- Katherine Wall: [after Foxy presents Steve's penis in a pickle jar, kills 2 of her men, and shoots her in the arm] Why didn't you kill me too? Well go on and shoot! I don't want to live anymore!
- Foxy Brown: I know. That's the idea. The rest of your man is still around, and I hope you two live a long time, then maybe you can feel some of what I feel. Death is too easy for you, bitch. I want you to SUFFER.
- Bobbie: Listen skinny, before you start talking tough, I'd better warn you I've got a black belt in karate. So why don't you get out of here quietly, while you still got some teeth left in that ugly face?
- [Foxy knocks her down with a barstool]
- Foxy Brown: And I've got MY black belt in barstools!
- Dawes: What do you really want?
- Foxy Brown: Justice.
- Dawes: For who, your brother?
- Foxy Brown: And why not? It could be your brother too, or your sister, or your children. I want justice for all of them. And I want justice for all the people whose lives are bought and sold, so that a few big shots can climb up on their backs, and laugh at the law, and laugh at human decency. But most of all, I want justice for a man, this man had love in his heart, and he died because he went out of his neighborhood to do what he thought was right.
- Dawes: Sister, I think what you're looking for is revenge. Justice and revenge are two different things.
- Foxy Brown: You just handle the justice, and I'll handle the revenge myself.
- Link Brown: Foxy, I'm a black man, and I don't know how to sing, and I don't know how to dance, and I don't know how to preach to no congregation. I'm too small to be a football hero, and too ugly to be elected mayor. But I watch TV and I see all them people and them fine homes they live in and all them nice cars they drive and I get all full of ambition. Now you tell me what I'm supposed to do with all this ambition I got?
- Foxy Brown: I don't know, Link, I just don't want to see you end up in jail, or shot down in the streets somewhere.
- Link Brown: Baby, jail is where some of the finest people I know are these days.
- Foxy Brown: You pink-ass corrupt honky judge, take your little wet noodle outta here and if you see a man anywhere send him in because I do need a MAN!
- Claudia: [laughing] Was it worth it? You know what they're going to do to us, baby?
- Foxy Brown: Yep, nothing, in fact, all the doing is going to be done to them.
- Claudia: [laughing] They' gonna kick our ass! But I don't care, it's funny because I know what's going to happen.
- [going into hysterics]
- Claudia: I don't care!
- Foxy Brown: [busting into Link's apartment with a gun] Ooh you son of a bitch, you just had to tell them, didn't you?
- Foxy Brown: What? Link too?
- Oscar: Yeah, they say it was those Steve Elias people.
- Foxy Brown: Was he dealing again?
- Oscar: Yeah, coke.
- Foxy Brown: I told him to stay away from them.
- Oscar: Yeah, but once those people pull you in, there's only ONE way they'll let you go.
- Foxy Brown: [to Link] Now I only got so much control, and you'd better tell me who they are, or I'm liable to put one of these between your eyes, no matter what mama'd say.
- Michael Anderson: A little taste of honey ain't enough for me. I gotta have the whole beehive.
- Foxy Brown: Oh, you're gonna get it, baby.
- Judge Fenton: Eddie, get the girls a drink.
- Judge's Partygoer 1: Wowie. I see Your Honor likes that dark meat.
- Foxy Brown: [pretending to be call girl, Misty Cotton] The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice, honey.
- Foxy Brown: [pretending to be call girl, Misty Cotton] Baby, is this what you're going to use on me?
- [points at the Judge's crotch]
- Judge Fenton: What?
- Foxy Brown: I mean, I've heard of a meat shortage, but, that's ridiculous!
- Judge Fenton: Well, you've got - well, eh, the other girls liked it.
- Foxy Brown: Oh, I'm sure I'll like it. But, I just can't find it! Claudia, help me find it. I think its down here somewhere. Watch it. Don't rub on it. The charge, Your Honor, is assault with a very undeadly weapon.
- Claudia: I mean, you talk about your blunt instrument!
- Judge Fenton: Well, you're different, alright. I'll say that for ya.
- Foxy Brown: You too, little man.
- Oscar: What's the trouble, officer?
- 1st Cop: There's plenty of trouble for you, spook... unless you turn right around and go back where you came from. This road's closed.
- Oscar: Oh, yes, sir! We shore don't want no trouble.
- [Dawes and his "committee" arrives with guns drawn]
- Oscar: And neither do you, do you, Whitey?
- 1st Cop: No, sir. I sure don't.
- Foxy Brown: I ain't never been up in an airplane before, sounds really marvelous.
- Hays: You ain't never been? Awww, that's a tragedy of the greatest dimension.
- Foxy Brown: I'd sure like to though, I figured if I hung around a while, maybe one of you would take me up.
- Foxy Brown: Link, after all you've been through! When are you gonna learn?
- Link Brown: Look, it's a legitimate business! Almost.
- Foxy Brown: Oscar's with the neighborhood committee.
- Michael Anderson: Yeah, what kind of committee?
- Oscar: The anti-slavery committee.
- Michael Anderson: Slavery?
- Oscar: Yeah, you see, we're in the process of what we call new slavery. That's the slavery of hard dope, man. You dig?
- Michael Anderson: I sure do.
- Oscar: I mean, these pushers, they buy protection from the police and from the man. But, from us, there is no protection. None, whatsoever. You dig?
- Michael Anderson: Right on, brother! But, what happens to the pusher?
- Oscar: He's gonna go on a very long train ride - to some other town, that is.
- Michael Anderson: What if he comes back?
- Oscar: He won't come back. No way, in deed.
- Link Brown: Foxy, what's goin' on, now? Now, come on! Cut that shit out!
- Foxy Brown: You're movin' out, brother. Out of town! And I mean it, Link. You think you're back in with those people. But, they gotta stick a dynamite up your ass and the fuse is burning. You understand me? Now, I want you out! O-U-T!
- Katherine Wall: You all have the best hairdressers in the city. You have everything you need to look your absolute best. There's no excuse for slumminess.
- Bobbie: Hey, wait a minute, bitch. Why don't you go find one of your own.
- Foxy Brown: Now, you wait a minute! This is none of your business.
- Katherine Wall: Give her a shot of heroin and send her out to the ranch.
- Steve Elias: The ranch? Now, you know what the boys at the ranch will do with her?
- Katherine Wall: She'll probably love it. And then when she's got a good habit, we'll send her down to the islands. She should bring a good price. Maybe she'll pay us back for some of the trouble she's caused us.
- Steve Elias: Oh, if there's enough of her left when the boys get through with her.
- Brandi: [to Foxy Brown] Time for another smackle, I'd say.
- Slauson: Sure. There's one thing we got plenty of, baby, is dope. You don't ever have to worry about feelin' down with us.
- Brandi: You're a lucky nigger, you know that? Yeah! It ain't every junkie broads got such good providers for a boyfriend.
- Foxy Brown: I don't need any more. I'm doin' fine.
- Brandi: Now, now, now. Doctor knows best. Anyway, your gettin just a weeee bit more this time. Ain't that nice. And you don't even say - thanks!
- Foxy Brown: Thank you... ugly feckless white peasant A-motherfucker!
- Slauson: Did you hear that? Did your black Mamie talk like that? And that ain't nice, not here in our polite society.
- Brandi: Shit, we ought to wash your mouth out with soap, lady.
- Foxy Brown: Come on, Link. You're not talkin' to one of your jive ass friends. You're talkin' to me - your sister. Now, give it to me straight.
- Link Brown: What do you think the odds are against 500 people all hittin' the number on Martin Luther King's birthday?
- Foxy Brown: So, how much did you go down for?
- Link Brown: A lousy twenty grand or so.
- Michael Anderson: Hey, hey! Hey, what are you doin'?
- Foxy Brown: What does it feel like I'm doin'?
- Michael Anderson: It feels like you're doin' just what you're doin'.
- Oscar: [referring to a drug dealer] That was one of 'em bad, no-good niggers we've been trying to catch over here for a long time.
- Steve Elias: Junk dealers don't have friends. Did you at least get a look at him?
- Bunyon: It was pretty dark; but, I'll tell ya, it looked like a broad to me.
- Steve Elias: A broad?
- Foxy Brown: What does she have to do with a dope operation?
- Link Brown: She's the protection. The fixer! Without her, there's nothin'!
- Foxy Brown: How does she do it?
- Link Brown: She runs a stable of the finest call girls in the country. Yeah, but they don't go out for just money! You gotta be somebody big! You gotta be a big man! A Congressman! Or, a judge! Or, on the grand jury.
- Foxy Brown: [pretending to be call girl, Misty Cotton] Let's you and me stop wastin' each others precious time. You tell me who you want done and I'll do the hell out of him. If the price is right.
- Steve Elias: Eddie, now you do it, anyway you wanna do it. But, I want that goddamn n****r cop fink burned! And I don't care if you have to bring me his head!
- Katherine Wall: Arabella, I want that fat toad drooling in his pants. Whenever he looks at you, think sex. If you find him repulsive, think of someone else who turns you on.
- Katherine Wall: Why is that dress so tight on you? I thought I told you to lose five pounds!
- Arabella: You did?
- Katherine Wall: Yes. Five pounds! Now, I'll give you three days to get rid of it. Do you understand?
- Katherine Wall: You, Jennifer, you look like you just woke up from a three day drunk! Your face is puffy and your makeup is too thick trying to cover it up.
- Foxy Brown: [pretending to be call girl, Misty Cotton] I'm ready Miss Katherine. How do you like it?
- Katherine Wall: Very impressive. It's rather late. You better get going. Toni will tell you what to do. The gentlemen you'll be meeting this evening have a preference - for your type.
- Foxy Brown: Oh, I understand, Miss Katherine.
- Judge's Partygoer 2: That's an awful lot of chocolate for one man, Fred. No wonder you cleared your calendar so early this morning.
- Judge Fenton: Don't pay them fellas no never mind, girls. Come on, Eddie.
- [Eddie delivers the cocktails]
- Judge Fenton: Drink up! I'm sure glad you got here. I was tired watchin' those movies.
- Foxy Brown: [pretending to be call girl, Misty Cotton] Well, then, why don't we go in and adjudicate this matter in chambers, as they say, and maybe we could make a few motions or somethin'.
- Judge Fenton: Well, if I don't hear any objections.
- Claudia: I sure don't object. A matter of fact, I ain't gonna object to nothin' today.
- Judge Fenton: You're the kind of counselor I like in my courtroom.
- Katherine Wall: What did you find out?
- Steve Elias: Well, I had our boys at the station run a fingerprint check on her. They made it through her driver's license. Her name is Foxy Brown.