I loved this movie as a child. And I could never remember the name of the movie. I asked my dad if he remembered this movie but we rented it when I was about 5 years old. I've been all around to movie rental places but no one knew what I was talking about. Friends thought that maybe it was just a dream.
All I could remember is the little leprechaun man who couldn't find his rainbow, and he had gold dust. There were two kids, girl and boy, who met him in a barn or somewhere with hay. He took them to a fairytale land like on the other side of the rainbow similar to Wizard of Oz or Neverending story or even Little Nemo. This was a bright magical place. Then all I remember from there is the girls turning into butterflies and going down a slide. And the little leprechaun man would drink soda, float and blow bubbles. That is all I remember. I am not even sure if I seen the entire movie. I might of falling asleep, I mean I was only five. This is a GREAT movie. And I MUST see it again. An amazing magical film for little ones who dare to imagine that anything is possible. I know that my daughter would LOVE this movie. :o) I just though of something, she's five. Now isn't that a coincidence.
I have been looking for years. And now I know the name of it thanks to all the comments that everyone has put on here. Thank you everyone for all the nice comments on this unforgettable film.
The only sad thing is, is that none of the movie rental places lend out VHS tapes anymore. Everyone has converted to DVD only. Even pawn shops do not carry VHS movies anymore. Local library doesn't have this film either.
And worst of all it's not on DVD. Perhaps someone should put it on DVD. It makes me wonder what happens to all those old movies that don't get put onto DVD.
For now I will have to buy the VSH only, used probably. But I hope that in the future someone will make a DVD out of this movie.
Here is a trailer. Go to videodetective.com and search Tales for all #5