I watched North and South several years ago and fell in Love with this awesome tale of love and friendship that endured all. It was a very inspiring tale of friendship and a hallmark for the meaning of true humanity. The actors and actresses were brilliant. I think James Read and Patrick Swayze along with the rest of the cast gave magic and life to a fantastic story by a master story teller -John Jakes. At the time in the late eighties when I watched it for the first time, I knew nothing of a book 3. You can imagine my excitement when I heard of the book 3. I finally acquired the complete set(Bk's 1, 2, 3) on video and waited with bated breath to view the continuation of book 2 in bk 3, but alas, was I disappointed. Recently I acquired the DVD collection of Books 1 & 2, and relived the joy and excitement of one of the best TV mini series / movie of all time with my family. Needless to say that my family love this movies as much as I do. Having also read the books, I think I preferred the script writers version of Book 2,to the account in the book. I wished the script writers had done better on the book 3. I agree with all other reviews of book 3, it was a big let down. For me and my family, we decided that book 3 does not exist. So I recommend this movie very strongly to all who love good movies, good soaps and good factual / historical movies. The movies ignited my interest in the American civil war and having done some reading and research on that, I can tell you that the movie is historically factual and accurate. Well done John Jakes and thank you for such a wonderful story. It has everything and the music is the best part. Enjoy this movie and remember that pure friendship is anchored in true love. If we all strive for that then there will be no need for war.