- [speaking to each other over walkie-talkies]
- Young Man: First, Harry, I think I should tell you about the bomb. Would you like to know where it is?
- Harry Calder: Sure!
- Young Man: You're holding it.
- Fran: Harry?
- Harry Calder: Mmh?
- Fran: If you're trying to kill us, at least let me put on some lip gloss.
- Young Man: If they pay me and if they do what I say, I'll never bother them again.
- Harry Calder: Are you sure? Maybe you enjoy it.
- Young Man: Wrong psychological profile, Harry. I'm not in this for kicks.
- Harry Calder: Oh yeah, right, it's only the money. You're a businessman. And in a corrupt society, you're no worse than anybody else. We all cheat on our taxes, Detroit makes defective cars.
- Young Man: I'm not enjoying this conversation, Harry.
- Harry Calder: Then get yourself another messenger boy.
- Tracy Calder: Daddy, Confucius say "with faith, man can move mountain."
- Harry Calder: I thought Jesus said that.
- Tracy Calder: Well, maybe he did. But according to that fortune cookie...
- Fran: Which is yours, by the way...
- Tracy Calder: ...Confucius said it too.
- Harry Calder: Don't believe everything you read.
- Tracy Calder: I think daddy's pissed off.
- Harry Calder: Where does she learn language like that?
- [Fran shrugs]
- Simon Davenport: [talking on phone] I want you to go out there and represent the department. Find out if there was negligence involved.
- Harry Calder: You go!
- Simon Davenport: It happens to be my wedding anniversary.
- Harry Calder: So take your wife!
- Young Man: [after the young man tells Harry he is holding the bomb] Now, do I have your full attention?
- Harry Calder: Screw you!
- Simon Davenport: Harry. You're a big disappointment to me.
- Harry Calder: I feel bad about that, Si.
- Simon Davenport: You should have moved up in the department. District manager. Supervisor.
- Harry Calder: You know me. No ambition.
- Simon Davenport: It's your mouth. You have a personality problem. You never want to fit in.
- Harry Calder: It depends on what you want fitted and where you want it put, Si.
- Young Man: [on tape, being plated for the Amusement Park owners] Thank you for coming, gentlemen. Your companies are involved, either through subsidiaries or long-term lease arrangement with the amusement park industry. As you know, it's a peculiar business, more vulnerable than most. During the past week, I've given you two examples of just how vulnerable. I have no desire to create further incidents, assuming you agree to my proposal. The payment will be $1 million, to be delivered at a time and a place of my choosing. You'll be contacted no later than a week from today. You may wish to bring in the police. That is up to you. It will not hamper me in the slightest. Thanks for your time.
- Harry Calder: Just don't underestimate him. He's rigged two accidents 2,000 miles apart 'in one week without leaving a trace. That means knowledge of structural engineering, 'demolition and electronics. He's not some nut with a bomb on a plane.
- Agent Hoyt: Calder... Just what is this relationship between you and our friend?
- Harry Calder: There isn't any relationship.
- Agent Hoyt: There has to be.
- Harry Calder: I said there isn't.
- Agent Hoyt: Then I assume you'd be... willing to take a polygraph test?
- Harry Calder: You remind me of the man I work for. I don't like him either.
- Agent Hoyt: Really? He seemed nice enough to me.
- Harry Calder: You talked to him?
- Agent Hoyt: Sure. You had to have an official leave of absence.
- Harry Calder: I don't want an official leave of absence.
- Agent Hoyt: Yeah, that's what he said you'd say. Now listen. I don't know about you, but I want this man put away. At the moment, it's not wise to cross him. Your plane leaves in three hours.
- Harry Calder: I can always use another letter of commendation.
- Harry Calder: [on the phone with The Young Man] I don't know why you're dragging me into this.
- Young Man: You were the only one in that room who appreciated what I was doing.
- Harry Calder: What room? You bugged that hotel room!
- Young Man: Of course. You told them not to underestimate me. That was good advice.
- Harry Calder: Get this straight. I said you're smart, but I'm not a fan, OK? You kill people.
- Young Man: Do you think they would have paid attention if I hadn't?
- Harry Calder: Is this about attention?
- Young Man: It's about money, Harry.
- Harry Calder: Then get a job.
- Young Man: I've had jobs. I'm not particularly productive.
- Young Man: [over the phone with Harry] What do you think of Hoyt?
- Harry Calder: Says he's going to get you.
- Young Man: No one's gonna get me. But I'll promise you this, Harry. If they pay me, and if they do what I say, I'll never bother them again.
- Harry Calder: I don't know. Maybe you enjoy it.
- Young Man: Wrong psychological profile. I'm not in this for kicks.
- Harry Calder: Oh, yeah, it's only the money. You're a businessman. In a corrupt society you're no worse than anybody else. We all cheat on our taxes.
- Young Man: I'm not enjoying this conversation.
- Harry Calder: Then get another messenger boy.
- Simon Davenport: You wanna go to Chicago?
- Harry Calder: Five, Si. The presidents of five corporations are on their way there, including Ocean View's and Wonderworld's.
- Simon Davenport: Maybe it's a convention. You think something's out of line, call the police.
- Harry Calder: The police didn't inspect that coaster. I did. You rubbed my face in that.
- Simon Davenport: I hoped that divorce would curb some of your more paranoid impulses.
- Harry Calder: I'm going to Chicago and you're paying for the trip.
- Simon Davenport: Out of the question.
- Harry Calder: [looking back at his boss, slyly] Funny how things pop into your mind. I've been thinking about that medical building last year.
- Simon Davenport: You bastard.
- Simon Davenport: Shame about that roof caving in. I'm good at spotting substandard materials. It was your nephew's construction company, wasn't it?
- Simon Davenport: [beaten] How long will you be gone?