According to Bruce Campbell, Louise Lasser-under the influence of cocaine-fired her make-up artist. She insisted that she apply all her own make-up, despite objections from the cast. She would often show up on set with poorly applied "clown make-up" and messed up hair, oblivious to how she appeared. There were occasions when she outright refused to leave her trailer, to the annoyance of the cast and crew.
Sam Raimi was not initially optimistic about the talents of the Coen brothers. He recounted that Ethan Coen was "just a statistic accountant at Macy's at the time." After reading the Blood Simple (1984) script, however, Bruce Campbell commented that the screenplay was "great", comparing it to the work of Alfred Hitchcock.
John Cameron, second assistant director on the film, would later remark, "I see Crimewave (1985) as a real turning point in a certain way, because if you survived that experience, nothing in the business could ever be as hard again".
Sam Raimi: [The Three Stooges] many, including the bowling balls rolling off the shelf onto the man's head, and a cameo by Stooges regular Emil Sitka.