Christina Pickles credited as playing...
Sorceress of Castle Grayskull
- Skeletor: Do you hear, Sorceress? The final moment has come. All the forces of Greyskull, all the powers in the universe will be vested in me! ME! And you will cease to exist!
- Sorceress: It is not too late to undo this madness.
- Skeletor: [speaking of the Great Eye] Madness! I demand of destitution, shame, and loneliness of scorn. It is my destiny! It is my right! Nothing will deter me from it!
- Sorceress: Men who crave power look back over the mistakes of their lives, pile them all together and call it destiny.
- Skeletor: [laughs] Thank you for that bit of philosophy, Sorceress. Here is my response.
- [Blade brings the Sword of Greyskull forward]
- Skeletor: Yes, Sorceress! The Sword of Greyskull! Mine! Now and forever!
- [He-Man is brought forward]
- Skeletor: Your champion.
- Sorceress: Julie, keep this with you, and Eternia will always be near.
- [gives Julie a glowing blue crystal]
- Julie Winston: Thank you. He-Man, Teela, Man-At-Arms...
- Teela: Don't say goodbye. Say Good Journey.
- Duncan: It is an old Eternian saying. Live the journey, for every destination is but a doorway to another.
- Julie Winston: Good Journey.
- Evil-Lyn: After all this time, Greyskull is ours.
- Skeletor: NO! Mine.
- Sorceress: The powers of Greyskull have not yet passed to you.
- Skeletor: Someone is speaking to me... yes. Sorceress, my lovely prisoner, my prisoner at last. I've won. I've won. The darkness is rising to embrace you.
- Sorceress: The dark can embrace the light, but never eclipse it. You've not won yet, Skeletor. He-Man is still alive! I can feel him!
- Skeletor: Really? How sensitive you are. Can you feel - this?
- [uses his magic to absorb her strength]