- Elizabeth: You knew it would be over when one of us said stop. But you wouldn't say it. I almost waited too long.
- John: You work and you work and you work. You meet with people you don't like, that you don't know, that you don't even want to know. And you try to sell them things and they try to sell you things, you go home, you listen to the wife nag and the kids bitch. You turn off the T.V., you wake up the next day and you do it all over again. But I'll tell you, the only thing that keeps me going is this chick. I've got this incredible chick on the side you see, and she is so hot, I can hardly believe it. She's got one of those heart-shaped asses. Have you ever had a chick with a heart-shaped ass?
- Chinatown Shopper: [after Elizabeth asks packed chickens] What... what are you going to do with them? Eat them?
- Elizabeth: We are planning for the proper burial.
- [laughs]