The premise is so weird which the writer David Jackson thought was dealing with a moronic audience, if someone has a bomb on Germany to send it straight to Iraq, quite sure the easy way is take it by airplane, instead he enforced a lame screenplay with lot of mismatches and full of holes concerning the accuracy send it by a slowly older train, worst lead by a American mercenary sponsored by a Russian General aiming for respawn a newest URSS already split, Brosnan is called from far off Daytona on Florida takes two schedule flight toward Germany team up with gorgeous Alexandra Paul a sort expert in guns, five language and so on, under the order of the big boss Patrick Stewart from U. N.'s security section against terrorism.
A sharp eye can see all juggling of the writer to fooled the less informed in those countless oddities along the journey of train, likewise in sleeping gas thrown on locomotive, all hijackers previously had gas masks, silly attempt, in the 10 miles tunnel on border of Swiss and Italy the wiser Patrick Stewart has a brainy idea to cut off a small section of a rail train in order to stuck the train inside the tunnel, it wouldn't be easy explode it there, nobody could fix it whatsoever, well we have to stand such foolish thing, and about the countdown bomb, if you guessed that Brosnan will cut all wires on last second before the blasting you is a true genius, in other hand even the far-fetched storyline the picture hold the viewer at chair awake.
Thanks for reading.
First watch: 2023 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 4.