The communist terrorist group 'Red May' is based on a real life terrorist group in Japan, the Red Army, who committed terrorist acts in Japan and Israel in the 60's.
Based on the one shot manga by Taku Kitazaki.
When released in the U.S., the main market for anime sales was VHS tapes. R-rated VHS tapes generally sold much better than PG and G-rated tapes. The U.S. distributors were worried there wasn't enough gore, nudity, and profanity in the series to earn an R-rating. So they instructed the voice director and voice actors to spice up the English dub with liberal amounts of additional profanity. This resulted in an unintentionally hilarious variety and overage of profane words and lines, all to ensure an R-rating and higher U.S. sales.
The US DVD and Blu-ray from Discotek Media includes two subtitle tracks - one from the censored Manga Entertainment subtitle script and the other is the uncut and uncensored subtitles telling the true Anti-Semitic plot.
Raiden's full name is Isamu Sakata.