116 reviews
During the early '90's, my favorite shows were Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, and the best of them all, Beavis and Butt-head. This show was like South Park, only it matched the culture of the early '90's. Beavis and Butt-head make me laugh so hard that I could have a heart attack. Everything from the way they laugh to the dirty comments that they make from one to another is part of what makes the show so funny.
The best moments of the show were the moments where they would be watching music videos on their television and making comments in the back ground.
There was a wide variety of unique characters in the show, such as their arrogant and overly strict gym teacher who wants to always get them in trouble, their hippie teacher who always tries to teach them about work, their elderly neighbor Tom Anderson who always has his vacations ruined by Beavis and Butt-head, their younger neighbor Stewart who always tries to hang out with them, and a student in their class named Darrea(huh huh, Diarrea). Darrea also had her own spin off show that was released during the year this show was canceled.
I always loved this show, but unfortunately, it started to go down hill when it had to be edited. After an incident where two trailer park kids were playing with matches and burned down their trailer, the show was blamed for causing this incident and had to be edited a lot. The episodes in the last season weren't as great either.
This is a great show, and it is way better than the cartoons that are released today(with the exception of South Park, I love that show). Fortunately, there are DVD's of Beavis and Butt-head from Time Life. If you ever get a chance to see this show, see it and find out what the hype was once all about.
The best moments of the show were the moments where they would be watching music videos on their television and making comments in the back ground.
There was a wide variety of unique characters in the show, such as their arrogant and overly strict gym teacher who wants to always get them in trouble, their hippie teacher who always tries to teach them about work, their elderly neighbor Tom Anderson who always has his vacations ruined by Beavis and Butt-head, their younger neighbor Stewart who always tries to hang out with them, and a student in their class named Darrea(huh huh, Diarrea). Darrea also had her own spin off show that was released during the year this show was canceled.
I always loved this show, but unfortunately, it started to go down hill when it had to be edited. After an incident where two trailer park kids were playing with matches and burned down their trailer, the show was blamed for causing this incident and had to be edited a lot. The episodes in the last season weren't as great either.
This is a great show, and it is way better than the cartoons that are released today(with the exception of South Park, I love that show). Fortunately, there are DVD's of Beavis and Butt-head from Time Life. If you ever get a chance to see this show, see it and find out what the hype was once all about.
- FrankBooth_DeLarge
- Mar 2, 2005
- Permalink
Beavis and Butt-Head is a brilliant TV show, especially for a TV show that is more often than not about "toilet" humor. That is usually not a good indication. Nowadays most movies and TV shows are about sexual promiscuity, perversity, drugs, etc. Beavis and Butt-Head is a show about two teenagers who are obsessed with sex, heavy metal music, etc. On top of that, the title characters are basically highly unintelligent. So how could Beavis and Butt-Head possibly be any good? Surprisingly, the TV show is not just awesome, it's - even more surprisingly - highly clever as well. It's important to give this show a chance before you can notice that it's much more than meets the eye.
The TV show accurately and cleverly portrays how the idiocy of the title characters does not fall short in this world. In the 1990s Beavis and Butt-Head in particular stood out in that regard. Ironically, in the 1990s a number of parents blamed Beavis and Butt-Head for the misbehavior of their children, totally failing to understand the point of the show, which is not for kids but shows what two kids do these days. It's like basing two teenage characters on two general modern teenagers and saying "this is how your kids are" to parents and a number of them respond by saying "no that's who my kids are imitating". The joke is on them but they are oblivious to it and that is the real power of Beavis and Butt-Head. You would almost want to be in their situation because of how the world has become. Being plain stupid is more than enough to "outsmart" people these days - as Beavis and Butt-Head accurately prove time after time. That makes it so easy to "identify" with Beavis and Butt-Head. Yet, at the same time, unlike movies and TV shows in general, Beavis and Butt-Head (the TV show) does not condone violence, drugs or anything like that. It's amazing how a "potty" humor show about two unintelligent teenagers is more intelligent and witty than most "serious" TV shows.
The first few seasons of Beavis and Butt-Head are horribly drawn and quite simplistic. You can skip the first two seasons. From there on the show gets better with every season. Almost the half of every episode consists of Beavis and Butt-Head watching and commenting on music videos.
On November 28, 1997, the last Beavis and Butt-Head episode of season 7 was aired. Beavis and Butt-Head was canceled. It was like MTV was canceled. By that time Beavis and Butt-Head was the only thing worthy to watch on MTV. Music videos in the 1990s began to be all about sex, pimping, drugs, prostitutes, gangsterism, etc. So at the time it was in my opinion a good idea of MTV to start focusing on non-musical content and that's where Beavis and Butt-Head perfectly fit in. It was almost like MTV was making fun of the people who liked the music videos of those days. Absolutely brilliant. When Beavis and Butt-Head was canceled, MTV began to die out. In the next decade MTV ("Music Television") became no longer "MTV" because it was no longer about music. Instead, reality shows like 16 and Pregnant (2009) began to dominate MTV. MTV as it once was was simply gone.
It would take almost 14 years before Beavis and Butt-Head returned in 2011. The 2000s had passed without Beavis and Butt-Head. Music videos still exist but not as they once were. TV in general is as good as dead. Computers and the internet have largely replaced the "need" for TV. Sex, drugs, nudity, etc are now no longer rare on TV. So does Beavis and Butt-Head have a place on TV anymore? Well, not so much when it comes to music videos or sexual content in them. That's for sure. Season 8 nevertheless feels like Beavis and Butt-Head has never been away, even though the music videos have been replaced by the reality shows that are currently being aired on MTV. The title characters have become wittier and the quality of the show appears (so far) to be the same. The world has changed since Beavis and Butt-Head was canceled in the late 1990s. In today's world - with today's MTV, dying TV, internet, etc - Beavis and Butt-Head will most likely never become as popular as they once were. That is not say that Beavis and Butt-Head is or will not be just as good. No other adult-comedic cartoon show has come along in the 14 years of Beavis and Butt-Head's absence that has matched the quality and excellence of Beavis and Butt-Head. Not even South Park (1997).
I would most definitely recommend Beavis and Butt-Head to anyone (who is an adult)! It may not be for everyone (due to the type of comedy of the show) but for everybody else it is a must-see TV show!
The TV show accurately and cleverly portrays how the idiocy of the title characters does not fall short in this world. In the 1990s Beavis and Butt-Head in particular stood out in that regard. Ironically, in the 1990s a number of parents blamed Beavis and Butt-Head for the misbehavior of their children, totally failing to understand the point of the show, which is not for kids but shows what two kids do these days. It's like basing two teenage characters on two general modern teenagers and saying "this is how your kids are" to parents and a number of them respond by saying "no that's who my kids are imitating". The joke is on them but they are oblivious to it and that is the real power of Beavis and Butt-Head. You would almost want to be in their situation because of how the world has become. Being plain stupid is more than enough to "outsmart" people these days - as Beavis and Butt-Head accurately prove time after time. That makes it so easy to "identify" with Beavis and Butt-Head. Yet, at the same time, unlike movies and TV shows in general, Beavis and Butt-Head (the TV show) does not condone violence, drugs or anything like that. It's amazing how a "potty" humor show about two unintelligent teenagers is more intelligent and witty than most "serious" TV shows.
The first few seasons of Beavis and Butt-Head are horribly drawn and quite simplistic. You can skip the first two seasons. From there on the show gets better with every season. Almost the half of every episode consists of Beavis and Butt-Head watching and commenting on music videos.
On November 28, 1997, the last Beavis and Butt-Head episode of season 7 was aired. Beavis and Butt-Head was canceled. It was like MTV was canceled. By that time Beavis and Butt-Head was the only thing worthy to watch on MTV. Music videos in the 1990s began to be all about sex, pimping, drugs, prostitutes, gangsterism, etc. So at the time it was in my opinion a good idea of MTV to start focusing on non-musical content and that's where Beavis and Butt-Head perfectly fit in. It was almost like MTV was making fun of the people who liked the music videos of those days. Absolutely brilliant. When Beavis and Butt-Head was canceled, MTV began to die out. In the next decade MTV ("Music Television") became no longer "MTV" because it was no longer about music. Instead, reality shows like 16 and Pregnant (2009) began to dominate MTV. MTV as it once was was simply gone.
It would take almost 14 years before Beavis and Butt-Head returned in 2011. The 2000s had passed without Beavis and Butt-Head. Music videos still exist but not as they once were. TV in general is as good as dead. Computers and the internet have largely replaced the "need" for TV. Sex, drugs, nudity, etc are now no longer rare on TV. So does Beavis and Butt-Head have a place on TV anymore? Well, not so much when it comes to music videos or sexual content in them. That's for sure. Season 8 nevertheless feels like Beavis and Butt-Head has never been away, even though the music videos have been replaced by the reality shows that are currently being aired on MTV. The title characters have become wittier and the quality of the show appears (so far) to be the same. The world has changed since Beavis and Butt-Head was canceled in the late 1990s. In today's world - with today's MTV, dying TV, internet, etc - Beavis and Butt-Head will most likely never become as popular as they once were. That is not say that Beavis and Butt-Head is or will not be just as good. No other adult-comedic cartoon show has come along in the 14 years of Beavis and Butt-Head's absence that has matched the quality and excellence of Beavis and Butt-Head. Not even South Park (1997).
I would most definitely recommend Beavis and Butt-Head to anyone (who is an adult)! It may not be for everyone (due to the type of comedy of the show) but for everybody else it is a must-see TV show!
BABH was a dumb show that worked very well.
it's about 2 friends being dimwitted in their small town either by accident or on purpose.
During the 90s BABH was a legend. It redefined adult cartoon sitcoms. Simpsons sure but BABH were on another level. It was just 2 bone head guys without a wife and kids.
Overall a great show.
What can be learned? Dimwitted can be cool if done right...
Verdict: Beavis and Butt Head gave birth to the King of the Hill
it's about 2 friends being dimwitted in their small town either by accident or on purpose.
During the 90s BABH was a legend. It redefined adult cartoon sitcoms. Simpsons sure but BABH were on another level. It was just 2 bone head guys without a wife and kids.
Overall a great show.
What can be learned? Dimwitted can be cool if done right...
Verdict: Beavis and Butt Head gave birth to the King of the Hill
- ThunderKing6
- Mar 12, 2021
- Permalink
Okay, I admit it. I am a closet Beavis & Butthead fan. Well, actually, not all that closeted, but when I tell people I enjoy the show, sometimes they just don't get it. Some of them say, "But it's just stupid! It's just two morons laughing and being crude all the time!"
Well, I thought so too, before I ever watched the show. I had heard of them; I would occasionally see B & B pop up on an MTV awards show and receive lots of laughter and applause - the laughter and applause of recognition. I knew they were popular but I didn't "get it." Then, part of the way through the first episode I watched, I "got it." The reason Beavis & Butthead is so funny is that it does an extremely dead-on accurate job of portraying a very real aspect of teenage males that had been completely overlooked in a lot of previous television.
I can even remember the exact moment I "got it": Beavis and Butthead were watching a video by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and adding their usual commentary, and when the video ended and the name of the band appeared on the screen, Butthead read their name out loud. And when I heard the tone of voice he used, it hit me. It's that sarcastic, detached, "I'm so cool" kind of voice that teenage boys use constantly - even for such a banality as a simple declarative statement about a band's name.
And of course, what makes B & B's sarcastic detached cockiness all the more ironic is that they have extremely passive and uneventful lives: they spend all their time "hanging out" and doing the same stupid stuff, yet they somehow (well, Butthead especially) consider themselves qualified to put on this jaded cynical act. Everything they do is as observers. They see sex and rock music on TV, they think and talk about sex and rock music all the time, and they've never had sex or played rock music. And the irony never hits them. They're somehow this weird combination of innocence and jadedness at the same time, and this, combined with their passive observer nature, makes Beavis and Butthead an extremely dead-on accurate portrayal of adolescent males.
Of course Beavis and Butthead are exaggerations of teenage males, but nevertheless I find them a rather refreshing change from the portrayals of teenagers in shows such as Beverly Hills 90210 and Dawson's Creek, who seem as articulate, poised, and self-confident as a bunch of sophisticated 28-year-olds, and who do not ring true to me at all.
Well, I thought so too, before I ever watched the show. I had heard of them; I would occasionally see B & B pop up on an MTV awards show and receive lots of laughter and applause - the laughter and applause of recognition. I knew they were popular but I didn't "get it." Then, part of the way through the first episode I watched, I "got it." The reason Beavis & Butthead is so funny is that it does an extremely dead-on accurate job of portraying a very real aspect of teenage males that had been completely overlooked in a lot of previous television.
I can even remember the exact moment I "got it": Beavis and Butthead were watching a video by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and adding their usual commentary, and when the video ended and the name of the band appeared on the screen, Butthead read their name out loud. And when I heard the tone of voice he used, it hit me. It's that sarcastic, detached, "I'm so cool" kind of voice that teenage boys use constantly - even for such a banality as a simple declarative statement about a band's name.
And of course, what makes B & B's sarcastic detached cockiness all the more ironic is that they have extremely passive and uneventful lives: they spend all their time "hanging out" and doing the same stupid stuff, yet they somehow (well, Butthead especially) consider themselves qualified to put on this jaded cynical act. Everything they do is as observers. They see sex and rock music on TV, they think and talk about sex and rock music all the time, and they've never had sex or played rock music. And the irony never hits them. They're somehow this weird combination of innocence and jadedness at the same time, and this, combined with their passive observer nature, makes Beavis and Butthead an extremely dead-on accurate portrayal of adolescent males.
Of course Beavis and Butthead are exaggerations of teenage males, but nevertheless I find them a rather refreshing change from the portrayals of teenagers in shows such as Beverly Hills 90210 and Dawson's Creek, who seem as articulate, poised, and self-confident as a bunch of sophisticated 28-year-olds, and who do not ring true to me at all.
Beavis and Butt-Head will be remembered for a long time. The gross, sick, and always hilarious show was the best show ever on MTV and probably nothing like it will ever come close. Poeple will always remember it's sick skits (B&B trying to grow beards, B&B playing frog baseball, B&B trying to score) it's dialouge at the couch during music videos, and many other things. This show led other shows like South Park into the promised land (ironically, South Park came out at around the same time when B&B were cancelled). This show will always remain as one of the defining shows of the generation X. So, uhuhuhu-hehehe. A++
- Quinoa1984
- Mar 18, 2000
- Permalink
"BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD," in my opinion, is an absolutely freaking hilarious MTV classic! I haven't seen every episode, but I still enjoyed it. It's hard to say which episode was my favorite. It would have to be either the one where Beavis (voice of Mike Judge) knocks the outhouse over while he and Butt-Head (voice of Mike Judge) are waiting to use the bathroom while at a concert or the one where he and Butt-Head think they're psychics. However, I think it was always funny when a mishap occurred. I always laughed at that. It was all the main characters stayed with the show throughout its entire run. Everyone always gave a good performance, the episodes were funny, and the writing was always very strong. In conclusion, I hope it stays on MTV-2 for fans of the show to see for a long time.
- Catherine_Grace_Zeh
- Jan 31, 2006
- Permalink
Pure classic among my top favorite shows ever! The humor isn't for everyone and best not to take seriously. It's beyond funny in my opinion, MTV's best; even though it mostly has trash on it. I almost never get tired of watching most of the episodes, I love quoting some of the silly lines too. Mike Judge has really done some excellent work, despite the crude humor. Also love the music always have.
- UniqueParticle
- Jun 1, 2019
- Permalink
Beavis and Butthead is and will always be the epitome of amazing TV. It's just as funny now as it was before. It's not funnier, it's not less funny, it's just Beavis and Butthead. Beavis and Butthead is the perfect show to watch if you're a stoner, just bored, or want a good laugh in general.
From using frogs as baseballs to trying to score during the apocalypse, Beavis and Butthead never fail to find themselves doing the dumb senseless acts that we all love to see. Will they ever score? We'll just have to continue to watch and see. Hopefully not anytime soon, I would love to see many more years of Beavis and Butthead.
If you're expecting a comedy to be taken seriously and have a major plot line, well you've came to the wrong show, clearly. You should know that just by reading the title. Just sit down, crack open a beer, and enjoy the show.
From using frogs as baseballs to trying to score during the apocalypse, Beavis and Butthead never fail to find themselves doing the dumb senseless acts that we all love to see. Will they ever score? We'll just have to continue to watch and see. Hopefully not anytime soon, I would love to see many more years of Beavis and Butthead.
If you're expecting a comedy to be taken seriously and have a major plot line, well you've came to the wrong show, clearly. You should know that just by reading the title. Just sit down, crack open a beer, and enjoy the show.
- Bwilson123
- Dec 2, 2011
- Permalink
- andrejvasiljevic
- May 5, 2012
- Permalink
This was one of the funniest cartoons ever. As stupid as it may seem it's actually genius. The more cerebral you consider yourself the funnier this cartoon is.
- putahw-40997
- Jan 30, 2021
- Permalink
Yes, he's dumb, plotless, and very often not funny, but for some reason these 200+ episodes have flown by so fast that it's getting scary.
An animated series made literally on the knee, with 2 full meters behind it and two restarts.
Although animated series designed not for children were released before him, but the impact on the genre and culture in general should not be underestimated. If you look closely, you can find many similarities with the same South Park.
That's part of the history of television. Either you'll like this pair of fools and their humor right away, or it's too dumb for you and you don't have to try to watch until it gets funny.
An animated series made literally on the knee, with 2 full meters behind it and two restarts.
Although animated series designed not for children were released before him, but the impact on the genre and culture in general should not be underestimated. If you look closely, you can find many similarities with the same South Park.
That's part of the history of television. Either you'll like this pair of fools and their humor right away, or it's too dumb for you and you don't have to try to watch until it gets funny.
Great moronic dark and casual humor from the ages of the real Mtv by Mike Judge. Two idiot teenagers on their couch in front of a tv. Huhuh yeah. This sucks.
I dont think these series need any description at all.
I dont think these series need any description at all.
- lilcooldude
- Aug 10, 2022
- Permalink
Seriously... I'm amazed at all the good feedback this show has here. All we have in this show is two stupid kids who keep doing an annoying laugh and they do OCCASIONAL funny things only in like... 2 of the shows, while most of the others sucked... as then they comment on music videos which I cannot stand personally while they either love or like.
In most episodes, the only things you will hear are the repitive "let's go score with some chicks", or "I'll kick your ass beavis", or the better yet and usually used quote "that was cool", and above all, their annoying laugh.
If you want a good animated show, try The Simpsons, Ren and Stimpy, South Park, this show is just not worth the time or energy it takes to watch this awful MTV series truthfully.
In most episodes, the only things you will hear are the repitive "let's go score with some chicks", or "I'll kick your ass beavis", or the better yet and usually used quote "that was cool", and above all, their annoying laugh.
If you want a good animated show, try The Simpsons, Ren and Stimpy, South Park, this show is just not worth the time or energy it takes to watch this awful MTV series truthfully.
- PaulosBlade
- Aug 5, 2006
- Permalink
The end of Beavis and Butthead was like the end of a cultural era. Grunge and those early 90 fads were dying out, to make way for the crass commercialism and ultra materialism of the youth generations that would follow, essentially helping to wipe out not only what made music culture great, but also what made MTV great. Beavis and Butthead was part of that cool past of part of a totally idiotic, carefree culture.
Beavis and Butthead, for those who too young to know about it, was an animated series created by Mike Judge, of the now popular FOX television series, King of the Hill, which is actually based on one of the characters from Beavis & Butthead (the neighbor Anderson, who was the primitive form of Hank Hill). The brief episodes, usually two packed in a half-hour, followed the mishaps of two ugly braindead teenagers. Their primary pasttimes were raising hell, making dirty jokes, and just laughing. The main characters usually included Buzz Cut, the anal muscular gym teacher; Van Dreesen, the pansy hippy teacher who's plans to get Beavis & Butthead to do something good usually backfired; their ultra-sheltered neighbor, Stuart; and the depressed, Daria (aka "Diarreha") who later developed into a spin-off series called "Daria".
Beavis & Butthead were so stupid and so clueless as to the disasters that usually went on around them, which is why the situations were so funny. You can't really expect to take a show like this seriously. It was just the stupid antics that made it great. Plus, because it was on MTV, it was a vehicle for music videos which were particularly key because they were often rare videos. And Beavis & Butthead did their MST3K-type of commentary as you watched sometimes full videos that acted as an intermission to their short episodes. All around, despite poor drawings, this show is still a classic and even created it's own subculture of marveled stupidity. But, I still enjoyed it.
And in retrospect, it's probably a lot better, considering a lot of the crap that is on television now to entertain teens--especially MTV. Even if you do get to see the reruns, they usually cut out the videos now to make way for extra commercial time (MTV sucks!). But, they did release episodes on tape. I don't know if they've made it to DVD.
Beavis and Butthead, for those who too young to know about it, was an animated series created by Mike Judge, of the now popular FOX television series, King of the Hill, which is actually based on one of the characters from Beavis & Butthead (the neighbor Anderson, who was the primitive form of Hank Hill). The brief episodes, usually two packed in a half-hour, followed the mishaps of two ugly braindead teenagers. Their primary pasttimes were raising hell, making dirty jokes, and just laughing. The main characters usually included Buzz Cut, the anal muscular gym teacher; Van Dreesen, the pansy hippy teacher who's plans to get Beavis & Butthead to do something good usually backfired; their ultra-sheltered neighbor, Stuart; and the depressed, Daria (aka "Diarreha") who later developed into a spin-off series called "Daria".
Beavis & Butthead were so stupid and so clueless as to the disasters that usually went on around them, which is why the situations were so funny. You can't really expect to take a show like this seriously. It was just the stupid antics that made it great. Plus, because it was on MTV, it was a vehicle for music videos which were particularly key because they were often rare videos. And Beavis & Butthead did their MST3K-type of commentary as you watched sometimes full videos that acted as an intermission to their short episodes. All around, despite poor drawings, this show is still a classic and even created it's own subculture of marveled stupidity. But, I still enjoyed it.
And in retrospect, it's probably a lot better, considering a lot of the crap that is on television now to entertain teens--especially MTV. Even if you do get to see the reruns, they usually cut out the videos now to make way for extra commercial time (MTV sucks!). But, they did release episodes on tape. I don't know if they've made it to DVD.
- vertigo_14
- May 29, 2004
- Permalink
Need I say more? Two lovable stoners getting through life from the couch. A great and easy to digest concept. They need to bring this back. It would get me into the theaters but also would eventually just watch from home ha.
- driverkenny
- Nov 17, 2021
- Permalink
- stephenchase-63504
- Feb 7, 2021
- Permalink
A classic show with some "edgy" humor about Teo boys just being rude. Where you can meet some of the most interesting characters around. No matter what episode you start on you will find some humor in it. Some might be dated but most of it is great.
- jayeisderpy
- Nov 29, 2021
- Permalink
I don't know about the constant revivals and the meta 'we know we're dumb' crap.
The show was brilliant for it's time, prophetic yet introspective about the pop (and mental) climate.
To me, it died with the (televised) music video.
The show was brilliant for it's time, prophetic yet introspective about the pop (and mental) climate.
To me, it died with the (televised) music video.
- therskybznuiss
- May 27, 2021
- Permalink
Words can't describe how much I enjoy "Beavis and Butthead". I started watching the show when I was a kid but my parents didn't think the series was appropriate for me but I still ended up sneak watching and flipping the tv to Nick at Nite if a parent came into the room. :D
Beavis and Butthead are both stupid but the writing for the series is intelligent enough that you don't get the feeling of being annoyed by watching them. At least I don't feel that way. I think of a series like "Boy Meets World" where they turn Eric into an idiot and it came off as being obnoxious more than anything. Beavis and Butthead aren't in that category. I think it just boils down to better writing for this series. These two get into so much stuff and it's hilarious. I think the episode I have the fondest memories of is "No Laughing". If you've watched even 10 minutes of Beavis and Butthead, you KNOW how much these two laugh. Doesn't matter if something inappropriate is being said or not, these two are all the time laughing. So just picture this episode where there's consequences on the line if they laugh while in school and of course Coach Buzzcut has decided the lesson plan for that week will be subjects (sex ed) that will have Beavis and Butthead laughing harder than ever. But they do manage to hold back the laughter til school ends and then they can let it out. The episode is much better than my description tbh.
I use a streaming service and have decided to watch the Beavis and Butthead episodes on there. I've long given up the hope of any channel picking the entire series up and playing them. I guess it's streaming, dvds or noting at all. Anyway, I'll be the first to admit that a lot of the stuff I liked as a kid hasn't aged well for me and I don't like it as much as an adult as I did when I was a child. Beavis and Butthead are thankfully an exception to that. I've gotten a kick out of watching these episodes and laughing as much as Beavis and Butthead do.
There's one thing I also want to point out. I don't think I liked the music video commentaries when I was a kid because it broke up the flow of the actual episode. I got older and the commentary is now something I enjoy.
Beavis and Butthead are both stupid but the writing for the series is intelligent enough that you don't get the feeling of being annoyed by watching them. At least I don't feel that way. I think of a series like "Boy Meets World" where they turn Eric into an idiot and it came off as being obnoxious more than anything. Beavis and Butthead aren't in that category. I think it just boils down to better writing for this series. These two get into so much stuff and it's hilarious. I think the episode I have the fondest memories of is "No Laughing". If you've watched even 10 minutes of Beavis and Butthead, you KNOW how much these two laugh. Doesn't matter if something inappropriate is being said or not, these two are all the time laughing. So just picture this episode where there's consequences on the line if they laugh while in school and of course Coach Buzzcut has decided the lesson plan for that week will be subjects (sex ed) that will have Beavis and Butthead laughing harder than ever. But they do manage to hold back the laughter til school ends and then they can let it out. The episode is much better than my description tbh.
I use a streaming service and have decided to watch the Beavis and Butthead episodes on there. I've long given up the hope of any channel picking the entire series up and playing them. I guess it's streaming, dvds or noting at all. Anyway, I'll be the first to admit that a lot of the stuff I liked as a kid hasn't aged well for me and I don't like it as much as an adult as I did when I was a child. Beavis and Butthead are thankfully an exception to that. I've gotten a kick out of watching these episodes and laughing as much as Beavis and Butthead do.
There's one thing I also want to point out. I don't think I liked the music video commentaries when I was a kid because it broke up the flow of the actual episode. I got older and the commentary is now something I enjoy.
- glitterrose
- Oct 13, 2022
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In the 90's MTV had an identity little cable networks can match. They appealed to the youth with its terrific shows like "TRL: Total Request Live" and "Yo! MTV Raps." Even when it first introduced the reality television phenomenon it's mostly known for now, it held its creative and enlightening manner with the beginning seasons of "The Real World," "Making the Video," and even "The Grind" had mass appeal. All these shows centered on the theme which the network has lost focus of in the last ten years or so, MUSIC. Go figure. It's Music Television and they hardly show it any longer. One of the best things on MTV in the 1990's was Mike Judge's very controversial yet hilariously funny "Beavis and Butt-head." These two whimsical, giggling teenagers got themselves in many situations with the goal of "scoring" in my mind. When not trying to pick up the ladies, they sat around their house watching music videos and offering up hysterical commentary. The decision to reignite the series after its end in 1997 was probably one of the best decisions MTV has had for itself in years. A breath of fresh air has been brought back to the network encompassing the same great humor it had before but holding nothing back. The first four episodes have poked fun of teen series sensation Twilight with Beavis and Butt-head trying to become members of an undead cult in order to get girls, "Teen Mom," Katy Perry, and the Jersey Shore crew. Its MTV's answer to great adult animated cartoons like South Park and Family Guy but will not crash and burn like Ren & Stimpy did during their "call backs." I expect great things from this and for it to succeed. Catch the hilarious duo on Thursday nights at 10:00pm on MTV!
- ClaytonDavis
- Jul 9, 2012
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This SHOW is one OF the greatest shows THAT i EVER SEENED AND best OF mtv!
I loved this show. It came out when I was 11. It was so funny and my mom wanted to kill me for watching. With that in mind, I'll never forget how many times my brother and I snook and watched it in our basement. Even now the show is still funny. Now I'm fortunate to watch it, without the remote constantly in hand. The movie was awesome too, though toned down a lot. It's quite obvious this allowed for South Park, which explains why South Park was far less ridiculed. And South Park the movie was not toned down at all. Beavis and Butthead is definitely MTV's crowning achievement. Before they ruined their programming with 24 hours of Real World/Road Rules and TRL.
I still remember when Frog Baseball first aired on MTV. In some sort of odd, surreal manner, the cartoon captured the stupid actions that I think every boy growing up in America engages in. I cringe now thinking about how I burned a crippled grasshopper using a magnifying glass, but it was interesting at the time for some reason. Growing up in the 1980s we all knew "stoners." These were the kids who wore Iron Maiden t-shirts to school, grew their hair long, had immature moustaches and were at least two inches taller than everyone else because they had flunked a grade or two. We laughed at them because they were so stupid even when not stoned. So it was easy to understand Beavis & Co because we already knew them, some of us were even them. To the extent that GenXers like myself would spurn the excess of the 1980s and embrace the grunge movement of the 1990s, Beavis & Co were sort of a strange post-modern anthem for us. Strange because like Beavis & Co we didn't care if we had an anthem. It was just an inside joke that we all immediately got even if it was awful.
- sugar_daddyo
- Dec 1, 2006
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