I have always been disappointed at how networks often cancel shows before allowing them to take their natural progression. If CBS was going to pick up the show, they should've committed to a final season. I understand that the ratings may not have been the same as the first few seasons, but I'm sure they would've picked up with a little promotion "Urkel and Laura, this is the season." Family Matters was an excellent show that deserved its final season; it was a staple of Friday nights on ABC, that if you compare, put its current Friday night line up to shame.
Laura and Steve were engaged, but we never get to see them finally marry (the last episode I saw was when Urkel was in space, kinda lost track when the show switched networks). Or at least, cancel the show, but allow for one or two final episodes to be made, to allow the show the conclude adequately.
A similar thing happened with the show "Quantum Leap," where the crew got last minute notice the show wasn't going to be renewed, and they had to do post production work to add black screens adding two sentences, one of which the most unsatisfactory "Sam NEVER leaped home." I'm pretty sure that same thing happened with "Perfect Strangers" too. I can understand canceling floundering shows abruptly, but not one that has been on for 9 years. At least that's what I think.