- Dr Land: So much for the weather report. I'm not the only one who just arrived. How about your trip to Berlin Stick?
- Stick: It went pretty much as you figured. Now that he's the big star, I couldn't reason with him. He said he was pulling out and he threatened me.
- Dr Land: Oh my my my my. The rest of it was in the papers. That's when he committed suicide huh? Haha!
- Stick: He just got up and jumped out of the window...
- Steiner: That's the newspaperman, Jim Marshall. You know, I've got a hunch that one of these days, we're going to have to cram his typewriter up his ass.
- Dr Land: Let a couple fellows follow him and take two more men and pick her up. We can use her for bait.
- Steiner: Mr. Marshall, you should be very, very careful. You can learn a lot in a job like yours, but knowledge can become a terrible burden.
- Hai Tien: [Subtitles in opening credits of Game of Death Redux: In 1972, Bruce Lee began working on his second directorial project, Game of Death. The Plot involved Lee playing the role of Hai Tien, a retired martial arts champion who is confronted by a Korean crime syndicate that Kidnaps his sister and younger brother and force him to partecipate in a raid on a five-story pagoda located in South Korea. Guns are prohibited on the grounds, and the pagoda, known as the Temple of the leopard, is guarded by highly skilled martial artists who are protecting an unidentified object of value held on the top level of the tower. Hai Tien, along with four companions, must fight his way up the temple, facing a guardian of a different martial art style on each floor. Two of his companions are killed prior to the group reaching the third floor. Complete scenes were filmed for the final three floors of the pagoda: the Hall of the tiger, featuring Dan Inosanto as the Escrima master; the Hall of the Dragon, featuring Ji Han-Jae as the Hapkido expert; and the Hall of the Unknown - the final level, featuring Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the practitioner of an unorthodox and formiess style of combat. The footage begins in the Hall of the tiger, where a battle is already in progress with the remaining members of Hai Tien's team... The Game of Death, in english and in cantonese: sei2 mong4 dik1 jau4 hei3, Redux] Do you speak any Enlgish?
- 3rd Floor Guardian: Of course I speak English.
- Hai Tien: I hope you don't mind if we move our man so we could have more room to groove.
- 3rd Floor Guardian: But... Have your men stay as far away from the stairway as possible
- Hai Tien: [as Tien moves an unconscious Cheh out of the way Hai Tien prepares to fight with his bamboo whip] You know baby, this bamboo is longer, more flexible and very much alive, and if your flashy routine cannot keep up with the speed and elusiveness of this thing here, all I can say is you will be in deep trouble.
- 3rd Floor Guardian: That we will have to find out.
- Hai Tien: [during the fight Hai Tien gains the upper hand] I am telling you it is difficult to have a rehearsed routine to fit in with broken rhythm
- [they fight and Hai Tien hits yhe guardian again]
- Hai Tien: see, rehearsed routines, lack the flexibility to adapt.
- [first lines]
- Director: Cut! Okay, that's a print. That was great, Billy! Okay everybody...
- [stage light collapses, crew gasps]
- 4rd Floor Guardian''': [Game of Death Redux] As you gentleman know red means danger. Therefore, I advise to you people not to step into this warning arena. If you want to go an living, stop here. Go back downstairs. Life Is precious.
- American Fighter: [Trailer Game of Death Redux: Some assumed that it was a trailer narrator, but it's really the American mercenary who befriends Bruce's character prior to the mission. This role was going to be played by Bob Baker. The V.O. is Kincaid speaking to Hai Tien the night before they leave for the temple. Exclusively for the trailer] Legend has that man's greatest beard dwells and temple. The Game of Death is as old as time itself... many attempt to challenge you survived.
- Ann Morris: [singing] Will the tune fall from favor, Forever? A yesternight song of past times, Together, Will this be the song, I'll be singing tomorrow?
- Carl Miller: She says she wants to talk to Billy about her contract before she signs.
- Steiner: Doctor, I think we ought to squeeze a little.
- Dr Land: Yeah, let's just squeeze a little, wouldn't you say?
- Henry Lo: When you get to the top, you understand how far it is to fall, but if you think very little of yourself, then you can be pushed off and fall very easily.
- Steiner: You know, I once knew a super rock group in London. Called themselves the Flight Crew. Had brilliant potential. Brilliant. Yeah, but they were very stubborn. Their lead guitarist lost a couple of fingers one night. Just like that.
- [shows the sign of the horns gesture]
- Steiner: Hands and feet have been known to disappear. Lights - they fall out of the sky. All kinds of things happen.
- Jim Marshall: You can sign with them and live very well, or you can defy them and go to the police, which means you won't live so well, if at all.
- Henry Lo: Integrity can be an expensive thing. What is the price of your integrity? What are you willing to pay?
- Ann Morris: Don't you understand anything? Everybody looked at them, but not one person could see anything!
- Jim Marshall: I hear nothing but good things about you.
- Ann Morris: No lies?
- Jim Marshall: No lies. Would a newspaperman lie?