Old Fred?
- Old Fred: It means that if we slip back through time at this rate, pretty soon we'll all disappear up our own existance!
- John: [Frankenstein's monster has turned into John Lennon] Hey, Ringo, I've just had the strangest dream.
- Ringo: I warned you not to eat on an empty stomach. Now listen to Old Fred.
- Old Fred: [speaking gibberish] Submarine! Explosions! Blue Meanies!
- [calmer]
- Old Fred: What do you think?
- John: [to Ringo] I think he needs a rehearsal.
- Paul: Groovy! How do you start this thing?
- Old Fred: It starts with a Blue Meanie attack.
- John: Well, supposing there are no Blue Meanies in the neighbourhood?
- Old Fred: Oh, er, well, then you, um, start looking for a switch.
- Ringo: [Ringo pushes a button that starts playing the first few notes of the song "All Together Now"] Perhaps this is it.
- Ringo: George, what are you doing up there?
- George: [driving in Ringo's car] Now, what is it, Ringo? Is there a matter you'd like to take up or down?
- Ringo: [indicating Fred] This chap, here.
- Old Fred: [crazy gibberish] Submarines! Explosions!
- Ringo, Old Fred, John: Blue Meanies!
- George: Aww, you're nuts, the pair of you.
- [drives off]
- Ringo: Hey, that's my car, lad.
- George: How do you know it's your car, lad?
- Ringo: I know it anywhere. Red with yellow wheels.
- [the car changes colors]
- Ringo: I mean blue with orange wheels.
- [the car changes colors again]
- George: It's all in the mind.
- Old Fred: Now, whatever you do don't touch that button.
- Ringo: Which button?
- Old Fred: That one.
- Ringo: This one?
- [Ringo presses the button and is ejected from the submarine, ending up on a creature that gallops away.]
- Old Fred: Oops, that was the panic button.
- Paul: Poor Ringo.
- George: Poor lad, never did no harm to no one.
- John: Hey lads, now that Ringo's gone, what are we gonna do?
- Old Fred: Learn to sing trios?
- Old Fred: Well, lads, what do you think?
- George: I think that...
- Old Fred: Remember, there'll be rough seas ahead! What do you think?
- Paul: Well, um...
- Old Fred: Pounding overwhelming waves! What do you think of that, eh?
- John: Well, I think that...
- Ringo: As a matter of fact, I think that...
- George, Paul, John, Ringo: I think...
- Old Fred: Well?
- George, Paul, John, Ringo: I've forgotten.