- [last lines]
- Mrs. Cherrywood: ...And a fine story that was, Mr. Cherrywood.
- Mr. Cherrywood: My favorite, Mrs. Cherrywood. But they never stay awake long enough for the end. Now they'll never know what eventually became of Nicholas. I guess all they need to know is that he also lived happily ever after... Happier than I ever thought I could be.
- Mrs. Cherrywood: Nicholas, these children should have been in bed ages ago. What am I ever going to do with you?
- Mr. Cherrywood: Care for me, Kim. Just care for me.
- Grumpy Bear: I need a piece that looks like this.
- Goodluck Bear: Try that. It's Baby Hugs' lollypop.
- Grumpy Bear: Perfect! You know, baby Hugs and Tugs are going to make fine Care Bears one of these days.
- Grumpy Bear: Baby Hugs! Baby Tugs! What have you done?
- Birthday Bear: It's obvious, Grumpy Bear. They got the Rainbow Rescue Beam working.
- Grumpy Bear: But we still don't know if it'll transport anyone.
- Share Bear: Look!
- [a rainbow beam shoots down on the machine, and Friend Bear, Secret Bear, Kim and Jason appear]
- Cheer Bear: Oh my stars! You brought visitors! What are they doing here?
- Friend Bear: We didn't bring them. They just came along. Someone brought us here.
- Grumpy Bear: I knew it! Baby bear mischief!
- Brave Heart Lion: You're welcome to stay in the Forest of Feelings as long as you like.
- Friend Bear: Thank you, Brave Heart, but the sooner we leave, the better. If we don't hurry, Care-A-Lot may not be there when we get back.
- Kim: We have to find a way back to Earth.
- Jason: To help stop the evil spirit from taking the feelings away from everybody.
- Brave Heart Lion: Come on, everybody!
- Kim: Where?
- Brave Heart Lion: If there is a way out of the Forest of Feelings, we'll help you find it.
- Nicholas: Where are they? Where are you hiding the boy and girl?
- Tender Heart Bear: You don't know what you're doing, Nicholas! Listen to your heart, and you'll find the truth!
- Nicholas: WHERE ARE THEY?
- Tender Heart Bear: Care Bears, STARE!
- Jason: Nicholas! We care about you! We used to be like you. We thought nobody cared.
- Kim: But we were wrong. Now we want to be your friends, Nicholas, and make sure you're never alone again. Believe us, Nicholas! Believe us.
- Nicholas: I... I believe you!
- The Spirit: No! You can't! Don't do it! Stop! You don't care! They don't care!
- [trapped in a cave]
- Tender Heart Bear: I can't see a thing.
- Bright Heart Raccoon: [appears] Steer to the left!
- Tender Heart Bear: Who said that?
- Lotsa Heart Elephant: Not me.
- Funshine Bear: Neither did I.
- Cozy Heart Penguin: Wasn't me.
- Bright Heart Raccoon: It was me! I said it!
- Tender Heart Bear: Who are you?
- Bright Heart Raccoon: Don't ask questions - steer left, quick!
- Tender Heart Bear: Hang on, everyone.
- Bright Heart Raccoon: Whew! That was close - you almost smashed right into that big rock!
- Funshine Bear: Look, I see light up ahead.
- [the ship comes into the light again]
- Tender Heart Bear: A raccoon? No wonder you could see in the dark.
- Lotsa Heart Elephant: Not just a raccoon - Bright Heart Raccoon.
- Bright Heart Raccoon: I can usually see my way through anything.
- Mr. Cherrywood: The Care Bears have a very special mission, and that mission is to help everyone share their feelings with others.
- The Spirit: Well done, Nicholas. He'll be in a deep sleep only long enough for you to take over his magic show.
- Nicholas: But I... I couldn't!
- The Spirit: Yes, you can. You must! This is your chance to show that you are a greater magician than he. They love him for his magic, they'll love you for your's. I'll help you.
- Tender Heart Bear: Nicholas! Stop! This isn't the way to make friends!
- Nicholas: Who are you?
- Tender Heart Bear: I'm Tender Heart. A Care Bear. Your friend.
- The Spirit: Friend? Where was he when you needed him?
- Tender Heart Bear: What matters is I'm here now, and Nicholas needs me the most.
- [the Spirit angrily growls and blows Tender Heart away]
- The Spirit: See, Nicholas? Magic can do anything you want it to.
- Nicholas: Hey, neat!
- Tender Heart Bear: Magic isn't the answer, Nicholas. Your feelings can help you find the true answer.
- The Spirit: Don't listen to him! There are dozens of children out there waiting to see your magic.
- Nicholas: They'll love me just like they did the Great Fetuccini! I know all his tricks. I'm not doing anything wrong.
- Tender Heart Bear: He won't succeed! The spirit doesn't care about him, but I do!
- [as they dangle precariously from a tree]
- Friend Bear: Secret Bear says not to worry about falling - worry about the lion instead!
- Friend Bear: Hi. I'm Friend Bear, and this is Secret Bear. We're Care Bears.
- Jason: What do you want?
- Friend Bear: Only to be your friends.
- Mr. Cherrywood: [narrating] You see, although Kim and Jason were warm and loving children, they had been so hurt when their parents went away that they decided never to love anyone ever again just incase they too went away. Kim and Jason felt they didn't need anyone, but the Care Bears knew better.
- Friend Bear: Everyone needs friends, Jason. Even you and Kim.
- Kim: We're not your friends!
- Jason: And how do you know our names?
- Friend Bear: We know a lot of things about you. Kim reads a lot of books and wants to be a nurse when she grows up, and Jason, you want to be a jet pilot.
- Jason: Yeah. How did you know that?
- Friend Bear: Friends are supposed to know about each others' hopes and dreams.
- [Secret Bear whispers to Friend Bear]
- Friend Bear: Secret Bear says not to worry. No one can keep a secret like Secret Bear.
- Jason: Well, I'll tell you what we know about people you care for. They always let you down.
- Kim: So, we'd rather not have any friends. Don't trouble yourselves!
- Tender Heart Bear: Nicholas, what have you done?
- Nicholas: Only what they did to me. They deserved it.
- Tender Heart Bear: No, Nicholas. Please, listen!
- The Spirit: Quick, Nicholas!
- Nicholas: "Nyx... byx... styx!"
- The Spirit: This is only the beginning.
- Tender Heart Bear: This is a job for all the Care Bears!
- Tender Heart Bear: Quick! Run for cover! It's coming! Brace yourselves!
- Friend Bear: What's coming?
- [a huge cloud quake happens]
- Kim: Everyone okay? Cheer Bear?
- Cheer Bear: I think so.
- Grumpy Bear: Too bad we can't say the same for Care-A-Lot. Look.
- Kim: Oh no!
- Friend Bear: Everything's broken! Faded! Ruined!
- Funshine Bear: Tenderheart! Tenderheart! The caring meter dropped two whole points!
- [everyone gasps]
- Love-a-Lot-Bear: A lot of people must have suddenly just stopped caring.
- Kim: What could have caused that?
- Tender Heart Bear: The same thing that caused the cloud quake. A boy named Nicholas is being taken over by an evil spirit.
- Jason: An evil spirit?
- Kim: So, what happens when the caring meter drops to zero?
- Love-a-Lot-Bear: No one in the world will care anymore.
- [Secret Bear whispers to Kim]
- Kim: And the end of Care-A-Lot?
- Tender Heart Bear: I think that's exactly what the spirit has in mind!
- Wish Bear: I've sighted parents for you at the orphanage! They want to adopt you both!
- Cheer Bear: Congratulations, Kim and Jason!
- Tender Heart Bear: Come on, Grumpy! Let's warm up the rainbow rescue beam! Kim and Jason have to get back in a hurry!
- Kim: You hear that, Jason? Parents.
- Jason: Yeah. I thought we'd never have parents.
- Kim: Yeah.
- Jason: But... Kim...
- Kim: I know, Jason. Our friends. They're in trouble.
- Tender Heart Bear: Kim! Jason! We're ready! All set?
- Kim: No. We're not going to the orphanage. We're going to help you.
- Jason: Yeah.
- Tender Heart Bear: But... you have parents waiting.
- Jason: We've made up our minds.
- Kim: You showed us how to share our feelings, and that's just what we're going to do.
- Tender Heart Bear: Yeah? Really?
- Kim, Jason: Yeah.
- Grumpy Bear: Well, whaddya know? The Rainbow Rescue Beam worked!
- Goodluck Bear: See? We just needed a little luck.
- Grumpy Bear: Looks like we're going to need more than that.
- Lotsa Heart Elephant: I think things will get a lot easier now that we're together, Brave Heart.
- Brave Heart Lion: I couldn't agree with you more, Lotsa Heart. Soon, you'll be out of the Forest of Feelings, then your journey will really begin.
- Jason: You're not coming with us?
- Brave Heart Lion: Well... yes... if you think we could help.
- Tender Heart Bear: Glad to have you along. We can use all the help we can get!
- Brave Heart Lion: Well, in that case...
- [roars]
- Lotsa Heart Elephant: [trumpets]
- Brave Heart Lion: We're calling for the Loyal Hearts where ever they may be!
- Lotsa Heart Elephant: We're calling for the Proud Hearts to come and follow me!
- Brave Heart Lion: We're calling for the Gentle Hearts to keep us company!
- Lotsa Heart Elephant: And it would be a Treat Heart if you would follow me!
- Lotsa Heart Elephant, Brave Heart Lion: [singing] 'Cuz there's a job to be done, we're gonna need everyone / because nobody can do it alone. / We'll need the swift and the small, we'll need the strong and the tall / 'cuz everyone has a strength of their own. / And when you put it all together, / Then there's a power no one can deny. / It's the power to share, it's the power to care / 'cuz when you care, you're not afraid to try!
- Nicholas: There. The spell is cast. Now, everyone in town will know the loneliness they've made me feel.
- The Spirit: Not quite. Look. These two children still care very much about everyone... except you.
- Nicholas: But they were to fall under my spell.
- The Spirit: Ah, but those soft little bears shield them from your spell with their... love and caring.
- Nicholas: Ah, let them go. I'm even now.
- The Spirit: Are you? What about all the others?
- Nicholas: Others?
- The Spirit: All the others that you have not yet cast your spells on. All the others that still care.
- Nicholas: I've gotten even with the whole town. That's all I wanted.
- The Spirit: The others will come after you for what you've done.
- Nicholas: What should I do?
- The Spirit: You must finish it! Go ahead! Say it!
- Nicholas: Neebo, weebo, tick tock, reebo, zeebo, zip zap, zock! AAH!
- [releases a cloud with evil eyes into the room]
- The Spirit: This spell will seek out the children and bring them to us at any cost!
- Nicholas: Isn't there another way?
- The Spirit: No! They must be taught a lesson! A lesson for the children! A lesson for the town! A lesson for everyone!
- Nicholas: What do you mean everyone?
- The Spirit: Now, go!
- [the cloud leaves]
- Nicholas: You said a lesson. What kind of lesson?
- The Spirit: Never mind that. You must now collect the ingredients for your next spell.
- Mr. Cherrywood: Thanks to the Care Bears, Kim and Jason remembered how good it was to have friends who cared. They're troubles were over, but as for Nicholas, his troubles were just beginning.
- Bedtime Bear: What are we going to do with the children?
- Funshine Bear: I don't know, but this has never happened before. Perhaps we can let them stay.
- Jason: Hey! Can we say something? Where are we?
- Funshine Bear: Oh, we're terribly sorry. Bears?
- Care Bears: We're the Care Bears!
- Jason, Kim: [unenthusiastically] More friends?
- Funshine Bear: Welcome to Care-A-Lot!
- Friend Bear: Come on. We'll give you a tour.
- Jason: Okay, but we're not gonna like it.
- Friend Bear: You're right, Secret Bear. Our only hope is a Care Bear Stare. I hope it works. There's only two of us.
- [Secret Bear moves like a boxer]
- Friend Bear: Right again! We've got to try!
- Tender Heart Bear: Jason! Kim! You're alright!
- Kim: Thanks to our new friends.
- Tender Heart Bear: I know exactly what you mean.
- Nicholas: I didn't mean it.
- Mr. Fetucini: Ugh! You never mean it, Nicholas! I bought that box full of junk I could use for my magic act, and now half of it's broken! What am I going to do with you? Every time I give you a simple task to do, it's BOOM this and CRASH that!
- Nicholas: I'm sorry, Mr. Fetucini.
- Mr. Fetucini: Enough of your sorries. Check that trunk and see if there's anything left I can use in my magic act. I have a show to put on. Perhaps, one day, I will teach you how to make an audience love you, but right now, you're next to hopeless.
- Friend Bear: [singing] You'll need a friend to get a big job done.
- Kim: [singing] I guess sometimes two heads are better than one.
- Friend Bear: [singing] You'll need a friend to let your feelings free.
- Kim: [singing] Sure could use someone to talk to me.
- Nicholas: It's not going to work! Even the spell won't defeat them!
- The Spirit: The spell was just having a little sport. The children are it's true target. Perhaps a sprinkle of toadstool mold will speed things up.
- Goodluck Bear: Any luck fixing the Rainbow Rescue Beam?
- Grumpy Bear: I think I've used up all my good luck getting this far.
- Goodluck Bear: Maybe your luck's run out, but not mine.
- Playful Heart Monkey: While Brave Heart's gone, let's play a guessing game. What am I?
- [sees the tree monster]
- Playful Heart Monkey: Ahh!
- [hyper gibberish]
- Kim: Gee, I don't know.
- Playful Heart Monkey: [shouts] Look out!
- Friend Bear: Swift Heart, are you alright?
- Swift Heart Rabbit: You bet, Friend Bear! It takes more than that to slow me down!
- Love-a-Lot-Bear: Where are Kim and Jason?
- Gentle Heart Lamb: Maybe they're hiding and are afraid to show themselves.
- Tender Heart Bear: Okay, Brave Heart, you round up your friends and try to find Kim and Jason. Care Bears, follow me.
- Cozy Heart Penguin: What are you going to do, Tender Heart?
- Tender Heart Bear: We have to try and get through to Nicholas.
- Share Bear: And make him believe that we really do care about him.
- Love-a-Lot-Bear: And that he really cares about everyone else.
- Cozy Heart Penguin: With a Care Bear stare?
- Share Bear: That's right, Cozy Heart.
- Gentle Heart Lamb: I wish there was some way we could express our feelings like that.
- Friend Bear: There's always a way around others to share your feelings, Gentle Heart. Always.
- Tender Heart Bear: Jason, do you still have the key that I gave you?
- Jason: Sure do.
- Tender Heart Bear: Good. Now promise me that you and Kim will stay as far away from Nicholas and the spirit as you can.
- Jason: But I want to help.
- Tender Heart Bear: You can help best by guarding that key.
- Jason: But...
- Tender Heart Bear: If we lose that key, Jason, we can never win.
- Jason: I understand, Tender Heart. You can count on me.
- The Spirit: They're on their way!
- Nicholas: [wakes up with a start] Ah! Here?
- The Spirit: You'll be ready for them.
- Nicholas: How?
- The Spirit: By completing your final spell.
- Nicholas: Final spell?
- The Spirit: You must gather the elements quickly. When those two children arrive, they must be all that is left of caring in this world.
- Nicholas: You don't mean...?
- The Spirit: Yes! Everyone must be taught the lesson!
- Nicholas: But...
- The Spirit: Don't you see, Nicholas? It's too late to stop now! You must finish what you started! There's no turning back! Ha HA!
- [the spirit and Nicholas laugh maniacally]
- Cozy Heart Penguin: I'm Cozy Heart Penguin. Helping someone in need is what warms my heart and keeps me cozy.
- [Cozy Heart splashes in the water and gets Tender Heart all wet]
- Tender Heart Bear: Brrr! Well, it must work, Cozy Heart. This water is freezing!
- Cozy Heart Penguin: I love it!
- Grumpy Bear: How come I'm always the one fixing things around here?
- Share Bear: Because you never complain, Grumpy Bear.
- Grumpy Bear: This little star got itself stuck in the gears.
- Share Bear: Now, that's what I call star-stuck, Grumpy Bear.
- Baby Hugs: [seeing the rainbow rescue beam] What's this thing, Tugs?
- Baby Tugs: It's not a thing, Hugs. It's a... thingamadooey.
- Baby Hugs: You know everything, Tugs! What's it do?
- Baby Tugs: Uh... it makes bubbles. Square bubbles.
- Baby Hugs: Square bubbles? Hoowee! Make square bubbles, Tugs!
- Baby Tugs: Any special color?
- [tries out the rainbow rescue beam by pressing it's buttons]
- Baby Hugs: No square bubbles, Tugs. Not even round ones. You broke the thing.
- Kim: Wow. This doesn't look like the Earth I remember.
- Jason: Maybe we're still in Care-A-Lot.
- Friend Bear: If this is Care-a-lot, then someone's been doing a little gardening since we left.
- Playful Heart Monkey: What happened to all your fur?
- Kim: We never had any fur.
- Brave Heart Lion: That's impossible! Every monkey has fur!
- Playful Heart Monkey: And who said they were monkeys?
- Brave Heart Lion: Well... they were up in a tree.
- Playful Heart Monkey: I know. They're lions with haircuts.
- Friend Bear: My bed is cozy and light as a cloud.
- Kim: Your bed *is* a cloud.
- Friend Bear: [laughs] Oh, yeah.
- Champ Bear: Hey, you're a lot smaller than you sound.
- Lotsa Heart Elephant: It's true that I'm not big, but it's amazing what you can do if you really put your heart into it.
- [trumpets]
- Lotsa Heart Elephant: Sometimes, I even startle myself.
- Brave Heart Lion: A world without caring? This doesn't look like the Earth you talked about.
- Tender Heart Bear: We've got stop it before it gets worse.
- Gentle Heart Lamb: I don't think this place could get any worse.
- Mr. Fetucini: Nicholas, I just had the most wonderful dream! I dreamed I changed my poster! So that's just what I'm going to do! Now, it'll read "Fetucini and Nicholas"! So, what do you say? A partnership.
- Nicholas: Par... par... par...
- Mr. Fetucini: Oh, all right. "Nicholas and Fetucini".
- Mr. Cherrywood: Now, off to bed to dream of clowns and circuses, acrobats and jugglers. And remember, I want a full report in the morning.
- Jason: Where did you come from?
- Brave Heart Lion: Why, we live here. Everyone in the Forest of Feelings knows of Playful Heart Monkey and Brave Heart Lion.
- Friend Bear: Forest of Feelings?
- Jason: Well, we're from Earth.
- Friend Bear: And Care-A-Lot.
- Playful Heart Monkey: [laughs] Earth? Care-A-Lot?
- [laughs]
- Playful Heart Monkey: There's no such place!
- [laughs]
- Jason: There is too!
- Brave Heart Lion: Don't mind Playful Heart. He loves to laugh at anything. I've heard tales long ago about... other places. What are these other places like?
- Tender Heart Bear: Our friends at the Forest of Feelings have proven to everyone that there's always a way to show that you care. And so, the purpose of this festive occasion is to let all bear witness to the inaguration of our friends into the Care Bear Family!