It feels like they tried too hard to copy the original movie. Don't get me wrong, they did really well... for example the girls' uniforms matching the originals at the mall...
But I don't think they should have tried to so hard. Also, using the same character names as the movie makes the "imposter" characters play by new actors just feel cheap and fake...
Using the two of the original actors for the Teachers from the movie would have carried by the continuity just find in my opinion, and it should have been about the next year/class of students attending the same high school with similar antics, but using more typical on-the-screenstage sets rather than filming on location, albiet, with probably a much lower budget.
Only ran 7 episodes but I suspect it might have gone on a bit longer if it was filmed entirely on set with a lower budget but an easier to work with location. And more time to do the dialog rather than the wide establishing shots, etc...