- Rhet: [singing] I'm hot... and you're not... but if you want to get with me I'll give it one shot, TOP THAT!
- Ms. Molloy: The leads are Brad and... Kiki, Duncan will play the King, and Louise will be the assistant costume mistress!
- Richie Miller: I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say sticks back on you.
- Louise Miller: No. I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say sticks back on you.
- Richie Miller: You think you're hot stuff cause you went to a dance. Dream on! Nobody wants to date you because you're a dog, a dog, a dog!
- [He gasps and falls to the floor, causing Louise to run around the counter to see Richie has turned into a dog]
- Louise Miller: [of the pizza Richie is preparing] This is disgusting! You better clean this mess up before mom gets home.
- Richie Miller: I don't have to.
- Louise Miller: I am telling you, I don't want to listen to her yell at you. You are an unbelievable pig!
- Richie Miller: I'm rubber your glue whatever you call me sticks back on you.
- Louise Miller: No! I'm rubber YOUR glue whatever YOU call me sticks back on YOU!
- Richie Miller: You think you're hot stuff because you went to a dance. Dream on! No one wants do date you because you are a dog! A dog! A dog!
- [he turns into a dog]