During the end fight, Andrew caught Luc's left leg from a front kick and twist his ankle counter clock wise in attempted to break it. Luc proceed to counter by launching a spinning split kick with his free leg to strike Andrew's face from a left to right motion. This is mechanically flawed since the strike is in contrary to direction of where the ankle is being twisted and would have cause further resistance on it.
It has been mentioned that towards the end of the film the car Luc and Veronica drive to the home of Luc's parents loses the light bar and "Sheriff" decals. This is not a continuity error, the film simply does not show the characters removing the identifying characteristics from a police vehicle while they are fugitives.
(at around 48 mins) Luc decoys the soldiers with the wooden "gas station attendant" mascot. But when the truck pulls up, the mascot is still standing where it was when we first saw it. As the UniSols approach, it isn't there any more.
(at around 5 mins) When Sergeant Andrew Scott shoots the Vietnamese boy at the beginning of the film, the boy is wearing a green shirt. But when we see him from the back as Scott shoots him, his shirt is blue.
(at around 1h 21 mins) Near the end of the movie, the police car they take has a light bar and the word "Sheriff" on the rear fender, yet when they arrive in Louisiana, there is no light bar or printing on the car.
The Colonel commanding the Unisols is wearing a Special Force Green Beret incorrectly. An officer wears their rank on the flash on the front of the beret, the Colonel is displaying the Special Forces branch insignia like an enlisted soldier.
When Veronica backs up against the harvester, the way the blades bend makes it very clear that they are made of rubber.
(at around 24 mins) Luc and Scott are sent to apprehend Veronica, the problem is that moments before they were sent to get her, they were naked and having their memory clearance injections. By the time they got kitted up to go get her, she would have already left and they'd have no hope of catching her.
(at around 42 mins) Ramp is clearly visible when Luc drives the car out the window of the motel lobby.
(at around 1h 17 mins) When Andrew kills the prison bus driver, the bus goes out of control. During one of the scenes showing the bus weaving back and forth you are able to see the stunt driver steering it.
The farm near end of movie is supposedly in Louisiana, but mountains can be seen in the background.
(at around 42 mins) When Luc and Veronica make their escape from the motel, they drive through the office and interrupt the motel owner's mother reading a newspaper. Are we to believe she sat and happily read the paper during the previous sequence when the motel was shot to pieces by 4 heavily armed men?
The Police prefer the element of surprise instead of moving in and Arresting Luc and Veronica, which gives them both a chance to have escaped had they boarded the bus.